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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDETI DEI-CARAI'ION <br />I hdeb, altrfln und.r p.nahy of p.,jury lh,l I d 6on lhe CortEcros l-ic.ns. Law lor lhc aollowing rcN. (Ss 7011.5 <br />Itusin6s ad Prefsion Codc): Any Cily or Couf,ty {hich r.qui6 a IFn( lo coNrud, .1t6, imprcve ddoltsh or Ep.n anv <br />srrucruc lru 16 ns isu&... .]so r€qun6 th. applicd ror such pdnil ro 6lc t sisn.rl nnoc $a h. or slE is lic.ccd pusel <br />ro rhe Fovisiom olrhc Conl.ocroii Lic..s.d Ijw (Cnapl6 9. Comm.ncins rirh scrio! 7000 of Divis'on I ofth. Busins dd <br />Prcrsions Code) or rhar h. or shc t cxcmpt lhq.lion ud lhc barG ld rh. allcS.J .rop{ion A.y violariohofs..lion ?011.5 bvdv <br />applicant aor a p.f,nil subjcclslhe applic.nlloacivilpenahyofnotmor€ln iive bundr.d dolles ($500). <br />-1. <br />es osr6 oflh. FoFny, or my cmplo)€6 wilfi war6 6 lhcn sb comPeGdion. rvill & lh. Nork ,nd rh. iru]w is ml <br />inrad.d or ord.d for sle (Sc.?044, B*in* od ProasioB Codc Th. Codracroa s Lic6. tls .L6 nol lpply lo e osd of <br />rhc popqry who buil& or inpmvB rh6En. ed s'ho do6 such *ort hinsdl o. hddf or rtousn iis or hft o*n .flrployc6, <br />provid.d thor such i'trpolE@s d. nor inr.nd.d ff ordld tor elc. lf, how*s, !h. tuildinB or imr.ov@r is $ld wnnh onc )@ <br />of.ompleliotr rhe OwnB Build6 will ha* rh. htrdo ofp oving td h. or shc did nol build or ihpr.k tn€ Fopdy lor rh. prFos of <br />-1, <br />s ow.d offi. Fiopdr. m €xcluively .onlr!c1ins wilh li.6*d contacloB to cocrtucr lh. projd (56. 7044, BBinG <br />snd PNtcsshn Codc 'rh. Conl$clol s Lic.nsc Law do6 flot apply lo d o{ts of propeny who builds or inprols lh6o. <br />dd qho codracts tor such pDj€crs wilh a Coor6clo(s) licNd porsuanl lo th. conhdols Licmc Law). <br />laD.\.n,nr rnnc. sccrnn, .ll & r'( tur r[ s '.rnri <br />Dstc o$n€r <br />!118tr!8J..lg!il8E!S !A! <br />DECtdXAUt)! <br />I hdc6y 0iltrD u.d6 p€n.hy of pEjury onc of rh. followin8 ddlTatio6: <br />-l <br />luv. {ul will ,@i.rain r c.nifEsr. of Co66l lo Sclf-lcuc ror lotkqt e.D.neri6n, d potid.d aor by Sdion 1700 6flh. <br />ttbor Cod.. lor rh. p6lommc. ollhc worl for which lh. p@il ir i.lucd <br />I havca.d Nill mai ain *o*€.J .onp.6alion i6ua.c.. e r€qut d by Scr io. 1700 ofrh. tjbor Codq for $. pdfommcc ol <br />lhc mrt for rhti rhis pcrftil is is@t My mrka! conpaqiofl iNur*c c&nd .rxl poli.y nunbd 6c: <br />PolicyNunb.r ErPt6: <br />I c.aify lhal ir rhc prfonmc. oirn. work aor which ths pcrdil i rsued.Ishallnor qploy ey pden i, or rI nE <br />o ns kJ Ldon€ $bjsl lo lhc rcrl6' compota io. lass of Califomi., md asre lhal il I shorld b..o,n€ subj{l lo lhc <br />woids' .orpm,rior psvisioB orscclion 1700oarh. Labor cod., I shall. fonlwnh.ompl, rvirh thoE prcvisioc <br />WARNING: Failue to su. vork6' conpsEdion 6vcEC. i5 unLwtul. ed shall $bjd d anploF to oiniMl Fuhi6 md <br />civil n.6 up io on. hundr.d rhoMd dolld ($IOO.OOO), in addhion lo lh. cos olconp.Mrion. dosa6 a ptovia.n a.r rh. <br />s€crion 3076 olrhc Lahor cod., im66t md lnorncy i l€. <br />DEqIdaAIIO! <br />I hftb, amir nndd p.n.lly of p.rjuy lhat I @ lic@sd u.dd lmvision otchafld 9 (co'macin8 wilh Se.lion 7000) .r Divili.r 1 <br />ol rhc BNinB a(i Pbf6ioN Cod., and 6y 6 i. aull aore ed er€l <br />L:ccDc\um'.o <br />."",."",".( <br />CONSTRUCTION I FNDIN(: ACTNCY <br />I fi@by ailm mdcryorlty ofp.rlu.y lhrt lh6c is a conslruclion lading agmcy for lhc pqfoms.. of th. *ork for whi.h lns pami ! <br />issu.d (Sd. 1097, Civ C). <br />APPI,ICANT DI1CI,AEATION <br />I hd6! allmn utrds poshy ol pd.jury o.. oafi. aollowinS d€leol ions <br />D.nol ion PnmnsAsbctos Nolilic.lion F.d@l R.sublioG lTill.40, Parl6) <br />R.qrn.d L.lla of Noiificatbn <br />_l cqlily rh? rhc l€ddal r+rlatioN rcBadins 6b6los rdovd Ec nor .pp <br />_l cdily rhar I hrv< red thb applimtion dd sklc comply wilh allcnyand cou.ry <br />ordinancs dd Star€ l-a*s rclati.g lo buildin8 <br />above prcp.ny tor <br /> ppli.rnt or Agcnt Sign.tur€ <br />V , <br />I <br />TUE:" <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />lt/eter Release <br />Rough <br />Service [/eter I <br />FINAL 2-//r//4 <br />^Notes, Remarks, Etc z--A/l <br />Drt.:_ <br />L.oJeir Nime <br />- <br />I cnJcr s \,1.!6.- <br />--------r------