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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDEI DEI,('tRATION <br />I hqclr' l(rm urdr Fluty of Frur rhr I m 6oF nDm rh. Con..cldr' l-i..@ Ll* flr dE follo*iB @. (Sa 70ll 5 <br />&sind rn Profair co&): tuy Cny or C(dy *hth r4uir6 . Fn. k! @dM. .n6. nrFovc &tu1.h ot 4.i &, <br />tur Fir b hr slee .ho Equt6 rlE eplarr'r lor s.h Fmi to lik r run d niffil lhn lE o. .lE ir lkcs.d Ol,rd <br />ro rh. FtrliioN ot rlE conrr!.r(! Li6!.d lis (cnlprs e. cottlll1fting wnh s.(l6n 7000 of Dirnhn I of rh. Baio< .r( <br />PDaBion! Cod.) ot rh.l h. or th. i! ct@F rhacfon ed rh. b..! aor lh. .lk{.d .rmption Any viohrionofs..rbf,?0ll l byey <br />applic. lor ! p6iit ubjclsrh! rpplicmt ro . .ivil p@I y o f nor mor. th& fiv. hundrcd doll6 ($too) <br />L s osffi of rhc FoFry, or Ey dployd wirh u,rsd B rhd $L onFMion. *ill (l) tE *ul lrd llt dit1e i! N <br />nndrd.d o. o'Is.d for Ek (56 704{, BcitB ed rhlBi]B co&: Tt ao i<lr! l-t@ Lt do6 m' .prly h x ouE of <br />tlr FlFrr f,in t uil& or inslE thaor td s lF dE !f,n sln hnMr or ha*lf or rhmush tn G lE 06 dnpl6rB, <br />ForiLd rh,r r(h !hF$6Etftdi dLd cofird 6rrt l[ hor-s. rt hlru4 d i,ryod iild*ihhoE)d <br />otculpldia rtE ()sc ttitla fiI h,E dr. ha:t ofF.rnC fii h.or!h.dn d hild m !sor! ltlc FoFr, tf, rlE F,PG. of <br />-1, <br />s o|e ot rfi. Flpdtr-. m.r.lusi!.ly .o ..dins snh licdetl conttulor ro @drud tlE Ftj{< {se 7(xr, &Ein6 <br />ad Eoa6sbn(ird. I h. contrcioa! Lr.d3c L.w Jo6 nor .pply ro s oNnd o I propsly * no bu ildr or inpro!6 rhdsn. <br />and sno.onrc innluch l,ojcr. wirh ! (ii.rrdo(r) li.oed puBMr rolh.( onrrrcnr's l,icoEl!w) <br />I m cr.mpl un& S6lio. <br />DECIISAIT(,! <br />I .lrm un&t FuXy of Flory oE of rlE tolt'wrl &(ladioB <br />lha\celtrillnEinrardCdificar.df(olkrbs.lll6u.aortrorl.iconln.nslnn.6lro\d.dntrbysdrio.l700oflh. <br />bbor (-oJ., for rh.lEnil:1rm.of th.*oA aor shtrhln.psnil is iriucd <br />-lhav.andtrilltruinrlinw.*..6np.Nd6niNuriftc,erdtuircdbySation17cnollhct!Ix,.(od.,turh.Flomuc.ofth. Nrt tor whEh rhE pqrn n i$.d My po d! ror.FMio. iNrm. . ir ai Flicy nudbd ft,SCItr <br />P.ri.'N,.t- q lGa4O8 r.p,-o +lt.{[tr <br />Icdifyrhd in r h. rErfol1ffic oalhc so ntrtrhththiFn t NUd,I rhrll nor dpht.nyt<vr rn uy mu.d <br />s d h b.ro6. utJ(r kr rh. srtd'co,np.ndon l.$. of( rlifohi.. ed 6are rhrl ir I rhruld subjet xr th( <br />wo&d.dn{'6!arionprovisioNofSdnn:171r(rotthcIiborCodeIshall.tonh{ilh.onFl,sithrhoepmvilnrN. <br />WARNINC rliLrc ro BU. uorrd .ompoMion ('vras. i. unl.slul. md sh.ll rubjel m qpLyn lo aimin.l FEni6 and <br />ciril lio6 up l(' onc hlrdrcd rhoMd dolld (tlur,oL0). in.ddnion ro lh. cosl of comp.el'o.. d,ntg6 .i pt vid.d for th. <br />Sdrnn 10?6 ol ilr l:htr CdL. imdd <br />lJcEllfDroxlaacgla <br />DESAAAIIO! <br />I tdrby rrrm !.d6 Fn ly ol Firy lh:r I e l!.qsj undd Forlhn of chrFa e {ommtrins uitt S..rbn 7000) ol Drision I <br />of rh. BriB lrt Pn'fBioN Code ,n m, licc* i! in tull rorft erl.fl(' <br />R <br />at za ( t,q <br />co!flaucuQ!.t ElDlloJqt!(r <br />I holby rm uida Fdy of Fi'ry rhi lhd. i. otl!^dion EnitS {*} for rlE Ff(fu. of rlE Frl 6r f,ttn thi! Fha a <br />is!.d (s4. 1o9?, civ c.) <br />AIIIISILDECIJsAII!]! <br />I lEd) lfi un<Lr pa.hy ofFiury om ofth. follo*ing &rbdioN <br />Dqmhion Ptunr-Arb6lor tloiftd D. R.rulrioN (Thl. ,l0, Pd6r <br />-R.qun <br />d lnrsof Nc{iftiir. <br />-l <br />.di[ rhd lh.lcddsl rcsuhlio6 r.giJns atBlN r@\al,. Rn atpliuhk b lhi! pm].n <br />-l <br />cdity rh.r I h!v. rdd rhis rpdicarioo ed $.t. thal lh. .hrv. infoflnal tun ir cotrdr I lsG ro .onrly *nh .ll City lnd Counly <br />o.dimc6 dd st!l. l itr r Elar ins ro bnildins cod{rud nrn. , h6c6y r.rr6ollrn 6 olrhis ciry.nd coury to orq upon lh. <br />rb.\. mdrinncd nn,Fn, ln iNrqt <br />^**, - nr-, an-,.9./ <br />Pmirr..m.tpn 4=/prvi".^ 3i.."or(z:l(t <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loorA/enVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall /\\ <br />Ext./lnt. Lath 2-H-t1 x"vJ,tlll <br />Brown Coat 3-t1-l"l 'k.w&n <br />ft+asofiry J<rt ]r+2->l-t1 \,ltffii <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif <br />FINAL 4*/to r./i.tiy//?/o-/' <br />Certificate of Occupancy 'l <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Erection Pads <br />--------T------