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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />pliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Eva porative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Com pressor <br />Misc.Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech.El414 fr,illyrlf tu <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL * 6-11 (ZLsrt?ftn' aD <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />ot t{tr auturEn DELC x rloN <br />I h@!, .,Im uidd Fdy ol pdjury rllr I d adfl n h rlrc Coirncla Lic.e L* for $. follo*ilB raM (Sr,70l l.t <br />BuitE .d Proft..b, Codc)r Ary Cn, or Coun, wlth rcqliE . Foi ro @irrE! dl.. nqe*. &Elilll or l9.n oy <br />,r.urEr. Fi'r to 'i! nucq rLo ,!q{iE 0E +li.r 6r sh Frir ro 6k . rird iradr ltr E n dE ir liE .d Fdrd <br />b tlE Flviri8 of ft Co,rr*di Lia!.d te ((11416 9, C@tri.a rin SEiir 7000 of Divitbn , of dE h!i6 -d <br />PEfdbN CorL) s rli k tr rlE i qcsfl IE6oh !l(i dE tGi tu tlE db.d q.tdb.. Any liolaioo olsdbn ?01 Lt b, -, <br />.pplicdt for . p6nir iubjdi rh. .p?li..r ro.civil p@hyof ior mE rt& ftr. huttnr.d &tl6 (t500). <br />-1. <br />- orGoftt F!FqU coy6pbtGvih!.r Dl@EFEiioE wi[& dE wt.d & nrdft i 6r <br />indiLd noturd b rb(Sc.?Oa{. AaiBnd Tt Con,xrd r Li@ te do6erQbto -olE.rtlEFDFy *tD hrLr , i+DE lbEo. -d sto &! rd wr ii@lf o t-Elaor rhou8i ni d t- o@.rPhriq <br />FoviLd$.r Bt nls.ltond @ tDr illrad.d 6 otu tui nl.. lt lD6s. {E buidt8 d iqodEi ir -ld pilhh om )d <br />ofc.qlabil tlE o*G B{iLb *i[ h.E th. hda ofFoiry dr lr d rfc .!n er hild o, irp.DE dE Fqqt] br ,E F4G. or <br />_1. - l)*c olrlE FFy, e aclEiEl, ofi*riB *$ L.6.d @nrxtG !. @rE 'rr dE Fin (SE. ?Oar, B.Eir <br />&d Probin Co&: Tfu Conlddq r Lic6c L.* &6 mr rpply ro & oMd otprop.n, wio buildr o. ihrDv6 lhqE!. <br />sd wto @irrxl, fn Bt Foi<r! w n r, licoE d prEqDl to rlE coiltcrd i Li.oc Llv) <br />_l r! aaPl @.k Sdbr-. B. lt P.C bro. ted <br />Dcrc (rrnE: <br />.Illati[Bllauu:Nsll]0r <br />DITCIALUIIi <br />I hs.h! alli,n und( p..ah! of Flu,) u..trhc Lll.trlllt ri(lrirNtr <br />_l ts. rn sill ui,nin. Caritu. of CoEr ro Sdf-l@ fd wta @trFnridr a Fvi.Ld fo. t, Scrb.1700 oirh. <br />t !o Cod.. ror UE Ffor6c. of thc sut fd whhh th. p6nn a i!!.d. <br />_l hrt rrd *ill uidri! oryaEriE iBree B Eqsid ty Scrir! !7m olrh. Lr6or Co<L. b. lt. FfdllEt ol <br />llE El6r *nit {t FEt ir iE d My Et6 @nFEiir infu 6ir d poli.y lMtr G <br />_l.arif, $a i. iE Ff6,rtt.r of Oc eod 6r shi.h rhir FEn n i@d. I n![ ml dphy ry F$n i! d] 6ffi <br />s a to b-om ilbjdr ro rlE wrd' oE alaion Ls orcdifodn dd igE $! if I rlould bdoc &tirei to tlE <br />wrt6'conpBdionFnvnioEols..lionl?00ofrh.LrlorCod.,l!tdl,fonhvirhNEplywithrlbcpbvirbN.. <br />w^tlrlNc: F.ilG lo Ec $sl6' o\q.g. ir 6h*tuL !d rlul &lixl ! qloF lo otiid ldrb !d <br />citil 16 u, ro oE tE rhd Ub@d <blb! (t100,0), i! .ddiin lo t or or srydiotr doBa - FvtLd for itE <br />\drn[ ]i ri, olrhr Lnr, (i\lr, <br />,7,4 .i1 <br />otctt8Arloa <br />I hRby .IIm und. Fdry of Fjury lh! I rd licai.d uda Fviior of (!rpt6 9 (offiiof wnh S6tbD ?000) of Divilio. 1 <br />or dE tunE D.l ?rc&..ia Cod....1ry liqE ! i! tul bN ln.fiEt. <br />b ,*,",.,^*4o+ %3 <br />*" y'Z? tal r.*-.,* /pF:oo \)€trL. Cq24{a><),a' <br />caxlila'l(Ila![lartlc-acll.ct <br />I h(.by ifliro und6 F.!h) oapqJlrrrhn rhs. irootrnru(1rn Ltd'ns {sd.} n,rhcpoaoman..olrh.*ork lot $hrh'his IEtn n <br />issuij (s( 100?, ( ir (") <br />AIILICAtrI.IICTJAAIIA! <br />I h!*r.!.'h urdd p(nrx, orFjury oE ol ti. fouowils dilErba <br />odoltbi PdoiE Alt ..d t oritubo &d R.tohtr Cltlc .0. P!r6) <br />-R.q!i!d <br />lar6of fJ.(6.rin <br />-l <br />cdify rld th. f.dq.l EluhlbE EBtdi.S abcdor @o!.1 r. mr +dkrbL ro thir Fritr <br />Gdify rlE I hE Ed r[ir +licrbn -d rn. r,a $c &w nfo. ih i] drtl I tsrd to @rdy wnh .ll Ci, .ad Cotd,ffisa &d $.l. t u rti.g ro hqildEs .!6ud!'ll' d t6!bt arhdia rq.EriiE oathi' Cny ddaord, lo ard <br />'4on <br />Un <br />.hor. m6r n d pmFn, aor iap.(ion <br />ArplkD' 6 Agot Si8 rc: <br />PmieEr (Fdl:\^Y)lh <br />aL7tq <br />Type I Hood <br />Itidr'r Ntm <br />-L..da'r AildB. _