<br />I hd.ll, .rm lndd Fuly ot Ftury rhr I m a6qr ilm ln. aoed6 LiaE t^ for rlE folbriDs l.&i (Sa.70l I 5
<br />B6u16 Dd PrlfsDn Co.L). Any Ciry or Coudy whih r.q@. Fni ro @drud. .nq. iEFoE da,olih or Ep., ey
<br />fiu.r@, FDr lo ils isuucc. .ll. r.quir6 th. +plrsl aor ruch Fmn b filc r !s..d nq6t thd lE or rlE i! licqB.d Fm[l
<br />ro llE pmvirioN of dr Co.lrdoa! Lto!.d tr* (Chlprd 9, Conntrins *hh Sarioo 7000 6f Divirkn I ofrlE BBilB dd
<br />PttfBaod Co&) s lnd h. d nE ir amF rhs!6!o od $G bGb 6, tl' iLs.d d6Fion. Aly vi'Ltao! olsatbn 70!l , by.4,
<br />49lio( fnr . parit $bj*t tt lrplic&'r ro.cilil Fnlhyolmi mE rh.n fi!. hui&Gd dollc ($00).
<br />l. a ouE ofth. tmFrr, or mt.mplorc ${h *.s6 6 rlrr $L.ooFsaioa sdl &r 0. yqt !d tlE nrrdE. mr
<br />ddnai d.lr6rd fo. nb (sa 7or]l, &BiB ed aroraioE Cod. TIE r I icaE riu'66 rcr .pply to x orE of
<br />rtr Flpcry wrb hill or inFn€ rtE6[ !d *lb &E s[ En hifrklr or lE*llor thoush hs or hs oq mployc,
<br />povid.dlhal ruch imPrlmllEmri a{.d.xolbqi ,i'r $L. lt, howa, ft.lniLlq or unl,!ffit ir $ld wnhin oR }sofcoqrrb( ir O*G lt{ilb will llw tlE hrda! olFrviry thr lE or nE dil et build or inrroE dE FlFry 6r dE F,!os of
<br />- l, aom6 ollh. FoFl,, wnh hcdcd co.tEctoEro condrucl tn. pmBt (S(.7044,Bums
<br />i,i Prn63rid Co<t : Irl Coorrtrloi! l,i..B ltw dG mr .r?ly to e owE oaproFry vho blild! or iop.or6 thqarud $,ho oridr fd D(h Fr<r3 *nh . Conrdo(r) la66cd Dtrl:lM to tlE Coffin i li@ b*)
<br />I unds Setion . D. & PC. for rlln ra$.
<br />u!8f,E8a..cO!'.P!!tAIlOA
<br />I hicty omm unds Fdly of pajury oE of rh. tollowins d..l,ldioN
<br />_ I hlrr !d riu mirl.h . CarrEdc olcoen lo Sdl.l6e for sr6 NiFlclia G Fovd.d lor !y SEthn l?m oa E
<br />tr9aod.. rd rh. Fro,M. olrhc *o* ro, *h(hrh.Fh B BU.d
<br />./l h.rt dd *ill mriuu worl6 mmFldnn iffi.. c EqrtGl b, sdbi 1700o[llE L,hor Co&. tu lt. Ff(rru. oI
<br />0E @l f( *t h lhir Fbn ie ilu(L My *ort6 6np@!bn i'U!E @id rd polty .unhd e:
<br />c*, Atte ricc.r n f vlj! (
<br />"ai.,
<br />n,.t ,- \zL!649? l i -r**, Ll l l / 2 O? c)
<br />_-l ccrily ihrl h lh. Ffomu. of lh. worl fo. *hth rhi. paoi i! irio.d.l rhill tut dploy uy Fsr in Dyn.lffib 6 ro beoc etitt to 0E *!rid'@lposbn Lw otc.li6Bi. -d.sE ltr if I itould bcor utit! ro drf,ortd 6np6iion Forbb6 of S6!io! l7@ ofrh. Codc I Jdl fonh$nh ..n pry *nh rlE FoilbN.wllUC i'U* ro :^ *rt6' 6nFBdio. @vertc ! u.h*tul lld 3h.ll roud e dploF lo qiniul Frlb'md
<br />.$'l fin.s up l,' onc hu&.d thousdnl 00.000). i. rddnn n h ih. (on of cohri.Mlion, deus4 a pn,vidcd for lh.
<br />Str6n :1075 ot E l,bd Cod. id
<br />o*.,--1-l )-2oi.Dan;.1 VA:^CL \
<br />l laaNsEh (-oN-iR^("rrlR
<br />l&qr\A4ltQl
<br />J_
<br />I hotty tfm un& F.ny of Fr!ry lhd I d li(a.d u,rdd Forili.ti of ClqG 9 {offirs qnh Sc1.! 70@) of Dviri.n l
<br />of rh. B6uEl sd PDadioN Co&. !n ry ficde i! h full foE rn.IIal.
<br />,.t*.-, C ( b
<br />,u, \'3t-zclo
<br />1r)5a
<br />So l4r
<br />carllBlclloB.tlloaclcD!(}
<br />I hd$rr rm ud6 pcialt, ofpcrjury llEr th@ i! . coNru.rion k diir i86cy for rh< FfomD.. oaih. wod tu *hi.h rhi! Fni a
<br />Lnu.d (Sd. ]097.Civ. C )
<br />I hnrby atrm utt& p6.lly of Fiury oE ofrlE aollowi.8 d..L.!b6l
<br />Dsiokion Pmils-Albdor Noti6..rion a.dd.l R.sullrk u (Tnh 40. a.n6)
<br />. . i.qu!.d ldlq of Ndifidin
<br />I carif, rh.r $c H(.1 ,.suldioN rlgsdins 6b6lo! rmvd I nor tpplkrbh to rhn Ftrj.rl
<br />Uta cdiS rhr I lw. rEd rhi 4tltdhf, nd {.tG $a di. rbov.[nrhn s cnEl I .srd !o or@V wnh .I Cny !d cody
<br />orJmnnc6 ed strl. tiw! ElduB to bu '.onsrru.rhn. ud hocbyaur r4r&ndivB ol lhlr C,ly ud ( ountyro dl6 uFn lh.
<br />,[, \ c ftnrn]ndl tn)Fn y ntr 'nsperi'o E--*,.,1 31 :16L,.tprri(mr or Ardr skn.r!r.
<br />iq-l Jq.gat\
<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation
<br />Roof Sheathing
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing
<br />lns u latio n/Energ y
<br />Drpvall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />D eputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />FINAL
<br />Certificate of O ccupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks Etc