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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE IDiSIG.COMMENTS OWNAf, BUILDEi DELC RATION <br />I ha*r rlrm u.& Frr, of Fju,, thr I m aatrF t@ Oc Cdrrl(ld U.G L* for <br />'lE <br />followina 'Ern lsa ?oll 5 <br />BBind ud Profsion Co&): Any Cily or aounly *hkh r.!ut6 . p6dn lo oErrucl. ltE in9rcve ddmlah or lt,ln ey <br />rM@ Fi,r b it] isu4a llo rc+iE tlE +p].6t i, &ch Fnit ro 6L . it..d n.oen thr h. or dE a li.qE d FIre <br />ro fi. Fviriod ot lh. ('o.rrEbi Liat d tls (Clr4is 9. Connldirs *ih Sdni 7000 oa Diririon I of rlE B6irE !d <br />Prefsionr Cod.) or th!' h.orrn.t crdpt $s.fron Dd th.lEi for rhc il.lcd q@Fion Any vioLrio. ofs.dion 701I 5 by..l <br />.pplt,rn fo! r Fdni $bjdt! lh. .CplkDr ro . civil FuIy of mr mr. thar fit. hutxtr.d &llG (1500). <br />-1, <br />a om( ollh. FoFny, or nr.mplot6 wilh w!36 a rh.n $L {mFmdion. sill & tn. wdt !d llE dMrm i! ml <br />rnqd.d or otu fr rL tsa ?Ot l, Bui6 ed Pi$fdiod Co&r TIE r Li@ L.v dod mi 4rly to & o*c ot <br />llE FlFy *h. hill d irT.lB tlEq -d *,lD &s *n slt hi,Mllo. lE*lf or <br />'hruU3h <br />hi! c lE o*! @dq6. <br />Folidal thn iu.h itFo€iEfu G @' inrd.d dotfc.d 6r sL Ir. ho6q. dE LrildiB or !q.o€ir.d ir ild f,inin w rd <br />of@n9hbE llE (tE lruilda wil llE dE hrda! ot Fsving rhn h. or nE dil mt hild or irqDE 0r FDrcly 6r tlE FrFor ol <br />_L a o*G ofrhc FoF1y. d' conh!.rins wnn lic.B.d conrrlcloE ro snsrucr rh. pmjer (Sr 70{4, &4ii6!d Ptotsbdcod.: Tn. ( onr.dd t Lic.e t $ &6 @r rt?ly 16 a ow.6 of FoFry *h. build! or ioprcr6 rid6n. <br />ed *ho or tr! for tu.h Fq€rl $nh r Conlrrlt l!) lkdE d p{6!rn ro rh. ( odn.rnl Ltm L.wl. <br />_l d.rdF unds Sdhn_, B. ra P C ft'rfiir ren <br />D e Orn.r <br />]}atli[al:(gufl;!l II!.l!I&( llftmutrd6 petrrlr) ofpqur) oncorrhc ftni,*n,3 ddlflarions <br />_l h.r. rn r ill ruir.i! . Cdifrrr. olcoe h S.lf'lEu. lr *qld. Mp.@rih, B FDvit d tor Ly Sdn. l70o of lh. <br />,_29tsr ( odc ror rh. eqroffi orrh. srl rd lnkh <br />'lE Fnn i iBu.d <br />/ l,{h!,.!i*,llnmr.,i*o 6' (o.p.d6. j.4Eq s r.ql4d o:( S!.rion l7tl) oltlE ti.r ( od., for rlr Ffoffi. o, <br />'h. <br />*orl fo. shEh thn Fmn ir isrd. My url6 onFldrn Bn@.c!ry ri p.l(y dunba E <br />(A-t1 <br />/ wLtonborlo r1 <br />-l <br />c.nrt lhd ,n rlE FtulM. of lh€ uorl lo qhEh lhii pdmil ir inu.d I .ldl ml drloy ay F$n i. uy nUEs a!. tr.ohc st ..l ro rhc world onpoliion Lwt ofcalifomi4 & rha rf| druld b...8.3ubjcr to Ih. <br />mrtd.onpaqlionForiio6ofsdrio.1700ofrh.l.Iq(ineIrhrll.aonh*rhomplywihrhof,Fovi.ioB <br />lvAtNlNC lj.rlurc io Fu,c *ork6l cornrrNlnu i unL*{ul, Md shlll suhjdl e ophylr lo oiDinsl FDIi6 and <br />ctr1l fin6 up lo oE hu,&.d lhous.<l &116 (ll rn dnion !r th..or of loG d&!.86 B Fovacd fo' rh. <br />s.nhn 1076 olrh.ldo. (-ode i,r6cr Md .norEy t <br />2-/ ?-b /t 1c-- <br />I un& Fall, ol <br />DL(L \l{! I t()\ <br />Fjury rhd I d licasl und6 Fovtioo orchqis 9 (comtulcds s h scrsn <br />ol rtE lt$ilB 6d PrctdE6 ( orL. rn Er koe i! n tull fo' Crto 1? +{v <br />t,rr,4 ZLaq t\,' <br />({r]\\rRt( I(rN l.I. Nt)r\(:,1(:r. N( ,I <br />I hcd'y dlm un& F!h, of Fi!,, tbI thq. is . .o.rttudbn ladins '3Ct for tlE Fhl1!4. ot tlE sqt 6r <br />iqd {s€. 1097, ci!. c.) <br />AfIIJCAILIIECIJI.III]! <br />! hrrb, .lED uida po.It .f p6jury oE ot rlE blloNns &rlr,.ioB: <br />D.molition P6milr-Asb6tN Nolil'iclrhd t.dE.l R.guh'ion! (1 (1. 40, Pd6) <br />RolUEd ldlqolNiiftiir <br />-l <br />cdify rh, rh. f.ddn ,.8uLrioN ESidht ab.Id rm)yrl d. e ro thir <br />I cdrly rhd I hav. dd rhB rpplrcrrsn &d srirc rhar rh. ahor c rnfomr$n s cotr.d I arre ro comply w h all ( iry lnd ( ounry <br />od,@c6 a'd Sl!t.litr3 rcldiig con{nd6n. ed hd.6, .lth'roc EFd:nRll! ciry eDd ( ounty Io drd l4on rr. <br />!tF\ . nEibEn pmFn, fd <br />-,,L lzu 1 or.{9.!n Sitn./n\D4it- <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Flctory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />8s!'sh <br />Service lvleter <br />FINAL 7lq l4 .,/J 44 f5)ZoA <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />llidt AdltE <br />-