<br />aN\l ll Br rr.l)rtrrr.t( \r{ \ r rr)\
<br />nr. liw for rh. folhtriq llsI hd.by .fim ui& Frhy of FJnry $, I d 6opr tDm ltt conlr.(a U"
<br />Bui,ld Dd Proa6ion Co<r.) An, Cny o, Coudv rhth EquiG . Pdnr b @!d nd. .n6. ingiore datulBi or re.r u)
<br />slruc16c. rilr ro ir! isuu.c &o t qd6 th..p?lt&l fot sh lEiul lo 6k r 3isi.d nraE lhT lE d " u-ltas'd Fetri
<br />ro th. FovlioN ofdE CoitEldt Lr.iEd lr* (Ch+ro 9. commmcrng *nh Setb' 7000 of Divbion 1 of$' BGind 6d
<br />ProldFn. Co&l n thr. rE n JE i 6o4l rlE.frDm .ri rh. b-! lor lh..lLs.d d@F$n A'v vt'&ion ofs'<rbn 70tl t brr
<br />a@lac..! ror ! Fiil ubj6B llE ip?licul lo.civil p@hvofml mEthe llv. nu"!'d &lr8 {1J00)'
<br />9A. - "* ,,* *-r. m By anplot6 *nh Y.s6 6 th.n rk ospfsrioll {i!l rb dE wil n't rlt intlE ! mr';-r.a *.r-"1r.i;].rs- 7d.. &!; dd hofBioBcnt'Tt co icrd ' u'.e tr* 'b6'&leplrro6o*Eor
<br />rlE FoFiy *tE tuil& or urFD€dr-on &i*lbdcshs hitulf or lEsltorltou!) hi qnco*! dnphvG'
<br />p..iia.a li.r "*t nnFt\EEr! r @r iddi.d q orqld 6r rt lL ho*.c. ltE hril(n'u or inF vdJEnl ir Dl! wnhiD oN t@
<br />ir-"pl"L^ O. o** rUra- $rtl h.E lh. htd.r or Fo$B fir tE n JE dil d h'Ild o' ltqett ItE FDFrv 6' tL IrrF* of
<br />Iitt. o o*r "rr* p-pary. m.rclGtrtly cndrdIu wirh lkaE d con'Iior ro @(ro'r tlE Fojd (s*' ?oaa &!i6
<br />.t c.t"*. t oa., ntc Co,tr.rad', Lk@ Lry dc mr sol, lo ! orrq otFopdlt I ho boildt or idFotc 'hE6red sho o.t.rB for reh FDjElr qirn. cotrdo(t) It6!.d ptEsn to rh' Codr'dd ! LiEe bs)
<br />-l
<br />h c\d,x u,ia Sn:1
<br />D.t / 1/ / 't // 2 owtrE"-" -'1 +: w_6nirns'coMPcrs rroi{
<br />DlgaEA:uae
<br />I haltr .116 qftld parly orFjury oe oflh rolkl*'ilB (kLr,ioG
<br />lh.v.ti|willMirl.h.c6ii.ul.ofcoMltosdtlM.for*dldl6ID.nglion.sFllilcdtorbrsdrionlTmofilE
<br />L.!or Codc fd th. Ffrtls! of r s,l fq *nth lh. FDi ir iBEd
<br />-thr!.md*illi.t.inrcrldr'comldioniMcG.6tqorathvSdionlT0Ootth't'borCo{'to'th'ldtoroccofG *l r- *r,.t ttit po.l i !n*{ lily rdrd onpdrbn i!sl]l!E 6it Ed loliv osbq rcl
<br />-l
<br />cdii rhd in rh. Ffomanc. of th.< for $fiich lhu Fn i! isu.{L I ihtll mr'nplo) M) F$r in u) n66
<br />- -r"t i"**U*,.r*"0116 oflFdrrL$rofc.lifomrEdrsrlhdrII lhuldbdomludh'lE
<br />m*c onpolion pro't;B of Sdro; 1?OO of lh. lrhq Code l rlxll fclhwnh.otrPlv [nh b- FovuirB
<br />ro cu. wortd' comr€ssion cov.r.s. B unhwtul. lri slEll ubj-r e mplovd k' ainiMl FBhi6 ed
<br />huid rlbuEn &It! (tlm,ul)). i!.ddnih to rlE d or cotrP.dion. dnt!+6 3 Fo\il'd ror rlf,
<br />Saro. 1076 oflh. Lrh(r cod.. ol6.i.!d rhdrv t td
<br />I hRby smnn u.da p.Mlly oa pdjory lhd t @ lic.E d
<br />ol th. BuiB rnd t\ofdEd Cor!., ,'d tu l.6E i
<br />uoa-a-pro*i.*,r or'l,o o (<,mnciry wnh sd irn 70Lro) of Dilnion I
<br />c -7 7??65 /
<br />'///zy's ,",,-",".F z.;a ZZ-
<br />I hd.ty frn unda pqdryofFiurythi riE r.odtuclhn Ltni.8 !BC) tortlE Fflffi of th'{dl6r rtrnthir Pqni I
<br />i$u.d (s6 1097.civ. c )
<br />L.nd.a.Ad&d:
<br />I hdlby affrm unds Frlhy of P6jury ot. ol rh. follosinB d*!si! nrn!:
<br />Damlirhn P@ s-ArtElo! Norincdion Fcldrl R.suLrio6 (Tnk 40. Pan6l
<br />R.qun.d l11ld of t&iilrairn
<br />-l
<br />cqrii lhi rhc f.ddtl rceultl ioB ns.dinS B!dl6 i@!.1 s. mr tt]pltlbL ro lhir Foj'Tr
<br />A..n(r rrlkii' \nDN\ \ r'n l( tr\ r (l(.trnrr
<br />qrs.nr trrsol rh \ ( [! rtr(t(i{nl) rr. rr trlilrrhc
<br />**.t/,zlz,/
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Lioht Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Siqns (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bondinq / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)t ,tl"rC4,ryldtaTw,hWallsRo ,)1),t).ltq1i*Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rough I
<br />oCeilinS-Bar Rou h urMeter Release J
<br />Rough
<br />Service Meter
<br />4wetA,fl|"llu'i
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />I
<br />-+E*-,o,n. ,*,.,*,no Mr'(.rtn lrt n!r.rhdrh.'h.,. 'nh,tuFr;rdru;6;d \kk Lr* r ,.h'trts ; t-,ldiis oElrucr otr r'd lE b4rt$ v
<br />.tn\. mdrr.Er FDFh rd dEp.rrFtr prJ,gF ./ ./ .t
<br />App,rc,or^rd,sr3n.,nm 7 f+Z U-{_
<br />Pmh.u(r,rtrr,: K t'/
<br />)
<br />*lt1 l(4?
<br />FINAL lrul
<br />,*. , ftltiC t e L J,rsuca-'ct Co* /*-/ t /
<br />ea*,t-ta '114)col5Z1 lzot Ep"-' '7/ /'///,/ I