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PLUMBING-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Waste & Vent <br />Waler-Under floor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Pipinq <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rouah Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Piping <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release \.,) <br />AFINAL <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />OTf, NEf, BUILT'B D gITANAfi OIl <br />I hd!6r .lTm &<h pdllty otp6jlry rtd I 6 qql,r tlb llE Corc&lm ticar. k* &r li. folowbg latr (54.?031., <br />BsiE. sd! Co&): Aly Cry or Cdny whi.h i.q'ri- . Fli to orfrtltd, .!4. iry.ot!. d@lirh o. rt'.t -y*uds Fi.' ro itt b-.r. .lo Eqi6 rt @lir! 6r st Fri lo 6b r it t d od Or L d S. it li.@.d Fr$d <br />ro rt. FlvilbE of t Co|rr-ror'r lior.d br (Cterd 9. Co@nS wi! Seri[ 7(I)0 of Divirb.I of dE Bdi6 dd <br />PbEriod c.<b) or tll.r b. ( ,t ar a.r$ td!&!6 -d $. t .b for li. nks.d datFba At, vbbb. ofsc.tbo 70! I t b, 6, <br />ipplic!fl for ! Fnn $bjt*t rhl .p9lic&r ro r civil p.lrlyof @t tuE rh& liE hurdld &[!'! (1100). <br />-1. <br />. oqE of 0E !!Fty. or Ey .r!pt rE vih w{. . lhi 5l @np@.bc. *O .b iL wt .!d dE ntdE i d <br />ind B oeld tu r& (sc-roaa. a!d6 &d Pro&d.tB Co<h rlE codEa r tilE tr.b6 d Elylo - otE of <br />dE Fwry dD hd.r 6 iFoq Oao.. -d *io d6 r.l wt iitrldf d taldf d tLud ti d ha om .@br..., <br />Dolid.d rhd sct imFlElcdrFDl iidtd.ddofitld forsla l( lb* htiEi6i4.ov@r aDldwrlhc tc <br />or@nplaior UE owtE B{il& vill t wrt hnda ofFoltI fid lE rlE dll bl tliu o iEpnE 6. FnFry brllt ElFGof <br />-t..(lldolu.FoFir. <br />e GLlEly @nr-llr wilt lisE d.oi.t.r6 to 6drar lh. Ford (Sc, ?04( EEE <br />!,d hDhin Co&: TlE C.,nr&br'r Li€* t *.b6 mr ?ply lo - orE ofFDFry rtb huilL d iopioc li66t! <br />ed who odndr tor !u.t FoFr eit r Co{ laa*d Fdurd ro rtt co .ldl Li(@ hw} <br />_l & aoF ldd s<ti.n . B. & P.C. for th! ,@. <br />D .._ Or'c_ <br />rEt Xrss:r.aMrEdrara! <br />DECIdSAUq! <br />I hc.ty .lIm urd6 FrIy orFju, oE oftlE 6lbw4 d..hdi8 <br />-l <br />h.E d ?iU uid.i!. Cqri6.a. ofcod lo $f-hc h. wta 6ad.i,G r FwiLd b !, S..rb. lrttroflL <br />L!o. Gd., tut lt. Fforc orlt. Et &. *ti.! lll. Fni i iE4 <br />-l F Ia'@Ep.d.lbr i.tursc, - dquird bysdbn !700 ofu. L.!or Cod., tu1t Ff.r6.s& of <br />rt sqt ft. wnii i,i FEil i b&.d My 6t6r' ire dia !d ,o!.y @!a te <br />-t <br />€ra& rhd i! rlE Ffd,t,.G of iE wo.t fn wticlt lhir FEn i. ir,.d. I ihll 6t @pb, 6y FDt in Ey lt,.,E <br />$ .ro b*oE$UFt rodEs @ oryGlin lrs of C.lifo ir &ds!.rb if Irtosld taocdi.r looE <br />E a qpdlrio! Flvin do,Sdih J700 oart Ub.CodcIilLft l$il@,!dysi!tlEFviiE.. <br />w^n lNc: F.ile lo ld@w 6'@mFliion @ears. b ut wtuL rd ddl sbi6l & dplorq lo dinin lFuli!t d <br />cMl f@ cp ro oE hud Uosld &,lh! ( i. ld.thbi ro dE @d of o!q@.bc &n cB ! Flrid 6r tt <br />scrtr! ]0?6 otrb t t.C.dGinqi-d.ldEyrfta. <br />rJCEllE-CotrrlACIOr <br />[EgaSAXIq! <br />I tc!b, t rr ur& F.h, olFrry tu I d [.d 6rb Fovib! orcLfla 9 ((!,!ldaiit lth Sctbo 70@) of Dnilir 3 <br />o( rt &!itE .d ltuEriE Corh rn oy UE a b idl for -d.lI81- <br />canilxI(uatl.};liDl!!-acl:li(l <br />I hdcb trlilm ond6 rmhy ol psjury lhll rhdc s s.otr{tu r$. hndm! lgdcy for th. r€nrnmc. oflhc sorl ror *h'ch rh( lEmn ir <br />Gsud {sd 1097. cir (') <br />l.qL'\ NM. <br />wran$?i <br />Lk.u Nc6bd <br />ra&l Addq: <br />- <br />AIILICAILD&CIIEAIIO! <br />I hftly eD lrda F.l, otFj{ry oE otli. 6lowiE8 .Llrria: <br />D@olibr PdEie^tbcr6 !,lodftrih &d &arlri.6 Gnb 1o. Prr6) <br />-lcqsi..d <br />t il6 ofNodtcain <br />-l <br />.arit td O.6da.l rlgd.bB nadq G iEl ??ltrt{. b ti Fo.i.d. <br />-l <br />€ity Or I bE rEd lb ,pltni6 id .rr. tL dE.bE i oa.Er l.arE iocoqlt *ih.! ctr.nd cod, <br />on i..lg D.l Sl.r. r.s ibiB lo bildi,t 6e*rb!. -d i66t srhri& EFEtLlir! of lhi. City Ed C.ttdy lo da '{o! lt <br />.boE rErio!.d FDFty fd ilFtbi pup.6. <br />&rLra .? atlrr slparl! D i_ <br />F li !& (D.h)._ <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />'xq <br />I