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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.OwIlIT'TJIII'EA DELCAtr^TIOII <br />I hddy .ltb ol Dci6y rt. t G q.q. t@ lt. cdrnd l.i.qE te 6r O. folb*iB tE6 (se.?otl.r' <br />BuilE .d Pre&.irn Co&): 4,, Cny or Cady dtn E{uiB . Fri lo @rE!Er. .ia. nryDv.. .hDli.h s EPa -, <br />eunuq Fnrlo iI! r!o&...ho Eqric rhc npltd 6,n&hFDito fu.!iSn d,raH tdbor dtiti6.d Frrin <br />to rh! Flvnioa of lt. ConL*rdt Licru.d r:w (Chfl6 e. Colm@hs snh Sdion 7000 ol Divnion 3 ot rtc Eui@ ed <br />Pr6n lio Co&) orthn h. or irc i. qdnpr tdctoE.d rlE tGir f tlE.lkg.d adFbi. A!, vioLr@ ofserbr 703l.5 byoy <br />rrpliqt &. . Fen ubjd! r,E 4plicrd to . civil Friy of El ie rh- ntc hu.hd &I!B (15@). <br />-1.. <br />olG ofrbtrcFry. d or.@b)a rit *tr.. UGi -L tu9diiL e{.b ti. wt -d tb a'dE ir er <br />ild d ofktrd tu.L {Sc.?0a4, BriE !d rbH.r codc ft. co.h.lo. r li(* tt 6. El Slrto - olG ot <br />l!. FnFry wln hrl& r iFo€ lt.!.'...d wto.h-rd, s* iiE dtd lg,lf d tuusl hi. a ta oE Gopby... <br />Fovi.t d rll r,.n itgs.d E &l ndd.d aotu &. rle tt ho{!E. Ur bulldiq * irylrd i -! *ibi. c rtofdlpbbr 0E o*G &ril& wi[ h.E lh. hrb ofFovir lE LddE dt 6i hild d tryw rt FFt,6. tb FlP@of <br />-1, <br />uo9Eofrt FlFrr. o q.tliEly @mdir snh fi.d oEedro odtal lh. Firr (s6. 7044. &c <br />ad Mir C.&: Tt.! Lk@ rry <b€ @l 4ply lo a ow of FlFry *to t{ilb d iD9.o€ r[s6.. <br />&d wlD @ffiao. Eh FFr! win.Codnd(.) lid,@d brlEcdrrdd t LiG L.v). <br />_t aqadu&S-rild .B.iP.c ft.lliE-! <br />llrlr Osner \laLl;Blllail$iatararuf(r aara! <br />, h(.h\ rlftn unJr no,rli\ olt{pn onc.irh.l\nl\\nrr lldle.rtrrr <br />-l <br />t E d sill oin b . Cctifid. of C.d lo S.U-lE!r br 6lo dE6.ri,n . FlviLd 5r b, Sdbo l7m of dE <br />lrld G.l.. e. ih. Fftffi! oroE rqt &r *ti:t lt. FBi a iD.d <br />-th.r.&d*illmirl.inmrlri.oftpd.Iioning4.,6,!qun.dbys.<1i.it70ootrlEhlotcod..6rft.pdfo,l,acofth. Nrl lor *nth thn Fril i! i&.d My mtkd comFddion iEudN sk xd Flty Nnb.r d: <br />Poliy Ndts: ErPnB: <br />Qcat qU a*E,,,*sotdr wo* tu *hil' rhi. Fot b isE<t, I .ll.ll @l spt, ey Fb i!.4, ttltE <br />D .ro b<od xhdt ro rb. Nrla 6op6r6n Lu orcdifllu Dd ryE rhr 'rI rbdd tE G rn*{ b th. <br />*!*d'! of SclbD 1700 o[ilE L.tor C.d..I lndl fonhsth onply wil[ th.. Fovbio6.. <br />ll^RltlNcr F.ilu. lo EG wtd' olq@nior @!qra. ir ulNtuL .nd ddl &t *i D @ploF to aintul pa.ti. -ddd fr6 up to c hd&!d Uo&d .lolLt (tloo.o@). h t ldlM ro 'l* .!r of gt odiE ddad s Fo*Ld 6r rlE <br />s<rb. !076 otrt ulor cod.. nad nd iqr!'r h, - a+\ ,-.,r|)loln ^,a,ffi-T'---,'.;;;;r..,,. <br />llclA8auotr <br />I hdtt, .trr6 unda pady of Fiury ttd I @ li.arcd ur& Flviion of Ch4lt 0 (@i!S wi& S.aion 7O0O) of Divnion l <br />or rlE BoiB nd Prfrbd codr nd b, lilc i. ir tull &r ! r. <br />6,;vbq 4 -/ <br />4ltzill *^-".rfu <br />COII:IAIJSIIA!,IEIDI8CIOEICI <br />I h6rbr.rInh un& p6.t, of p6ju.y$n t E ir. ora,!.lbn hdnB.s*, foriE Ffqlru. onh.stt 6r*tihOi FE i <br />Liad (Sa. 109r. Civ C ) <br />A'IIJIjIILIICIJEAIIO! <br />I hr*y ltrm urd6 palty ot Fjury oft ofrh. hllo*i.8 d..LdioB: <br />Ddmliion Pmi!-A.b.t1or l.Jotif6lio, F.da.l R.{uLlioE {'rilL,o. Ptn6) <br />-A.{Ii!d <br />Lataof lJodfi.rbi <br />-l <br />€rit Oi dE r.d6.l lt8lbbE Esrdiry 6td6 'tunl c bl ?plir6lc to fii! Fliid. <br />-l <br />.qiiry tltn I ls. 6d $n ryPklbi &d ra. rllr E rtoc int)rDrbn ir card. I .gtE lo onply eirt .[ Chy .!d Codry <br />od'nnNsin'jsriicla\'nrii,h'ituinr.onstucr of thir Cny Dd ('ounr, ro 616 upo rlE <br />,..0-*,r-, AAy <br />:-4rx-"*$hh2 <br />Appliances <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Delectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Torlet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Other <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release rN\ <br />FINAL L-V- 7^v,\il-q)1u Vl <br />COMMENTS <br />Metal Fire Place <br />N9l9q'89rnet!.E&. <br />I <br />t-