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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS Oqd-Builds Deldatid <br />I hdcby afiim undcr pdElly of Frjury thar I m cxmo fm tlr ConE croE Lieie Llw for $c followine Bon (s*.70r15 Buines <br />dd Prcfdion codc): Aiy City d C@ty which rcquiG ! Fmn ro cosnucq al6, improvc, ddrolish or rcpair d, srrucIuE. Fior ro iL! <br />i$!ec., also Equt s th. .ppli6r aor suct Fmit lo 61. a lign.d s6t@.d thd t. q in. ii li.6.d psudr ro dE protnid3 of th. <br />CoE&tols Lims.d ti* (Chsprcr 9, Cmmddns wirh S.ctior ?000 of Divirion 3 ol thc Buins &d PrclsioB Cod.) 6 Oal hc d <br />ih. i! .xdpr th.Eftom Md th. bais fd ih. .ll.B.d adprio, Any violadon of Salion ?03 LI by ey fo a ponn subjeB thc <br />arpli@r lo a citil t nalry of no{ m@ ina 6vc hundcd doll6 (1500) <br />,, a oMcr or ttc Fopcny, or fty @ployc6 witn uas6 s lhcir solc @mFosalion, will do lhc {ork ud thc strutur. is oot i.tddcd <br />or olrdd fc sal. ( S.c 7044, ABin6 dd Prcf6siom Cod.: Thc Cdh.t6r's Licds. rl* do6 .d .pply to tu oMcr of thc prcp.dy <br />whobuild5 q inFov6 thd.@, da who dG iuch wd* hiru.lf 6h6clf or thrcugh his or ha owr mployci providcd th such <br />ihp,ovmdti e nor inrcndcd or oflocd ld sglc Il hov.vd, th. building tr ihprovh.nt i3 sold virhin o.. ycd of cmpl..on, $c <br />Own€rBuild€r will hav. lh. burdd of Foving that h. tr sh. not build or inprcv. ftr $. purpc. ofsalc) <br />_I, a o*or olti. prop.ty. @nrr&tins vnh lcdcd* 10 co.stucr $c ( S.c 70a4, Bsin6 dd <br />Prof65i6 Cod.: Thc Conitrroar Li.G. taw dc not arply ro & o*nd ol propdty *ho builds or ihp.ov€ lhaq , Md who <br />conb-&E ftr such projccB widr s Conr.ero(, licds.d puBurt to rh. Conl!&ror'5 Licms. L.w ) <br />Id.x.nptundf S.clion ,B &PC ftrlhis rcson <br />WOf,,(ERS COMPENSAT'ION Df, CLARATION <br />I hftby rflim und.r plnaliy of p.dury o.. oa thl aollowing delmti@ <br />_l havc ud will mlinrain !C.rtifiet of CNmt to S.lfiNurc for wtrk6' mPcns.rion, e Fovid.d for by S6ri@ l70O ofth. <br />Ldor Cod.. ror t6. Frf(xrue of t. *o{ fo. which ln. pnmn b isu.d <br />_l hav. dd vili hainlain w6t.Rr comp.nsation iNu@cq 6 rcquncd by Scclion 3?00 of lh. Lalor Cod., aor th. p.rfmdcc ol thc <br />*orl for which lhis pcrnit is isucd My vorkm' @mp.n*tio insursc. trid ed policy Nmb.r !r. <br />PolicyNnnb.r Expt6 _ <br />(This sdtion nc.d oor h. @oplctd ifth. Fmn is aor Onc hun&.d dollm lllo0) or 16, <br />_l cdify th.t in fic p6fomuc. of thc work ae shich is pmn is i$u.d, I sh.ll nor .nploy ey pss@ in dy mdnq so 6 ro <br />b.le. subj.d io th. wod.6 conFosation lasolcalifomia, dd agrr rh.tilI should b.comc subjd to rh. wek6' <br />comp.nsarion prcvisions ofSEdon 3700 oath. L.bor Cod.,I shrll, forlhwnh comply vilh thor. pDvirions. <br />.<-za,/ad <br />WARNING: Failur€ lo sdurc w*k6'mFnelid covdag. i! onla*f!|, ed sh.ll subjdt m mployd ro dininrl p.nalt6 dd civil <br />fin6 up to oo. hun&.d thoudd doll6 {$ 100.000),in addition b th. cmi of comp.nsario., damaEd s provid.d for $c S&tion !0?6 of <br />$c Labo. Cod., int r6t dd artn.y s fG <br />LICENSED CONTRACTORSDECI-ARA.TION <br />I affim undd p.nalty of pajury lh.r I m li6sd u.dd FDvisim of ClEfld 9 (cmncinS with S.cron 7000) of Divirid 3 of <br />thc Buinds ud Prcfsions Cod., sd my licft. i5 ih aull foe ad .flccr <br />-f- rz2,/ <br />colsrBlcuar_tElD.ryclcErcr <br />I hcrcby atfim u.d.r paalry of p.rjury that fiq. h o constructio ladins lsdcy for rh. p.rf(mMe of rh. *trt fd *hich .hk Fmn is <br />issucd (S( 1097, Civ C) <br />APPLICANT'S DECLARAIION <br />Dcoolirio Pcmi6-Aib6los Noilic.lio Fcddal R.guldions (Tnt 40, Pln 6) <br />_ R.quiEd tlnn of NotifiqliM <br />I ccnify th lhc fcddal rcgulaions rcgd.lin8 Bbqios r.moval m not 1o thir <br />- <br />I c.,tt fiar I hav! rad ihis arpliaton dd sbtc lhar lhc abov. inaomslion is € I asre ro comply *irh .ll Ciry dd Cenry <br />ddiDscd ad Slar. L5ws rclatinS ro buildin8 @Btrlction. ed h@b, adldi& rcpr&nlative of lhis City od Counry 10 dlcr upo th. <br />obovc matio.d prop.ny for insp..tion puDG6 <br />/ <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torquing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release EYDII rED <br />Rough FFB ll I 20:s <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL SAMI/ o-'+o' z <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc