<br />()\\ \t R Bl tI k r)rr ( rR r r t()\Iha!l,rltmui{,qFEt}orFjur)rhrImn.nFtoDth.(onEt6LioEl^6,rh.f6lL*i,Br..a!(SdTOltj
<br />Bu!i.6i el P,at*ion Cod.) Ary C y or (o!d, whkh r.quG i Fnn to coGlto<t, rhq. imFole .kmliht'ld .i!
<br />slru(@ Fxv ro ir! iseq i!. rcA{nd rh. +plkd aor iuch Fnit k' lil. ! liE.rd ndd6r lhd lE or ilr a lroE d }idd
<br />ro llE F$ird ol dE Linrrl t * (ci4rq 9. Comtri.s {nh Sdiln 7o0O .l DirLion r of rlE &BitB hrt
<br />Piof*irn! ( od.) or thd h. or JE ir dmF rhsdron Md lh. hGb f.r th. llks.n dmFhn A., vrlrtion ofs..ibn 7l)1 1 .5 t'r .ny
<br />applt.fl forrp6hil bjdtslh!.p?,es(lt00).
<br />l, I osc olrh. I'nFny, r my ophrc \irh $d!6 n rhtu e,r. $mp..erion. tritt(l.) ttE $olt sd trE rntle ! mr
<br />ir od.d or ofli.d aor $k ( S< 70.14. Bmin* dd Pre t6iioN ('odc Ih.(onk.dois ll$ {b6 n.! ,pd! ro m .trrc ot
<br />rh.Ftd! \ ho trilir s inF..\6 E@ !d $ls &E rh trllt hn*lror h.r*l,or rhoush hir.r lE orn mph!€,
<br />Fn\ iJ.rt rh.t irch inl,.rilrd. ft mr -idn d or ofis.d tu et lt lF{66. rlE htildl.ll or iqfrrffi ir hld snh'n oE )r
<br />of compldion, lh. o$ n6 lhildd $ill hat! rhc h&Ln ot pro\ in* rld h. or nE lij frrr hild .r 'rvrn( rh. rrepory aor Oc rrurrrs ot
<br />l, aoEE oflh. lntdy, m.rclBivcl' coir.cti.s $nh li(6E d.onrftdoFfu cointud rh. (S(. 7uit. Bu$n<
<br />.r'd hnisia Co& th.Co Blois I t6* Llw rhi6 mtitrllro e.trnd otro!<rr sho trildr or imDA6thd(n,
<br />.nd *llo oddr tr, 3(t Fnin. $ith ! Connon, lt.Ed r!6rd io ilE ( otutrd'r LirM tA )
<br />lmrcr.o, und.r Sdlion
<br />D.r. ()in.r
<br />naaKf,Eli:(aNfl:lsall(,!Df( l .tIAlt{!n
<br />I h-.h a!li,arundd p.mhr of FiuD okof rh. follN'nr &rlr{i)r.
<br />Ihav.dld$illroihrrinr(orifi.d..a(ongrlos.lf-lN!r.aortrorrds.omFNalion.a Intr iln lor by sdr irn l70o o i th.
<br />lit (-od.. d rh. Flolffic o r tlE tr{ll f( \ hih rlE pannn is isodl
<br />I ha\. dnd * ill ,rai.lain \rorln' comF.^Biion iNurarcc. N ratutrcLl h! S(l ion t7(r(r oI rh. l,.ltn ( od., for rhc psrnrnm.. or
<br />rh. rrrr tor nhrh
<br />'hir Fnn ir so.d rib trortd str9osan iN,.r. cuir rx, Irnk! "umtq r.
<br />V
<br />l.difi rh.' in thc tsli{tunc. of th. \k for $hi.h rhi lFmir 'r Bsu.i. I rh:ll nol .Dpk,) an\ Iwn in an\ mun6
<br />e !ro tE6m 3ut*d h rh. $.rt@ oftF6dnn hus.f(-tlitomi.. ud.Cr rhd if I nNB hdoE $t!d r. rlE
<br />uortsl comFMkrn Fo\bioB ofsdi.n !70oollh.l (ir&. I rldl. adhsnh omrly \hh rhor po\6ioB
<br />.t. k unl6\1,1. and rhall tuhi(r !n o$lots
<br />l. r. rdnir. ro rh..or 6ac.
<br />I h@b) tlfm undq rFrhy o f Fjury thi I m li..rql !nd< trlvi'tui of Chqnc c {conhftiis with S.dhn 70@) of Dn iri]I !
<br />ot lh. BBilld ad PhiBim ( od.. ixl ny li.c it in tull nne nl
<br />I h*h} .mrm undn Frhv ol Fjury rhlr thsc G . conrE.inn k dins i$fty f.r rh. F lomN. of rh. { orl lor $ hi.h rhn Fnh n
<br />is.u.{ (s( ]lr7.Cn ( )
<br />attttcA&j-l)E(t aEaIIQ!
<br />I fidrh lilm un}.. FEh v of Fju t.' om or rlE folhr '.s &rh,rr ionr
<br />D.molirhn Pdmtu-Ast8r.s F.dn.l Rcluktioni (f nlc.l0. I'd6)
<br />R.qun.J l.dh of r&{iakdir
<br />I cFriry riir th. t drolEruhions rqtudin8.ilsrr rono\nlarc n.l nfirliriNc to thtr
<br />I cdily rhd I h,r. rad rht q'?rs.rion ,n rr.rc rh, fi. rh\. rn fotu$n k c.nd I lsrc ro omd, $irh.llca,
<br />odininrF.nd Sr . 1..{s rtlar'd! n, htr nB.oEirudn,n. el h6.1,, htriz. r.rrMrdi!6 of rhh ('il, Md (i'un'y
<br />rborr nmtion d rtDd!} Ior iBr..r
<br />.\pplicrnl or A*mr Si*nin're
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenUl nsulation
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Frami ng
<br />ln sula tion/E nerg y
<br />Drylvall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />N4 asonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handica Re
<br />Final ReDe rt
<br />En ineer Final Re ort
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />FINAL r4uza 'L /s/
<br />Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks Etc
<br />L/z7m1)
<br />.l, &I( lorlhtr.a$n
<br />'{6---7-
<br />Roof Sheathino