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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE IDiSIG.COMMENTS Otf IIEX BUU'AN DALC TATrcN <br />I hd!b,.frsE u.& ,aly ot Fj.,y lt !cqq4l 6@ DG cofl..dat l4ag t- b. dlE 6lbwio8 lQI(s&rctlJ <br />Builg .,'.1 P$Iiri,. Co&): A!, Cny q C6uiy *lih r.qut6 . F6i ro @lrrrlEr. .la. iEFDB <t@lLI! ot ri?.i -, <br />rl'u(r6.- Fbr to in b!Ue., .bo !.$i€ dE ?pltd fo. net F t ro fiL . rig..d tlraGn tr lt or dt b ltq'..d paDd <br />!o tlE FviiE of dr Cor..*td-r Lirr!.d te (ch+.6 9. C@i.C sit Scrb! ?000 of Divirir I of t EqiE lxl <br />PNft.bB Cod.) 6 fia lE d JE ! a6rr t '.6!E !d llt tu l!..lliC a.4ha At, vitLtb! ols.abi 701t.51, e, <br />.!rlic! to r Fh!.{bjdrr rh. Tplic&r ro r civil p6dy olml me rl& livc b!.(H.blr! (J500). <br />-t. <br />6 o*c of rlt FoDq!. o or aDbr€ *ih *qo ! [Ei EL mF rbn *i! do $. sqt .xl tlE irdE i 6. <br />i dd.d oror.Ed fd EL {s-.7044. asitB ud Ehferio codq TIGconrEcid! Li.@ t *.to€norepl,lodo*Goa <br />dEFF, wt hiltd iqlEdE a. -d slo dErE! rait hi@lfo, haEltor rl6u3h tn s hd om.qhr6. <br />F.viLd th. uh i4.oEEtcd iraLdaofiold 6. rt lt ll,trt€. dE hlildig d ilFcEEr it -ld wttb c )rofdrPkblltlEo\rd B{ildd willluE Eto b ofFowt d[ lE d iE (H r, hild m iry@ th. FlFry ftr tlE FlF.of <br />-1, <br />6 orE of rlE F!Fr), o .oolrxli,E wilh li.d!.d 6dr*l6lo 6fr*r $. Foi.< (Se. 70,1,1, Brilnd <br />!d PtDkhn Co&: Tn. Conr.dolr Lic.M L.* do6 mr .pply lo E ownE of F.Fly who build! or irl9ovB lh@,\ <br />..d eho otrru &. $h Flirfi sni ! Co'rd(, li@.d FMn lo rL Cort cd.' tj(!E tnl. <br />_r m.r.mFr und( sftrion . t, & FC for lhis rosrn <br />lr . oitrd <br />l[aB6EEE:Calr@SAIlOB <br />DESIJSAIIO! <br />I tdrt,trm u!& F6 y ofpaiury 6 ofrh. follo*in3 &.L.rirN <br />-l <br />h!!. dd vill mi.l!i. ! c.niftrc of Co@l to sdf-llm aor wrt6 otpo.ridi\ s prlvid.d tu !y Sdrhn ]700 of lh. <br />t ts codq for E Dnfolrus orrE wr hr ltkh tlE dmt ir bu.d <br />G)-"*-u -,"^*rr. @nFsdih i ffc. 6 Eq{ild t! scrio! r7m oru. Lrbo, codc tu lb. Ffnffi. ot <br />\ifwr 6. *hd rh! Fo, ! slir M, w*rd 6E dair iffic tri. rn Po!.y lmbd G(L0 llLy'vllct c L-<-t tt ilLo ?.r <br />,k fttr $hrch rhir rEnrr i!m! dploy dy F$6 n &, @c <br />if I rtodd bco@ ,ubi<r b lt. <br />dEly eit {E Fviir. <br />sbj<rl ro rb. Ett6' @D! L*. oac.lifomi^ <br />61t6' otl9qr.blFovib6ofs<li[l?ooof rlEt&.Code I <br />ro .ft hun&.i rhousuJ Joll6 (tl@,o@), ia ddiiE b th. d ol otrEddoi. drr.86 - FDviLd fot 6. <br />o z.a Eq-tc Se*'tt:9 <br />trc!!$DlqNrEACIla <br />DEC:IANAIIOtr <br />I lE6, .trrE uldd p@by or Fiury llr I d 'i.d 6tda Fviio. of Chara 9 (@i!a dn S..lin nD) ot Oivitio! ! <br />of th. AoitB .d Pr!ft!.ioN co&, d By li.6& i' h tull r.d dld c,Idr. <br />Lzu loJ4 3G / <br />"JV,-7L"76 14,-. <br />caM:Ialc1q!.,lEuD8c{ilNcx <br />I ha!b, .['rD ui& pa.ty of FjuT th. tEr i . @drlcir brdii! .asy fDr t Fft.lllE of t wt 6r *6in &i Faa a <br />ie.d (s<. 1r?. Civ. c.) <br />AltlJCi AdLIECUBAUA! <br />I t!6t.ftn ulda F.iy of Fiury G ottt lolbwda.kLabc <br />Dsmlilbn PGrit!.Arbdd Notificnioo Fcdd.t ,G8!Ltbd (TnL r0, ?ar6) <br />-R.q!iEd <br />ran6otNod6.rbo <br />I1.'r'r\rl'n!1.i!no,'l .!,hr tr\',{!\val c .ot ro lhn poier <br />krv,lI I'd. '!.d rhi! .pdiis. rn rr. $i c irfoimion ! .orrd I .lIE <br />!l. l:s Eldll ro building rdlloriz. rcrrsld'rd o <br />ltovc Mrion d Dopdry for iapcrion <br />AFClicd M A8dr Siandw: <br />"^r-*r*u, EQ-t<- 9zfvv7of <br />to otrply wth rll City d Cood,'I|1il/;"- <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Grease Duct