<br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owNEr luturtt DEr{llt^Tloi{
<br />I hc!t, .rfm o.da Dar, of Filry lb t d BaDr ttu $. coo*iar' Li(qE L.* fo. l!. 6lb*ta t$i (s< xrlJ
<br />&!i"* ed kof..ir6 Cortc)r Ary City q Couny *iah Equt6 r Fni lo codr'f,( dq. iDp.Det dddllh d Ep.n &y
<br />tltBrEr. Fb.lo n. !!Eaq lho Eqtli6fi. Tditl d fl@r thr h.or.. i li.6.d F rd
<br />ro r[. FvibE of rlt Colt-ld t Lir.!.d L& (Cn dE 9. CorEi!. *ih! tmo of Divirbr ! of rb &ai6 ad
<br />Pbftaio6 Co<b) d $r L d rlr ir daB tn.rr6nh &d rlr bGi 6r t rtLf.d a.n$iD. .y viohioi ols.6bi 7031., !y Ey
<br />epli..d lor. paui ibicd! tL .pplic.d ro r.ililpdlyof @t tle the ftc htrdld &U6 (1t00)
<br />-1.
<br />B ow olth. FnFrn d ny dnpblB enh slCE . $.n 5L omFrlbrl' wi[ <t Ui trdt ad E sldG i or
<br />inod.d orotu f!. d. (sc.70{1. Bui6t &d Prcf€.i(s C!d.r TIE Co, , r l-j.qE Io| {dy ro 6ov*or
<br />ItE FlFly *tB hiLi E iryB,BdEe. rn *lD &q 16 Et hiE lf or i6rlf d tht'$ [b d h. om at?br....
<br />FviLd fia Bn bF !ffiGor ilaibdofirld &r nt t( ho*.€.tlEhlili4d inF!(Gr irolwitir* rE
<br />of @opldion tlE ol*ra B,iUr *i! lta ih. turb of F!v!t dlr lE q rh. dil ml h'ild or i'q!€ 0E FFt, 6r dE FIFE oa
<br />-1.
<br />c o9c ofrh. FlFln u cod.!.iing sth lic.arqt codr*ro6 to oulrucl lL Foj*l (s... 7044, au!i!6
<br />!i PloE ir Cod.: TIE Cor{.*iol. Li@ Ltv &6 mr .p?ly ro e ow ofFopdry } lb hril& 6 nrp.o6lrs@r
<br />Dd *to @lrxrr f.. st Fin *ii . Codr-rdl, la€... F }n lo r co'r'rda r Ltae te).
<br />_l @ G'dn ulirr S.di,r_-, D. /t P.C. tu tli Eid
<br />D.k (rrn.r
<br />]]l)A[l;&I.lO TI!lIII9Ilrl,!L:!&u&r
<br />I hd.tJ lllimunJ6 rdElt) oln rJUD oncoith. finhtrn!Jallatx,
<br />-l
<br />hlc d vill dir{.b . cdrin rr. of coejr lo sdt-ltn@ fd wld @ip6t 16.. c Fodr.d fo by seti,. lrm olth.
<br />Lrtd Cod. for lt Ff..l8r oloE wr fa rtih llE FEi i in d
<br />rq:l.n<l will ifl.h eorrd ot9dab! i.BlJfuq 6 !y Sra:lion l?@ ortlE L.6or cod.. lnl rlE Froll *. or
<br />i Fr FDi a i!.d My wt.r' o46.b. ia,tE6i, d pou., EEtq d
<br />_l cltiryOe i! dE F6.llcof UEsd fo $t ltltn FEi i. isEd. ! ts Dt 69by rlyFin in&y&.E
<br />- lro b6tr {li-r ro tlr rdl6'etpdriir! Le ofcdifomir -d iE thi irl.bdd b6.r $bcl lott.
<br />e d' o6par.rion Eovirb6 of sdion 3?0o of uE Lrbor c.d.. I tulL b.lhqhh @Dlply eith rhoe pEvti@..
<br />WARNINC Fntua ro gG *ort6 @,psErion ov6.t. i' 6Ls'tu1 &n rhrtl lbFt d allploF lo qiEill FElir od
<br />civil tre up lo oE tundr.d thousd dotLB (i100,000), in .ddilior to fi. con ol co6p.sraon. dliGgd a Fovid.d for lh.
<br />lcllltt(atsIracllr
<br />I ha6, .frE u& F.ty of FjBy tr ! @ lGd u& slvlbn of Cl.,(a 9 {.oblEi!3 sit sdi, ?m) of Divitir 3
<br />of dEhiB-.1?r!lt ir Cod.. !.1Dy li.c a i! ir! 6e -d.&.1.
<br />C n,.o 7 4 {-f sr-
<br />^,alrlpl .*^n*, G+t,n ifuu rl,ntl .Cu"
<br />coli,tlBucllo!.Illlllc-dcEdcr
<br />I H,.rlm @da F.iy of Fjuy thn $s. ir.6!r.urb.ldrli8.8ay 6r tlt Frl,ruK ott slt b, rtih lhir poai i
<br />b&El (S<. 1007. Civ. C.)
<br />| !4!L rji!: _
<br />I hc*t ltLi u!& pady olF,!, oe 01lh. buowira drLribd:
<br />D@diir laDi&AtLr6 ! f.(b.l R.alhiE (TiL tlo. P.l6)
<br />-Rcqlir.d
<br />Lala.f
<br />-J6 t tbi ii. tdarl lt9tbt6 lntdi.3 i@vd r! 6l to di FDj.a.
<br />-l
<br />..nit lL I bvc Ed di id..ion d r.. $d t &ll! blrdion a (!l.(l I l,E !o..qly *ii.[ Ctd,
<br />ont@rd$rc t r Eri lo UdEiB.odrci,G d ta6r.rb.iErwdi',. oflli Ctr-d Co@yb.n '"dlt.rlov. @tbd.d p,lDdry hr irEab! qrDoB /;ffJJ.Vi.TV-. *,t/g/,t
<br />,.n**rn-r, l/*rtly /'enf u
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Ro ugh Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clolhes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL dat/4 .-hz;)
<br />/r, /r ?{bSt dt? "*--tt
<br />Sdi.n !076 olrh. lrtd Co(la nd ed erB r ft-;1166::;",-,,lo+t"-f
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Noles, Remarks, Etc.