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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.OWNER BUILDER DELCAI'ATION <br />I lF€by arun und6 pLnalr, of perjnry ih.l I m cx.nrpl lio'n lhc conractoB' Li..nse titr fo! thc fouowins i.en (Sc.7011.5 <br />Busin6s md Prufcsiotr Codc): Any Cny or Counly *hich rqute . pd'nit ro co6trucl, 6116, inprolc, ddolish or rcp.n uy <br />slrucrurc. prior to ils issuecc, als. r.qun6 rh. alplic@t for surh !.flnil to fil€ 3 sisn.d $6rdbd rhal hc or st. b licascd p6udl <br />ro rhc provtioN ofthe Conlrlclois Liccnt€d ,jrv (Chaol6 9. Co'n,ncn in8 wilh S{lion 7000 olDivision I oathe Bosins ed <br />Prctsions Codc) or Fr h€orshe 6.x.frpr ihd.fiom md th. bsis Lr th. all.g.d cx@prion An,violarionofs.clion70115by.ny <br />applic.nt lor subjalsrh€ applicant ro.cnilp.naltyofool mor.rhd nv.hun&eddollss(5t00). <br />l. N omcr of rhc p,opsly, or n, @plot€ vnh Nas6 6 lh.n $i. cohpos.lion vill do thc work sxl $. n,ud@ b nol <br />inrodcd or orcr.d fDi saL (Se.7044. 86i.6 Md Poa6ioc Codq Tb. co.trcclols Licffi Larv do6 ooI eply ro d olhd of <br />rh. !mp.n) u,ho build! or iiwov6 than, ad s ho &6 $ch "!ft hnNclf or hmlf or lhbugh his or hd om e,nplor.B, <br />pro!'ded rhar such i,nFormars e mt inlod.d o. oF6.d fo. slc ll ho\r6<. r,ts boildinS o! qrc!.'6l i. $ld wilhit onc yw <br />ofco'n ldion. rfic Oin6 Buil&r q'iu iarc lh€ bddo ofFovins that he or shc did ml tuild or inpmr. fic popqty aor lh. FrIo* of <br />l. 6 orvn6 ollhc Fopcly. an cx.lusilcly co,tradins with li.eaed coit{tou to cl th€ rojd (SE. 7M4. B8ins <br />aftl Plofsbr Cod.i Tfi. Conlracr.r's L'cosc Law do6 nor itply ro m ownd o I propcny vho builds or inprcvBlhdNo. <br />and trho co.tacts loi $ch p.jds wilh a Contmclo(s) licosd plsual ro lheConltecloas Licc6c lrw) <br />I d.rcn6r undd sdrio. . B & PC forrhb rcson <br />Own..: <br />woRl(xns. coMrF{sATroN <br />DECIdEAIJ9N <br />I altm uod.r ,..rlt, ofpdjury on. oath. lollowins ddla.liore: <br />-l <br />hav. d eill minlsin a Ccrrifical. of Colgl lo SdfiBc. for wo.l6 @m9..!aiion. s prcvi.lcd for by Sdrio. 3?0o oalh. <br />Libor Cod.. for rn. pdaommc. of th. wor* for whict th. Fdil ir i!sr.d. <br />yl h*. and wrll mainroin * 6rk.B conpccarirn iNdmcc, s requi.d by Sdtion 1700 oalh. Labor Codc. lbr th. Ffom c.of <br />rhd $or k lor \vhich lhis pemit is isued My *orlss <br />Zt)'^nw Ayw/Y\ <br />\N(t)/tthl 4l(K tq <br />t cedi& lhal in lhc prfomanc. ofthc work for Bhich this p6mn is issu€d, I shall .ot mploy any !.6on in dy 6Ma <br />so dlo be.omc rubjd ro rheso d'o,rp6s.lion losofcalifonia &d,!rd lhol ia| should beoe sobjdt toth€ <br />*o 6' srp.@rion prottios oa Sd ion l?00 oflh. kbo, Codq I shall. fonhwilh conply virh rhoe PovGioN.. <br />\\ARNIN(: triluc h s.ctrre ro.kri..mpcnq(nn, (\.rrgr is nlawful. and shall sulidl & mployd lo oiminal Il6ahk! tud <br />civ,l up ro on. hundrcd thousdd doll6 ($100,000), n ion. dmaa6 6 provid.d ,!r rh. <br />I hftby amrm uod€r p@1ry oaFjury ihal I m lic.&n und( Fovrsion ot Chaprs 9 (conmdcias $'irh S..rion 70001 oi Division l <br />ol rhcBsinN d Prcf€ssiore Cod.. aij m,|i.tu. i. in aullaorc.udc0i.l. <br />t?1v??+za,.,. rtlr lt7 ."",,","., Utu) tErt\Aa,vz-r\wc. <br />coll[8]/cuolLlElDjxc-acDlcl <br />I orm undr Dd8.lly of pojliy rhn d,c is a coNocrior kodins tedc, fot th. Pdfomdcc olfi. erk tu vhich lhi! Fnn is <br />i$u.d(36. 1097, Civ. C.). <br />trnds s Addrs <br />AITI.ICANLDECIAAAIIAd <br />I lsrby.trm urds Dqah y ot prjury on€ of lh. followinB ddl{alions: <br />Dmolhion PamiteAsb6ros Norificrtio. F.d6.l R.g arions (Tillc 40. P6l6) <br />R€quted kl( of Nolificaion <br />-l <br />cdily rhar rh. acddal rc8ulalio6 resedms db€ros r€doval e nor applicable to tha prej..t <br />I .6iify lhd I halc rod this applEarion &d infomdion is cor€.l. I lsrd ro .onply wi$ all Cily a.d Co, y <br />ordindn.s dnd s(.rc li\rs rclaring ro build,n!rcpr6orarir6 ollhis Cit, md Counly lu drd uPon rh€ <br />abovc morio!.d popdly aor <br />ADoli.ant or Aqcnt Sisn!n,rc <br />W*z.vt,'n"*n* *." ron*r' .J A-l)/'l U <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />It4eter Release <br />Rough <br />Service lvleter ruilt,)z ///,rle <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />COMMENTS <br />se.rrcn 1076 ofrhc inidd andanorney's <br />r,.,.: rll rlt4t <br />-_T-r- <br />^.. rlt l@ <br />FINAL