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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Oq!.r-Buildcr D@lsrrion <br />I l'.Eby iffim undd pcn.lty or pdjury $d I d cxnpr folm th? ConEero6' Llccns. L.w lor rh. loltowins rclon (i@.?ot I J BNinq <br />ud Prcfadon Cod.)r A.y City d Colri/ vhi.h Eluird ! pmit ro coNEuct, !tcr, improv., d.molilh or r.prjr 6y ,rruclrc, prior !o lrs <br />is5uec., slso r.qqta rh. +pli6! f6 toch Fmn io nt. . risn.d lr.rcnor rhar h. or sh. i! ri@ed puBrer to th. Frovirioi of $.. <br />co''&tq! Licd.d t v (qt.pl4 9, CoMocirg wid Serioo 7000 of Division 3 of $c Buins od prorqiioDr Cod.) or rhd hc s <br />shc i! d6pl rhaftoo ud rhc bait fo ric allc8cd qcnprio .Any viotdi@ of sccrid ?03 L5 by &y apptimr fs r plmit iubjccs irc <br />applicet lo . civil pcndty of noI nN dre fiv. hudr.d dolld (l5OO). <br />_1, a ow.a of rh. prop.ny, d Ey dploy.6 wnh w.gca a sol. cmp.'i.!ion. wilt do rhc wolk ud th. irrucu. i! ot inrcnd6d <br />or o$6.d fd sal. ( Scc.7044, BusinB! ud kofqlrions Cod! Th! Cofi-&!o* Licas. Llw ds no1!!Dty !o e oqd of$G propqry <br />*ho buildr or improvd dq@ni &d who doq srch wdt hielf or or tuougb nt o hd @n .nptoyc6, Drcvid.d rha,! luchinprovcnhlJ u. nor inlcadcd or olldcd for lalc Il h@dcr, th. buildinS o improvnar t sotd wi$in oi; y;of @hpt.rioi, tio <br />Ownd-Buildd will hav. thc burdd of provins 1hsr h. tr shc iol build ot imp.ov! for rh. p!Ao!. of s.l.). <br />_1, 6 oMa of dc rop6ty. m qcl$ cmh&ting with licrE.d @nlr.croB ro consEucr ri,r ( Sa 70a4, BBin6r -dPrcfesid corL: T!! CmEr.rocr Li.tu. Lrw doq not apply ro e oMa orprcpqry who buil& d iDploya tha.on, dwho <br />conrdr for such prcj@lt wirh i coio-&ro(s) li6@d p!6u&r to rhc cdE cto.r Ltosc Law ) <br />_I a cxnPt 6d!r S.ctior .B & l.C. ld lnis r6on <br />D.i. oMs <br />WOEI<ERS COMPENSATION DECLARATION <br />I alfim mda p.nllty oi pdjury onc ol th. followil8 d.cla.rioot: <br />_l dd will mainiain I of Cotu. to S.lalnsuE for work6, cohp.nialim, s pDvid.d torby S.crim tToo ofrhc <br />L.bor Cod., for th. pcrform&e oft. wo* fn which th. p.trfrit k issucd. <br />_Inarc d will m.i.t.i. wntaC cmpo!.ri@ lNur&c., s !.quir.! by S@lioi ]TOO of rhc L:bo. Cod.. tor $c p.rfmuco of th. <br />wo.t 16 which $is t6mi li isiucd My ydt6' @hpc$!li6 itrsufuc. cdid Md policy numbo s. <br />Polic) Numb.r _EiDtr6. <br />(This Ecrion n..d .ot b. MplcGd if th. p@n G for onc hundcd dolt6 {s I oo) d t6) <br />_l ccniry $.! ii lhc pafomuc. of th? worl for which thi! !!mil h issucd" I shall nd.mptoy ey p.tson in my me.as6 s tob.coa rubFo to thc *ota ' l.q of Califomia &d .gr* ord if I should b.comc subjar !o rh. ;dk.6' <br />compft.tion proisiotu of S@tio 3700 ol th. Labor Cod., I 6h.ll, ionhvirrr conpty vnh ih6c proyisions . <br />WAXNING Failrc ro !e!r. wdk6' cmp$srion covdrg. i! lnhwful. &d shstl subj@t e.mploy.r to dihinrl paatri6 ud civit <br />finc! up ro o? hudEd lhoudd dolls (SIoo,om),in ddition [o tnc csr orcomp!.s!do;. d 's; 6 p.ovidcd rd thq Sqdioi 1076 ot <br />dr. kbd Cod., i.rrrd &d .nmcyk (dc!. <br />LICENSED COI{TITACTORS DECLAX,{TION <br />I h@by .flio und.r p6aly of po!!., r!.l I M lichlcd un.Lr p.oviri@ of Chipta 9 GoBmaci.g wirh S.dion Tooo) of Dvisio. I of <br />rh! Buin6s &d Prcfotiqs Cod., md hy lic4. t in lull fdcc dd <br />CONSTNUCTION LE\'DING AGENCY <br />I h!.cb, .ffim sdd of pajury rh.r th@ ir ! @srucri6 t6dir8 {.rcy for rhc pdf@ec. of dr. pdk ro, which $k pmn is <br />issu.d (Sec 109?, Civ. C) <br />AI'PLICANT'S D'CLAIIATION <br />Dcmolinon PcmiB-arb6ro! Norificalor l?d@l R.tulrio (Tirtc 40, Pd 6) <br />_R.quircd L.ncr of Notificlrio. <br />_l c.nify dd th. f.<bral E8u.tio rcgddir8 sb6ro! rcmoval dc not appli@bl. ro tht <br />_ I c.rtify $.t I h.v. rcrd tlir rppliclrio sd rl,t. rhlt thc lbovc i.foft.don t corat I 6tr. b compty wilh .lt City ud Coo.tytrdine6 ed Slar. Llwt-rcl.rirg to bdldina @ructior &d hdby {thdia .crrd.rr..iE of 6ir Cily 6d Coury to @!0, upon $..bov. t@lion..l p.op.ny fd iNF.tion purp66. <br />d <br />Site.Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />trATIF itru <br />Rough rronl , ot0 <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL 1,556,667 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />o", .<-*/a /a.( c-r.*o., <br />-- <br />ti zt-- <br />It4eter Release <br />iAMC 8-43, 2S