<br />I lE rty .trr6 u,id Frly 6t Firy lhd I d .rtr+ tm dE C. rlron Lift trt li. t[. toll'tht t!! (5e 70]15
<br />aBits .tn trDediih Cod.,: An, Ch, n C@n, tliit Eqrc . Fil ro oifid. .lL. irT.lE &Elif d nFi u,
<br />.ltBnG. Firlo nr, Gqrilr 0E eplic. ior rah Frn !o tiL. tirr.d d.Lr.! ll|t,,ldaralhnr.d F rln
<br />ro dE Fli,iiiod of ll! conr-ror'r LhrEd Lt, lct prd 9. comrlr! phh s<ibn ?0q) ol Divirbn , of rh. ButEs ..d
<br />Pio&.rid C6rlod ln.r lEd dE !'.enpl thdrtr o..d th. b.di 6.0E.lL8.d cr.rFi,n tuy viohir.{ s.<rir ,0] l.J b, &,
<br />lp?lirr for r Fnl rlj.(r th. +pltrn lo r.ivilp.dnrol El Dc lhe fiE lt..H.blbr (15@).
<br />-1.
<br />! .'*corrlE FoFny. c oy cnqlbFt rhh,.!su lht bL onFElie ll! &, tlE ** in llt *rEn 5 dr
<br />i'i.r'l|ld d o6!Ed fr rt (S-.r rL luriBtrn Pl dimC.& Tt Corirlr'r fitE L.,.b.r rE +rl, h rorcot
<br />dE FFry rlb lrill d 6!.os UE$G rn rb.lE ci s hilEllm lErll( lhdtn llir ( n- om.t!rtF..
<br />lmvitd rh o.h in+mtc r e ml hot ,al d olE .d for !L. lL ,rffi. tlE t!i!!t d ntv.wcd Ii s! *nhh ft d
<br />olorrrLlis rlE O*e Builhr,i! hr rlE hldo ollllvil d. lt tE dit r,r tojld d iiqer Ut FqEl, t( dr FrFcoa
<br />_ l.r\o*mrnlr pn,Fny.nDcr.lDn.lyconr&rtr,!r[h|\.(l..nrNn\['(otr{n'crrhf,|,,'rr.i(S..7ot1,Btr{k\!
<br />rl lh'h\\m(ixk lhr(in rir!r'sl.(co{liq(l'r\rirl)l)l\t'{n!'trnrr',lJnUF v*h hu,lll\ or i'nnn*r\rh.r.,tr'.
<br />rfrl sh' lrn ni!nn{f,hFnAllrihi(itri'xni\rlr.n{JtrFutr L'r^i(i''\l.icn.Lr{l
<br />I nr,c\r rr, u (kr s(rotr . B & I,(- rrr rhh rrr\'n
<br />lrnl( l){kr rlJl\!&::l'r^lt[irlllo]
<br />I h.,.h\ .'rli,nuilL! r{n.'lr\ rl rr'rr\ rN I'lrlk rr'll!( fr rlrL r,irrF
<br />-l
<br />h.E .d rill . ( .nirnlc .f ConErr lo rc rdt6 otrFE rirr .r Flrirt n ,or 6y s<ri,n lTEl or tlt
<br />Ltltr ('d.. tu rhc FnorflRc of llF M,t for ih
<br />'lE Fmh it i3su.d
<br />_l h.E.'n tlll dintin $.t6 (dFerii iffi. u rqlild by S<rao.1)O of tlE t bo. C.4. io. dE F6.IEE d
<br />rlr srt ad *nth lhir F.rd L i<!d Mr rqt6 otrF6.iri ,li!!N trir.n Fl., ani.r G:
<br />sJa,le <ttu|
<br />q7L\zXc)n -zz-h
<br />-l
<br />dlry dl! i.l,E Ffordre oftn rst fd whii $ir Fnn t ir$tn,I nrl 'El.nploy.ny F$ h u, 'lrlEb.rrobd:nrrrFrlorn wtd or+drdbn hs o, C.llrml. dd.CE dr ia l rlqld lErc ltiti nr d.
<br /> o-tftii,n Drr{.i6 of Selir l'}ID of E Lrb. Cd.L.l irll. t(lhnh 6ndy *in t,Ei Fovi'r,B..
<br />wAtNlNC lribE to drE ht n @np.nda.n orE!. i1 lnhrruL ad $rll {bF u d+trF b dinii Imli. !n
<br />.itl fiBr or ro or h!'nrd rh.uqid rllllr6 (tlm,(mr. i, ..ldiran ft, rlr or or 6nFNton. dmr.t 8 Fonddl ad E
<br />S{rion 1076 o( rh. L,lrn ('od.. i.rc(r rnd rnomyi 16.
<br />n',, l:4-n rror-,, /- *4-ucE8t@tpMlaq[raDllITlAIll'tr
<br />I lEEh!.rrm unkr Fulry ol Frrury lh.l I m lierrn ui&. Flvkiln orct Fls I (onErirs wnh S.clb. 7lm| ot Dt6ioo l
<br />of tlE 8ur-8...n ft.fcrirn Co.L. !d ny t.* ir in tull lm rn dTd
<br />l:%-_Lq ,**-v=/_l;rs|-sl4
<br />colNrf,uqlla!.lll[llu.AcE$lr
<br />I l.Er!, .rrn u'id Frny or F,l.y rhi rtE! ir! , 6rqntri{ bnii! .!st ld ft Fr(mr of llr wl tu .iin lhit Fr ir
<br />Artgqttrr.lElqArarlQd
<br />I d? .fh oi&r Foiy ol Fjur, tr of rlE loll,*hr drLrrin:
<br />D.d,lnbn P.mill^lt llot Notifnlion ftdd.l R!t!Lli,n! Onk 'O. P.n6)
<br />-i.qu-tn
<br />L.nd of Lorii.rin
<br />l.drilirhnr rri icdflil rc*Ulllionr r8ir ins i{r{orrnrrdlirc innliihlc n' rhnpn!.ir
<br />-l
<br />c.nil, rld I br Ed rhir .prlt ri, !n rd. lhtr rli ttnE inloririon i cnBr I .arE ro @npl, rat' .1, Ct, . Cddy
<br />dnirns ]n Sl!l. L.*r ELlr! lo t ildi'!.qurBrbr !n h.cby.utrir. EFtrrrri6 oflih Cny.,n Cd ,lo dl6 upon l,E
<br />ihr. rkhrrN t)"r'.rrf l,! '
<br />^rO-. * ^r-r rt-"*, (
<br />p.*u* .-. rp"*r Di kLQ 54<,-hoo:t
<br />lt -2a-lq
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water-Under floor
<br />Gas-Underfloor
<br />Buildino Sewer
<br />Area/Storm Drain
<br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier
<br />TOP OUT
<br />Waste & Vent
<br />Water Pipinq
<br />Gas Piping
<br />Roof Drain
<br />Tub/Shower Test
<br />Rouoh Water Heater
<br />POOL/SPA
<br />P-trap/Drain Line
<br />Main Drain/Pool Piping
<br />Fill Line/Back Flow
<br />Pool Heater/Gas Line
<br />Miscellaneous
<br />Gas Service
<br />Water Service
<br />Lawn Sprinkler
<br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap
<br />Rough Plumbinq
<br />Final Gas Test
<br />FINAL tlg-D Lct5,,.te-/29
<br />Noles S Etc.
<br />a
<br />Back Flow Device
<br />Meter Release