<br />I h.ftby afirNu .r p.nulryof Frjury rhar I a,.r.n$ rDd rh. Cott&roN ti..n* La* fn rh. followiry Er$n (sd7011.5
<br />Buri.cs\ srd Prolishn Codc): Any Cn, or Cou y whkh rcquiEs . Irrm( to @n(rucr, alr.r. impow. dcmlish or E.n sy
<br />studE. r'ror ro ik n$ric.. rko EquiFs rh. arlli.! li,r .ucfi n mir to 6h r r{n.d srd.nE t rlul h. or ltE is lic.rErl Pusor
<br />ro rtr pFvisionx ol rhc Contarols l-ic.ns.d l:* (Chap{cr 9. Comftmir8 wirh S.clhn 7(l0O oI Divkk. I of rh. Burifts .nd
<br />Ptutas,urs Cod.) .r $ar tE or \tr is cr.'+ tftRfruh r l rk bai! for tlE allqc{ .:.nDrion nt viohrion of Setin ?031 5 bru}
<br />o0pli.r lor 0 p.nnn subjsts rh. rpplicrnttoncivilp.nnhyornorm..rhlnnv.hundEddolldr($5ur.
<br />-1.
<br />,s .wmr .l rhr pr.D.ny. o, rny .'q'hycc. wtrh *ag.s .s rhen hh .orytns.ri.n, uill dl) th. wxl and 0E ndm is n,
<br />Dr.Rldl or olT.,.d for sL (Sd.70,14. Busin.$ and Pmf.$hns Cod. Th. Contrxror'r Lic.ns. L!* &Ei nor appl, ro e owrcr of
<br />rh. I'lledy wlr hoild! or in{roks ilEdn iJrl who dcs i*h $!lk hims.lf ot l*r.lf or rtmuSh his or h.r own.turloye.,
<br />pi.!id.d rh.t such nnpmvcmds ac mt inktncd oro,tcr.d lor s! Il,lrs.E, OE h{ilding or i,rpormnr t $ld *ithir.m F{
<br />or.onpLrio[ rh. Owrcr BuilLr will haE lfic h{nt n oI provinS rhr h. o. sh. dil frn hritl or iryoE Lt poFry Id rlE putpo* of
<br />-1,
<br />ssovftrof rh.I,Nt).nr,*i\.ly.onr{ling *nh li..Md co r*rDN ro mriDd rh. Fllrt (S.. ?04.1. Bu\
<br />and Pl!,a$i[ Cod.: Ths Codmctn ! l-icense Lrr Jfts d ,]tlr ro an D*Rr ol l]Ioptny sho huil& or nnprov.r rh.rsn.
<br />and wh. c.ntrads lor ruch prol..k wnh r C. dt(r) li..trxd pusuad to rtE Conlrdk{\ Licc.r. bw)
<br />_I inr .x.mnr uNcr S.ctiur- A. & P.C ld rhi! rc.$tr
<br />ru4f,lSgsaMfENsano!
<br />DES,/I&AIIA!
<br />I h€Eby afinD undcr ,..rlry oI tdjury on. ot rh. lollorin8 d.clar.thN:
<br />-I
<br />h!v. ert will nEi M o C.nifElr. ol Cons. to SllilBUr for *ortks comp.Mbl as F)vi!.d lo' by Scrion ]?m of lh.
<br />kbor Codc. for th. pcrlo.,m. of rh. rork ftt thich .hc p6,nn n issu.d.
<br />[t t,. ." .r, *,n' n,, *, nl\.F' romn E,rFn m\ui,'r.. rs Equird by ion 3700 ol rh. Litor Cod.. ror rh. FfvtuE or
<br />rhc sorl lu' qh,hrtus F.'mr n 66u.J Myrurlgi mn{raq&n iEulnc cft, dl noliy ourntq tr.
<br />L
<br />-l
<br />c.n ify ihn in thc lt oriruk.olrltr wor k for *lnch rhn Nrmi n iskd., slull not c.{,loydnyllcrsn in any mann.,
<br />s s ro hcom subj.ct (. rhc vo.kc.l comp.nsati.n kw! oI Cal'fomii. rnd .eM ih.t if I slnuld h.coE suhjcct h tlt
<br />solt.(' onp.n\ation pro! ons of S{rion 1700 o, rh. bbor, I JEll. ronh*nh $,nply wnh lhos prcrNioN..
<br />WARNING, FailuE to *cur. { comD.nrdio, covcn8. k uls*Iul. ud shrll atr .mplorer ro oimimlFmhis md
<br />civil lims uD ro oE bunJr.d itx,usnd doll. (5100,0001. h addirhn h rlE cod ol cotr{Eisi,on. d0nE3.s 6 Eova.d for rh.
<br />Sccnotr 3076 olrhc ljtrr (xlc, intrcn and dturNy\ I&\
<br />*", t-9t1-^Okt
<br />t,lt]_,\R,\ltoN
<br />I h.rby afllrD u rip...lryofp.rturyrharI tunsi undcr pruvnion 9 (cotrrENin! *nh S..rirn 70fii) ofDi!ffion l
<br />ol d. Burircs and l\n|sioi5 Cdl.. .d my la.nsc r in rull rore rd .r.c(.
<br />D",., t'-aq-a't.1.o
<br />C9N!IAUET9trIENDN!.AqE!q
<br />I hcfthy alfinnundr p.n.hy.rr'.rruryrMt tkr ( acon{rudhn kndin8.8c*y lot rh. r'sL.rurce ofrh. vor* lbr *hhh rhis p.mii h
<br />i$0al {scc. 3o!?. civ. c ).
<br />ArlLlrall.plc& 8arad
<br />I ffiy itrm undq Fnrly ot p€rjuy otu ol rh. fouowiry d€lmlio.!:
<br />Demliriotr P.rntu-Asb.(or Ndindbn Fcd...l Rcsulalhns finlc.l0, P.r6)
<br />R.qutcd l, q of Ndi6uri-
<br />_l c.nily thd rh. f.d.r.l rcguLrions rcBsdin8 sbcslos r.rmvrl uc nor aPPlk.bL ro rbis pnrj€r
<br />*..r,,.',,"*^",u,irnplxdlrn.d{dc'hdrihc$ov.inlorEtunircmcr.IurrcroconplywhdlcyrdL:uunry
<br />'mdhffics ind Srd. Lr" r rcbrst rn bn'Uiq (.nrhd nn. .rd hcrchy .urtFia rcptrndivs ol (hjs City sd Colnty to cnrq upoi tlE
<br />r&,r. ,rcnriDkd ,rcp.ny rd m\p.d
<br />Applicanl ur ,'\ldrl S*tr.
<br />e
<br />9-2q-rola
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Lioht Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Lile Salety /Low Voltage
<br />Flre Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Buildinq
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Translormers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilinos (Hard & Solfit Rouqh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh)
<br />l\rleter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service lvleter I
<br />FINAL Y2//1r*o /rrrl
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />I
<br />Rev.08'07-2015
<br />tJnJ.,'sNrn'.
<br />-
<br />Irn,l.: t JJ,rs
<br />f------r-----