<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bondi / Grounding / UFER
<br />Torquing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Meter Release ExPrp FN
<br />Rough FEBOI 20ts
<br />Service Meter c,
<br />FINAL
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />Oqd-Buildd Dcclfrlion
<br />I hmby afiim undd p.,alry of Fju.y that I d qcnpl fom lhc CorFeb6 Licm. l:* fm $. aouo*in8 .6on Ga 7o3l 5 Bsin6
<br />&d Prcf.$ior Codc): Any Ciry or Cou.ry {hich Equic s pcmit lo conslrucl, all(, ihprcvc, dmolish tr Ep.i, d, rrncrw, prio. ro iE
<br />hsumc.. .lso Equn6 tc applicet for such pmn ro filc . !ig.d slardot lhal h. or 3hc i! liens.d plBuat ro tnc provisions of tn.
<br />CaEeru\ Lica3.d L.w (Ch.pcr 9, Cmh.ncinS wirh S@lim 7000 of Divirion 3 of dE Asio6 dd Profeios CodO d lhal h. o
<br />rhc is dmpr l]1ftiim dd th. bsis ftr th. all.Scd .x6prio Any violarion ofs€cnon r03l.5 by dy.pplicdr lor a Fmir subjcr.0r
<br />appli@lto a civil paalty of not ltlm thM 6v.hu.drcddolla (1500).
<br />l, 6 ow.d of 6. FoFny, o my mploy.6 *i!h *as6 c rhcir 5ol. .omp.ns.rior, will do ln. *ork &d rnc slrude G nol irhd.d
<br />or o,f.r.d fo sal. ( S.c 7044, B6in6s ed Prof6sims cod.: Tb. Contdcror,i Licds. Laq dB nol lpply ro d own6 of th. prcp.rv
<br />*ho builds d imFov6 rh.@n, ed who dG sud *dl hitucla d nmdf or throush his d hd dn dployc, D,ovid.d th such
<br />ihprovmda ft.otinrad.d or off.Ed lds.lc.ll hoy€r.r, th. buildinS or improv.mdr ir sold vi$in onc ysofcomptcnn, rh.
<br />Ownd Buildo *ill h8v. thc burds of proving thd hc or sh. nol build o, imprcvc for rh. purpcc ofsal.)
<br />_1.6 ownd of6. prop.ny, M.,.l6iycly @ntr&ting *i$ licas.d conftc(G ro c@st lcl tnc prcjd ( Se 7044, ANin6s dd
<br />ProLssion Cod.r Tnc CoErcrtr'r Licar Lie doe nol apply to u om6 ofpropqty who buitris €r inpovd fi@o . &d who
<br />mbacrs lo such projd! wnh o Conrr&to(, liE.$d pu6uo1 ro lhc Conhcltrt Lia.s. ke.)
<br />_l u .xmpt undr Seaor ,B & P C ld $is lcdon
<br />I h.r.by sltm mda F.alry of Frjui, o& of lh. following &.ld{ionrl
<br />_l havc ed will mjf,tdf, a C.nificai. olconsdt to Scl nsur. for wolk.E cmp.nsalion. 6 Drcvid.d for by Sdrion ITOO of th.
<br />ljbor Cod., a6 th. pofmtue of thc work for which rhc Fnn i. i$ucd
<br />I h!v. dd ,ill hri.llin wst6' @mpa.do, iNur&cc, s EquiEd by Scctic 3?OO of ih! t bo. Codc, fd $. Frf@e@ of rn.wdl ld phich $is Fmir is isucd My w6t6' mpcnslrion inruMe 6id e.l policy .mbd s.
<br />Poli.y Nuhb.r _Dxpn6(ThrFnon n..d not b. ffpl.r.d ia th. p.m i! fq On. hun&.ddolle iltOolorlBsr
<br />,z l ccnrfy lhd in fic pqfoll]Bc. of rh. *o* fd wh'ch ltris F6rnn is isu.4 I shall nd.mproy &y p.Bon in uy mdne so 6 ro
<br />b€m. subjKl lo tn. *od(6 c@pcnsatid laE ofC.lifomi4 dd.sE? t.r ial should bccotu ibjer b lh. wdkc6'
<br />conp..sario. ploGions ofScclion r?00ofrh. L,bor Cod.. I sh3l I, fonhwnn comply wid thG. provisioB
<br />WARNING: F.jlur. ro reu.. wo.kd' cnpderior 6vaa. is u.lawful, dd ihsll 3ubJd e nployd to gimind partti6 6d .ivit
<br />fin6 up to on. hundrcd $o6dd doll4 (3100,000),in addiiio tolll.6lof .onpm. d, {hmg6 s provi.Ld fd 0r Scctio t076 of
<br />rh. L$or Codc, inlcrBl d anm.y's f.6
<br />I h@by alfim urd6 p.nalry of pfjuy 6al I m li6sd undd prcvision of Cnapt r 9 (comm@cing *i$ S.clion TOoo) of Division 3 of
<br />lh. B6irs ed Prof6si@ Cod., ud ny licdsc ir in aull fo@ dd .fiel
<br />I I'dby !,fim udd poJt, of Fjury rh.l thd n . @Btrucd@ Iadii8 .racy fd rh. p.rf(maB of lh. wdt f6 which dir pdnir ir
<br />isucd(Se.1097, Civ. C)
<br />Ddolilio P.mileArb6l6 Norill@aon F.d.ral R.gllarionr (Tidc 40. Pan 6)
<br />_ RcqoiEd Lcn., ofNodlicarion
<br />fy tnd tn. a.doal rsulatids r.8.rding sbei6 Ehovd &. not appliBbl. ro thir prcj.cr
<br />cariry lhat I h.v. Ead this .pplicrid ed set. d'd rh. .boy. i.f6mrioi is .6dt t agre ro comply wil]j att City ed Centy
<br />ddindcd ud Stal. L.$ r.hrin8 ro buildin8 @Nhction, ed h4b, adnoia rp.6oradv6 of lhir City Md Counly to drr upor rh.
<br />abovc ncnno.d prcp.ny aor insp..rion pdip66
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Transformers