<br />I hadr, .ftm udd Frty 6l Fjwy lhi I D qorF nM fi. Co'tL-l6 Liqe l& hitu 6&t*a!a lahlS<7O!l.J
<br />B@ird ard Prof.*ion Co&): Any Cn, or Coufly {hth Fq!!B r Fnil io oldru.r. !h6. inPio!.. <hDli.h or q.{ !y
<br />rtu rurc Fhib itt irlre..h. r.qri6l,E +plirn lor uh Fnd lo fk..isdd tlr.!!E $itcdth.itlka&d F Dd
<br />lo rll FDvirir ollll Cdrr-rd.. Lts!.d Lw ((i4ra 9. Ctffiry wah Scrbn ,@0 of Oivirb. I of {r BiliE rd
<br />hltdioB Con.) or fi.I L q dE i aaro ll's.n!n rd llE b.,n br lh! dk3.d aatFioa &y riohtior of Scrnr 70-l L5 1,, &y
<br />.pplt.{ for. Frni $bjci! I[. Flkur ro ..ivilFrny df 6t mE lhd fir. h!..t d &llrt (1500).
<br />.- -t. & olc of rh. p..!arr. o ny mplotG qio nia6 D lh.n Fk MFlrioi. wil do 0!. wlt td lt nnalw i Nl
<br />i'rai&d d otrcld 6r iLlsc,o44, &!in 6 rxl Profaifl codc Il! co'rr-rd! LiqE lr* &E ml tdy lo 6 orG ol
<br />rlEF?rq *lb hdlt iryo€ Oda id slD.hoi4n Bt iiE ltqit*lforlh o|,| hn d E om oEhy.-.
<br />Fovi.H rhd sh ioFoEErtEe{ i Erd.d dotu ti.l. Il hoslE. drhilding or itrFbiad itold{vrtn4rE
<br />olcotptrtrl. d!. Or*G !oi&r *ill h.E t E h!&' olFDtry dr lE c dr did ml hlild d irrylE lh. FoFty 6r d! FlFn of
<br />l. No*c ofrh. FlFry. <.dr*rin3 rh la.a!.d (o,r8r@ ro.ordru.l llE Fri(l (St.7Or{, B6U6
<br />.d PEtdiCo&: IlE Codr-rd r Lt.4 t e &E mr ply lo d ouE.f Fopdl, {lD huiLt or imFlt6 lhd@i!
<br />.nd *ls 6nd3 fd s(h Ftrj.rl! qnn r Codr-rqt) li6.d F6or lo rlE (tr..rld r lilc lr}
<br />I s .!mpl ur& Salhn
<br />lr.rc otrncr
<br />uJaL[Blrauf!$auq!Df(li&rual
<br />I innm undd t6hlr\ ofFt6 on..lrhr n)llnInr Jel{ (ntr
<br />- | lrE id *ill min&. ccriftr.ofcocr b sdf-lse fr $116 Mldrhn . Fovid.d tu b, SdiE !?00 of th.
<br />L.h.r Co& for rlE Dnfoffi ofrh mtt fo. qtkt rlE eann ir i!u.d.
<br />-l h.v. od will Eir.h @!to cdpdrb n lEe r Eqoald by sctir 1rq) of lh.lrbor C.da 6r llE F6r!!a.ol
<br />r,E wt ft. $ttt tii Fnn ! ir.d My *qtc! qEFr.iot ititrc 6ir -d polt, lntq c
<br />.* i:)alr' <ql\
<br />,r,., ^,.o,
<br />C?ZZPdC'l2:2? r\
<br />I cdrry rhr '. th. FrtuMx..f rh. tro,\ lfl \hEh rhs Fmn i. atu.n. I rhlll d ophr in) Fen i. inr nuE
<br />$ *rd tE .hc luhjrr ro thc *ortsj .omp.nsrion hqsot(-dlifomii. Md asE lhll ilI rl$rld tt o'n. subi.d lolh.
<br />*0116 onFEri.n rnirioN orsdnn 17([of tlE khr ( (t.I tEll,lodntr h omplr" \hh thls For i.rd
<br />Sdirn 1076 otrlE t lE Co&. irI.,ra lxl i6nEy r7.-:\t.2c'g
<br />ltcEltEDlaNr&(xa8
<br />DlctaStrua!
<br />I l'4t, .rEb und6 rEr, or Fir! rht I d lio!.d r& Fovirit orcta.a e (qBro.i.a wth Scrbn 7@) orDitit! l
<br />of 0!c a6iid md PDladoB Cod.. rxl ny ltot i h 6111
<br />l.ic.ns.(loss D
<br />,.,, ll-2a -19
<br />tot\72!,*,**{-a4/f, ,.s1
<br />c0l{Ial&Iloul&@trE.Acllcr
<br />I lE6, .rtE u,& pdf,, orFrd, thr rrd! b ! 6d€in lad{ rE, br llr Fft.ffi. of th. Et &. rEt dir For a
<br />t!ru.d (s!.. 3097. civ. c.).larb . N.r
<br />I6d6i Ad.lrdr
<br />Afll.l(a!.LutclJaarra!
<br />t h.irr .,rm undq F.h\ or FJUi! oG nl rh. lolh* rs ddlard ion.
<br />D(mhn,. P6'.ni AstEtn. Norilj.!ri.n [.n6dl R?rulariom ll ill.4lr.l'.no)
<br />R.rlun.d I !1!d ol I\i{ifxdi'.
<br />I cdift tL rlr f.ddii ,.s!h.6 Esrdi'!€ at!.rd llmr.l E r{ +dt$L lo lhir Foill
<br />I car iry rhd L'.v. r-d thir p?li{ior td n c rhn lh. .!o!. infon dion ir coEEl L|I.. lo 6nPly {ih .I Cny Dd Co! ,ddifld td 9r.l,{ rlti'B ro tqilti.s.or*lrlFtt rd holtt ari isrqdic ofll'! Ciy -d CoElt, lo ala
<br />'4ot
<br />0E
<br />.t * enbi.d Enpdty tor i !p.di6 DlFc
<br />Ar4id d
<br />^sdr
<br />siridu. f -E
<br />P@icffi(Fi ,: -Dktq ih€(Lari
<br />l!:fr:!3
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />q4-2a Zeis