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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release I I I <br />FINAL a <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc I <br />owNEi ltiu,Dln DELdAr Tron - <br />I tq!b, .IIEE lrda pa.!ry ol F]uy $r ! d ddB ioh ln. Cdrr.l6 ltcM t - &. llE t lovig Eli (S6-m]l.J <br />&!i!* Ed PDfqiotr Co&): Aly Cir, or Coffiy *tkh rqot6 ! F i ro odru.t t!c, irFort d@lilt' or i+.n a, <br />fiillqFi'loa iE&..1o ErtliE O. rdir tu o.i Fri lo 6L.risn drr.d rhrLcA.i[.6.d F sn <br />ro llE FD{jo6 of dE Conr-rdl Lictu d tr* (Ct dE 9. ColMdin8 vit Sdioo 7000 of Divilbn .r of dt &!i,B od <br />Pmtu i,N C.&) q lhr lr 6 .b i dclF tMlo &d tlE t b for lt. .U.e.d q@Firtr AIy vi,hi[ of S.ciE 701 L, t! &y <br />qlitr br . Frt &titr! 0E @liqn ro . civil pa.l, of Er llE dE 6v. huttd <blb. (lro). <br />-1. <br />! 0116 of lb. lroFrr. - o, 6!ebt€ eib *.86 . dli ol @D!6.lioc si! 6 dE rqt id rh. fflc a Dl <br />i old.d aoflald to* (5c.70a,1. &!i,B.!d Pr!ft-o6 codc Th.csr..ddt Liete<b€d @troeown of <br />th. FDFry who hil:t or iEF.a E&.. rn *tu &d rh wn hitu lf or hc*lf o. drou3h hit or tE.k.aPbr..n <br />FoviLd rhr Mh irylG6rGd b6d dof&nd 6. rt l[ how. t[. hildi't d i'ry6@r a -ld vthin c ra <br />of@npl6bo. t,. ol.G &rE *i[ br ttE hr&r ofpwl| d: lE d tr (H Ei h,ild 6 i'g* tlE Pq!ry t, dt F!Po.. ol <br />_1. r (ffi otrh. FDFry, e achliwt mflr.aiis wnh lic€!.d oe-r6 ro <odnxt rlr Fj< (s-. 7o!1. A1i6 <br />&d ADbi!co&: Thc Connrcl ! Li.Ge lre &a Dl 4ply lo D omc otFlFly wh. build. o. inprov6lh6oq <br />.!d BID odrt! ft.edr Flr.drwittConr.dd(r) li.q!.d FEd loilEConr.d6 t ti@l^l <br />-l <br />e.rdF un& Sdl <br />WORX}iLS' C(TMPENS,ATION <br />Dfct4tArq! <br />, hd.5y.,Im und6 p6.tyofpsjuyon ofll& folhsins d.cl4 ttN <br />-l <br />hs d {ill sinr.n t C.rifr.r. of Cod lo SdGlre f6 Et@ dF!.lii\ r FEviLd fu b, S.ab. ,7@ of dr <br />L.!d C.<L, b. rh. Fhrl!@ of tu *nir fr *ith tlr F6i i i&.d <br />-l h.E .rd rill did.i. rqrd @rq@dir iM.. . EqliEd by s-ibi aroo ollb trbd Co&. 6. U. F6.@E ot <br />-l <br />csriry dln in th. pdfolfu.c oftlE *olt tu $.thb rhir Fnh i u!.d. I dt ll nor dpby dy t.e! i! my E',E <br />. 610 b@@atjcl loth.etd'@qo!.bn LEofc.li6Ei. !d..Gd! ift tDuld bcorsb6t tollt <br />Nrt..d 6qq.rir [evi]i(r orseriE l?@ of rt L&. Co<te I fr[ bnt*ih 6rpt f,ih tlc Fwiir. <br />w^n]tftc: t il4 ro E 6t6' tuparrb. @rqt a @br'tu| .d rhl, slirl - @pbF lo oioid rdf - ad <br />.ivil tin6 w h oe h6<!rd rhou&d dolln (t100.000), io .ddiid lo lh. .or of onFEaioi. drr.86 t Flvi.Ld fo. tlE <br />lcE!fiDta!(IlAclna <br />DECIJXAIq! <br />I ba![r .lEo ulda Fuly 6f Fjcy thr I 6 E6d 'dd Flvih otct{.r 9 (@affiilr eirh sdlt 7000) of Divitir I <br />of E BliE lxl ?nfrlir clda -d E, li* i ir tun 6.t! .d.&t <br />iJ tol lg o <br />colllf,qqrc!.ttuDllEtcE8t] <br />I tE6,.Irm orld F.liy ot Fjsy tlu lha. i r @diaii[ ladoe.a!ry fttr llE F6.lett of E6t &i lttt lhir Fdi i <br />Bsu.d(s( 1007, ci! c). <br />AISJCAII.IICIAIAIIO! <br />Ihs6y.lfrD uodd ofFj,ry oR orln fouMins d..Lr!ba: <br />Daolhbtr Pqr&Altdc tlor'f(.h Fcdd.l Rctdab6 OnL a0, P'16) <br />-R.q{ir.d <br />Lrl6oalr.'d6.rid <br />-l <br />.riiry Ur rt Hdd E&bbc ,lrrdiry rt iq ,amtd e mt @larbl. ro $i ,.oF. <br />-l <br />..lit thl I hnt €d dt .c?ltabn rd n& $. $c .toE ir6.nri, b .di<1 I .8c lo end, sah d Cn, !d Coody <br />ddin.E ..d $r. L.u EliE ro hilog -d t6rit dtoria EFxrri€ of Uii Cay od Coulry to ds '4on <br />rlE <br />rtnv. Mlhn.d FrFr, lor <br />At'pl{er d Arsri SiSrauG_ <br />I PqEr6 aE (F!'r): <br />*. \t lotll <br />fiilralzzt zw <br />II <br />rD/stG. <br />Metal Fire Place <br />rh. uut k *hich rhi Fai i. irEd M' wtaa orpa.ihn ffiuuc ffi !d P.lry ndba E <br />..* Vrr<4 Tns,.,P."q S'ru,ri" ?*,n,n-o-@'.,-qf?ltlJ <br />CrlI"&.,.,., l/ to l[1