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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR HECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNEN'UILDET DELCARAT()N <br />I lIdry rrrm sndcr Fd[v tr Firy lh.l I d.i.'r+ fron ttr C. rdou liw trr t(tr rlE foli'*ii! Een Isdl7l:ll'r <br />Burircs !d Pmr.nrm Crn ) Any Cny or (iiudy rhth rcquLfl . Fr, k' 6mM. .ls introE. &tuliih or r'Fn uv <br />n dm. Fir to irr n\lrre, d$ Equir( rlf trPli'n! lor 3xi Fmir r. rik r rBtd rilcr lhn lE or ir ii liu€d ,itqd <br />n' rnc Ffl*irio.r o{ rtE Conr,s.ror's LkcnEd L!* (C-lEPrd 9. ColtmtinS *irh Salion 7@0 of Dirnn'. I or llE BNift< md <br />Pn'ic*k,6s Cdlc) or rhll lt$ {h. k.rcnpr lh.Eftrrd ud th. hlsh fn I h. .lk8.d .r.dfl ioo Anvviolilb.'lSalhn70'lI5bvonv <br />lplli..nt roraFrmil rubJ..k ltE {pliclnl rorcivil,Enrllyolnol turclhln nvc hodrcd dolL^ ( $500I <br />l. rs osrr ntilt ln,Fny. m{,loFl *nh w.!t! t! lh.n $b drrfrn{!-.. wiu & rlE k't "n llE (erm ir mr <br />id.oLd ry ordtJ rd rL (Sa 7(X4. BuriE.r.nd Pr 6raon Cdc TlE ( odrrn ! Littr* b* ds d'l {rlv ro u osF of <br />rlE F.Idy *ln l! d. ff i.trmB lh6un.,n *h, dB.r$ dt hiref or tNlto.llmuli hir d lE ou 'r'trk!r'6'r*"rrLd rh.r .Eh invmw.B G Bi insrk i, olI.Gl ft, $t li Lw. rlt hiuin8 d inFEEd k 5E wiinh m ld <br />;t$tI,Lrbtr x o*E Aui!6 will h.rt ttt hnrh orFrvitB rlEl lr.rrrE d nn hlld d inFDw llE fr'fdiv f'rtlE F Fxor <br />t, r\ourcrol rlr |[Irny,, rc\ctusnclyrDit!.rtrrlwiihl,cetr\cdronrn'.rtr(ki.o nrud rh. pnUccr(Sc( ,()r4 B"'in'( <br />!d lhf6\nn (ixlc -rn (l'nr nrtn s Li(cnr l du' (nq nr a 'ly h in or n.' ol floFnv wlxr bu ii& " '''Pflr wr ihcrcon' <br />rtul *ho onnldik,!u.hlroFk*irha(idtunrlr)!8]Punu nrrh.(irntr(,rIicctrrIN) <br />I rncrcnpr r kr s(t$n- <br />.}}l)Ealllsl!!.1lltillsllllJr! <br />ITES,ABAIAX <br />I hc'.byrllirmun(lcrFa lryol Fjrl!ryoncolrh.ftlk,$ rA,lc.hrari{,.\ <br />I h.v. &n sill mi.rain r C.nifrsr. of (i,nqhr (' scl( lnQrc tn $.lts (nrl'cn{ i(!.. ar Ji'vxicd ntr h, Ssrioo :l?(tl or rE <br />llhtrC.xk,li,rh Fnnltun. orrlE $rI nn $ttt rrE,Eml! ii nsudl <br />r eortdi sqf,nrri,n i..!nmc- .r Equt rl by ss-lin.l7(D of llE L.rni ( o&. nn rt- Fflmt of <br />)n i.{r*c (ir( .nl Jrlay Nmh.r e <br />pa"yn..w, €pl(.o t}(FP o*,-., [-Hl <br />-l <br />*nily rh4 in rlE Ffo.roBi.t rrE vo.k ntr ehth rhir Fm n nr!.d.1$oll mr.mpldv.nv F.rcn in'nvmnB <br />gr s h t {r ot,.d h llE *sts'otlltndbn L*r or Cllromir. !n.xN ii,r irI slnuld lE<lft shFr ln rlE <br />ro,tdi oirENr rr. F,v6irnr of S.cri,n l?(n or llE l,hr C.rL. I tlEll. fdhwirh 6tr+lv * nh 'L'' fmviins <br />an MyLFr ro diminrl Imlir r <br />(^rl lin.\ ulr n, on. hrtl'(,1 rhotr\tnJ dolln,\ illli <br />S.!ritm.11176fl rlr I!h (irl.. c'c{irlr 1,'f,\'\ <br />rhn. d$rs.r .r tmvil.d for rrr <br />?-311 l^Jrr<-Lt <br />DECIASAIIJ <br />I h.i.6y .JItrm unls Frhy or F4ury lhr I .n llin.n urtr Ftti!. ol oqlra 9 iollmEins *it,r sd i'n 7Ur) 'r r' irhn I <br />ol ,E aNirsr.rn PNt doG C-o&. rd my lic.c k h 6ill tor ! <br />, ..,..,,.*' C1O <br />,,"," 7-31"t <br />C,tr,tr,triN,,. . llstot"/,uxj- 9"1"'' <br />gNEISIT TQIU.EIDINU.TGBSL <br />I h.rty sfrrm unJs |iuxy ol trqury lh, rlEr. n . mnrlnxli. htdh! rScrv ror th Frf(,ffi ot rrE urk fri *nrh lhr Fm' ir <br />nrkn rs€ 1m7. crv c, <br /> Nlm <br />AIII.IIAILDESIJSAIIII! <br />t d'y .rm undd Fn.xy or IE Ury ot .r rlE roll]*ina d..lanl io.i <br />IlB,lirbn P6nih-A{E rr tkrianrion tu t.l R.Ft hr (TiL'l0 Pd6) <br />_R.qxitn trird ol Nria.dir. <br />rl,xr rtx lilc'rlrctulrr$n\rcErdnrr!!tinoir.trxrJarc k rn0lir <br />lt il)_ rhrr I hn\( r(i(lrl,r r I r3rlr Io..nrlly wnh trll ('ilyand Cottrrt <br />"1trmfr'cs <br />rftl Srlrc !r$irc\ orthrl ( iryifr, Cortrr, b cntd olx,n rh <br />}eoti,*W" <br />?--z-/r <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Lioht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Founlains <br />Sions (monument) <br />Life Satety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondino / Groundinq / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilinos (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />lr/eter Release <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL o/ z(/t1 F)d/z /lf <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Pole Bases