<br />I h.cb, rltm uda Frf, of D6j6y th. t e a6nd 6d tlr Coirrro LiqE tre 6. tlE blb*i{ lcn (Sc.tull ,
<br />&dtB !d PrDbih Codcl: ,lry Ciy @ Col,l, *tth rquiro . FEi to o'rnri .16. iry.ort (h6li||i d EF dy
<br />{!.r@, Fn( ro i! isl&. .lo Eqlis rl' 4ditn 6. ,ai FDi ro fiL . .t !d doGn di lE d JE b lt !..a F n r
<br />lo tt phvbio6 of $. Cqffidi LiE!.d 13 (CtSa 9. C()mftioS *th S66n ,000 of Ovi.b. I of rh. &!iE id
<br />PmfdbB cod.) r thr h d rnc i! dalF rhq6@ rd dE h.! foi 0E.lkB.d aalElhi. Aa, violdbn of Scrbn 70rl 5 b, dy
<br />pplicnn aor . Fnt lubjcn rlr .pplitur ro ! .ivil Fury or ror noE rhr! liv. hu.&Gd dollc. (trm)
<br />_.1. s oqEofilrFoFrr. r dyc,phr6 eith$q6 B rlEi!, *ill& E*!t rnrEmEei brirqi.d doftrld 6.-l.(56.70,&1. tl!i6&d E!ft'.i6a.'(k TIECod.dc t LllE t 8 &s @r +tlyto.!o$E of
<br />E FlFry rto hdd a i!9.€ rlE@. -d wlD.b. r.t r{t &elr d h6*lfor dr$ah ib d t6 .m.!+hrr.1
<br />FlviLd lll rd irq.uqr.d! c rDr irae dofirld tr.L l[ hoB-. rlE hiba d iqlEtd ild *$n c rcof.u4lriln.t ovE a'd& dll LE rlE hrdE ofF8h rL lE c lE dil d hdd 6 i'FoE dE FoFry 6. dE FrF-of
<br />l. !o*c.trh.F$Fr!, d a.iand'.olrr*i,E rtt lkq!.d sdrtlcr. ottiru.r tt (Se 7fi1. Er]J!6,d AobinCo&: Ti. C. raiofr Lt.cUw<to6 mr @l) ro eo\Fof P.$pcry rlro bild.or iEpmv6lh6n.
<br />,r(1! \irh i ( onraddli) l'(drkl t ^udnr
<br />tr
<br />y ol Fju..r ot orllit tul
<br />_l h.E -d vill rir.h. cdrii.r.otcod lo sdt-lrc tr $!to @pcdioo,. Flvid.d 6. trscri! !r@ of lt.
<br />l.t( cod.. 6r tlE DqkdE ottlE wt ftr x,tit tlc,c iihrd
<br />I h^.tndsill nli .in {ort6 .onpolrl hr iElrkc 6 G+n.d tt Sldhn 17m olrlE !.1$ Cod., tor th. pFfolI@.G of
<br />lh. "{il aor whth lhi! p6nn it i!u.d. My worto comFrsnion i6urm. csid sld policy nunba i.l
<br />I Griry ltd i! ri. Ftill'l.a oI0E wt t6 {tth ftii Fnn n ae.{ I !t ll mr oqlo, r} Fm b Dy rrr-
<br />- rlo b-or elill rorh wrar'66F!rir LE ofc.li6mar ad rc {u itt Cbold bc(t d*d io r|r$!.td oiFldbi FlvLn6 ofsclbn !7@ of r bb{ C..le I lilL fodh$nt6oply *th h-FofbiE.
<br />r y. . \ulL1\' L.n,l{nsirn!, nr.,,,r. L itrl,nli in(l d,ill
<br />dolla (t100.00()). in.ddirion
<br />orFjun ttu I m li6.n u,!dd tilimof Ct+6 9 (.lllrllrEut enis<rion70o)ofIr$
<br />or rli Buir !n P'otliE Co&. .d D, ralE ir ii tull foN
<br />coBllalEllo!.lg0leaalBcr
<br />I td!b, didud- parrofFjlyrL tbli.<drlcir lo&a rc, btttcFft.tlElofrt Et t' *iictlti F tii-!d (Se. !091 ct. C.).
<br />la.kl r{e:
<br />I h.rt, .trm und6 Frhy of Fjury o.. of $. followins <k lo.rioB:
<br />tlmlnion Pmne^ib.cq F.da.l R.suLtiB (lnk 40. Prn6!
<br />_ R.qti.d Ufla oft&rif.iit
<br />| .!ify thd dr. &da.l EtULiD ,qdi'S t!a6 lqBd e 'Fr rpli.t . ro rhi Fi.n
<br />I ..riry rhr I lllr qd rti rdirir .'d id. ihi dE dE irbmra.i b .68r. t .iE ro 6rpl, *ih .ll ct, ed
<br />LrLlrj.nrG rl \r,i( I.'\\,.rin! r,h{v. rqrsrdr6.f rhtr ( i\ rn'l ( otrnr\ (,
<br />!ho\. mdrioEd prcpd, lor
<br />AIpli.inr or Apdt Sign.t
<br />L 2/.L6noO
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor ,15./rq Dee* lo\
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Buildi Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Pipin I
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rough Water Heater
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Pi tn
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanita Sewer/Ca
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Rough Plumbing Il-s- tq D6v-d lo\
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL 7lllro 1tl aweq :ea )
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.I I JI
<br />Gas Pipinq
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />I