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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS OWNET BUI.DET D?ITARAIIOII <br />I tclor .rE ur& ! of Fjdy tt. t a adqr 6d d. c.d.ar6 lj(tr Le 6. r[. bltviE !@o (sc 70]lJ <br />&uind. .d lro&riE Codc): Ary Cny q Cqd, *tth Fqirn6 . Fri ro ollnar" r!a. i,,Fove d'alil, d ir.n 6y <br />ird(c Fiiro i! ioaq .lo Eqli6 th. +tlix"r tu $.Il FEn to 6L r.igEd iioe'l rh. h. or 6. a li.d.d F!J.r <br />ro rlt FvirioE of $. c4no.ddt Lidt d Lls (cl4i. 9. co@diig wirh s<1ba rc00 ol oibb! I of dE lrliE nd <br />Prcttlio Cod.)o,dld h. n tE i.qcoF thaifldod ri.l-i 16 E.oB.daqryin Ary vbLin ofs.6in '70.11., b, ey <br />4licd lnr.FEi $bct' tlE ?pliod lo..ivilrdtrot@l iclha fic ho.H &llrt (t5@). <br />-1. <br />a lffi oltL Fopdrr, d Dy dnpbrd eirh sla6 a Fl @op@aio.. sin & dE wt Ed tlt rBllrr a rcr <br />i,rcd.d d ofrGld for dr (sd 7014, &Bi6 &d ProfdbE Co&r ri. Codnddi Liuc L8 do6 dr ?pt ro, o*G ot <br />llE FFlt *'b hrakl c irq.!6 tlEE . -d s'lD &6 -d srt hiBlrq lE .lf 6 fiq{rt hir 6 h6 os c&pt taF.viLdltl*n,golqer.Gdir.iLdnotu6..bltto* hrilllida d iryovd i..ld wihir ffi Jqol@npLri4 rli OwE AiBE wil IEE ln. hlrh oltmvie rh. lE o, .h. drd mt hild 6 irlrlE h. F!Fr, for dE F,F+ ol <br />-1. <br />6 ('rE olrll Fltcry, a a.Livdy @ddh wih li.dc.l Mt*r6 ro oEnud lh. Foi! (Sc 70,14. BtliE <br />-d rr.&i, Cod.: Tt Coor..cois Lk6& Ltw rto..6r @1,b eowla orFDFr,slD toildr ft iEptuath6@( <br />Dd wto otlncl' fo' &c! F!i.i! anh . Codn rd(r) liod F Da lo $. coinddi Li@ rr). <br />-l <br />E.r6t 'r<16 Sdir_, B & P.C lU lhir laor <br />!!tfI8!:-c9ulE!sAlro! <br />DlCtd8AlIo! <br />I h.*,.m.D uldc !6.ty ofFiry or. ortt folortlc debrir <br />-l <br />Lr r.l win uia.b. Cqrifi..r.otcoEr ro SdlleG ft. Et.r. cooFlr.tiq!. tftvilcd fo! tysr.lioi l?00 of rll. <br />lr*q C.da 6. l]h. F6.@ ottt wlt &( stidr tlE F6h i sFd <br />-/--- _l i.* ed *ill di rb Bta co't{iir irrs., . .lqoird !r S.dio6 l?@ ofti t lor Cod.. frr lh. Fftlt!rc of <br />orFdion itsllfue.ei6 &d Flicy nuDbc R <br />(;.- 26- <br />_l .qliry {ul in rhc Ffo.ltre oarlE s.t tor *tth rhii Fni ir isEd I ddl ml .qloy 6y Fs. i, Dy ,ll!:E <br />s a to b.coB $l*:r ro dE wtd Lw ofc.tibmir .d trE thi if I rlDuld b-or Et*.r ro rll <br />atd' oEFldbn plviriod ofs.dio, l?m 01ln. ljhd Cod4l Crlt bnhwnh 6hply wnh $o* FDvirioB.. <br />WARNING: F.iluE ro s@ Erto'omporlion @e.,r8. i! uLstul. ..d !6nl rubjc! a aphF lo oiEid FEri, !d <br />civil an6 tp to oE hst!.! lho63d &l!r! ( i! rddilio! lo tlE cor of .o'p.dirl! rhrS6 - povid.d fd lh. <br />Y"""A4rLlq <br />I lI(r\\rr)(()\rn\(r()R <br />DlCllAADq! <br />I holby .rkE u!d6 ,@ty olFjtr, $r I i t<6.d @da FuiiE orct$r6 I (@@hs sirl s.db! ?0@) or Divib. l <br />of rlE BuiG! td PDkb6 co<L. rd oy lac h h tull foc !d caf.r qac2.d-La <br />L^n tS--, <br />(alu&(r0}_Lt:lJlrtil!1if.l!(r <br />I tatl,y.II!D t&da po.l, ot Fiuy &r tk! i. @drarb. brdi|8 .8sy for tt Ffo.tE. ot*E ]qt for rtict tii FEi i <br />i..u<l (Se. 109t. civ c.). <br />AIIIJCAULDICIJIAIIO! <br />t hstiy .rtoE urb pdrhy of Fjuy oE of rlE 6lbwi.! d.Lrais: <br />D@olhioo Pmi!-Atbdo. Norificdior ra(brl l.8!hnr (Ttlc a0. Prt6) <br />-R.quiEd <br />Ldls of Notn dbn <br />-l <br />carit rtr tn. ftd'.j i!*uhb6 E rdilr -tcdor lgDv.l e Er +dinrt to $i FFr. <br />-l€dryOrItE,ailt,lilpglittn-d,r.Odtt.toEirlbrEdb!i.conEtIl8rEloc.dprywnhiJlchyitdco'd,adile6 d $'l. L.s ,.idiig ro hiildilE colrtucrio.. !i hctty .dhod&hit ci, dd Couny to @!s <br />'por <br />ra <br />@"-,*^*.Tt.- -( <br />-- <br />h.,Y-r\a(Z- zo-l<l <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace *r/p 41thrz /62- <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork ,J ,t l, o ?lttor*t O-z <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech.z-lrt I ' o fryIt1*I 6).,- <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL ql,t lq gr'v'toTA-t c't-'-' <br />ID/SIG. <br />,a ,'2 2(p z2-t4 <br />.\./-'(-,\ <br />Olher <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.