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BUILDING. INSPECTOR RECORD <br />DATESITE.WORK lD/stG.COMMENTS <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />Subfloor^/enVlnsul <br />Roof Sheathing 7T <br />Shear Wall ,( <br />Framing <br />lnsulatjon/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req. <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Report <br />FINAL 4 11 L\^'fi1 lAxnl.torrua <br />oN 'Ltlr, |n$ot--I <br />Certlflcate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />I <br />6L-- <br />\d1 vtrt t1 <br />Osr.Build.. D..l&trh <br />Ihcby.lllm rsrdt, of Fjurr rt r I o qcF fm lh. CdE cdr'1i.64 L.r fd d. rollo*iit tuoi (r&.701L Bvniq. <br />&d Prcf..dct Cod.) An, Oty d Cout rhici r!qulr... Fnir ro cquEuc(.ltr, itiFo!.. doholnhol Ep.n sr rE!.|ll,., prir ro iu <br />irur,... .l& tlqliE lh. .rdl6r fd tld l,o lll. . rirn.d i.r.n-r t h. q ri. ir liclv.d Fnu( !o tlir rnriro ofti. <br />Co^E .16! Ud.d Lr* (cll.ei. t, C'ttfEilr rlrh s6id ,o0o ol Dlvt.l6 , of dt. Eoln.r .nC P6fdi@ C.dO 6 ltr h. or <br />rh. it.rapt $r.tcn -C d. lB 6..]t.a.d d6Fi6 A.r eiotiid olsEtiq ?orl , b, sy lpplkur rd. p.nnn lcbjau rh. <br />.p?li6r r,o . dvil F dq ol i.. llm ln& fr h{i.!td dollfi (tJoo) <br />_1, ! o5. of $. prorrry. r i, 6plor*. *iii *.a6 s rh.h lo1. .6p6r.ri6, will do rh. wl Md ih. .!crr. ir ior liur'&d <br />a ofirn ar ..1. ( S* 70.., Buh- ed lEl3i@ C!d.: Ti. Cdr*rdt Ucd. L.r dd .o .9t1, io o oh. oa ur F.Fry*io hln or lhFovd 6..6, |6d?hodo.nd* t him.lf - hrr.ll a $eth hl, a hr o,i hplor..r, , or tuch <br />ihpllv.ffiE E iot Inl6d..l ollrld fd r.1.. lf, ltor.c, t . hJl(lnt or l'rD.wsn.,lt n ,old ,i6ii ons ,o& or, rh. <br />Os.r.Euilda *ill hrvo th. b{nL. of p6vint 6r h. d rh. hor b{ild r tnFov. t6 dr. pcrp... ol [lc) <br />_1. ., oEa of !tu Pro9...y. 6 q!tu rt wlth llcd.d cnEsr.n lo .&r!!.t rh. prcj.d ( S... 70.4, Eui.s! Md <br />Prcf.r.ioi Cod.: Tl'. CctE .rd'r Llcl'.. l.' d€ no( q?ly to x orn.. ol FlFty rl'o bc d, 6 i,nprov., dr.r.on , |,d who <br />c6E .l' ld luch,.oj!.u rirl . C6EL.lo(,lic. .d p{o!r |o ln. Cafir.lor'r Ljc5r. L.p ) <br />Ierftq6dr566 .B tPC fq6i.Ee <br />D.r. omn: <br />y!E{E&tlAEr!iA!a!..DEC!AE^DA! <br />I heby rfim uid6 F!.lt of p!rj!r, 6G of 0r. foll*,ni &daujd <br />_l h.r. &d *ill hntriltn . Cdin.r. of C6r.' o S.l Mur lor *ort6'$on, r Fond.drdb,S..d6r7O0or$. <br /> Cod., Ior rh. Fld$c. of rlF *o't 16 whid 6G pnn Ir L.o.d <br />*llmri,l.iny,+r'citnF!.(oilnuMc.,sr.qulrldD,5.4rcir7o0orrh.L.!dtcod..ror.p.rtoin|li(o,lh. <br />.!_llll {"f q.d ytr"tfr*Fru6 ri!{trq 6ir Md porrcy iuhbc sf <br />n <br />rorr.r r6nk; / ./ \/ I lUl s*F-,(I'rtrtt92'(idb.ty6(9p6n <br />I <br />ro.tBiqditdolD (Ico) -rdt) <br />-l <br />6iry lllr in 0! F(crlt&e ot 0r w6t lq rhich |.\n Ftut a! !.{.4 t ,t ll nor 6ploy sy faron in -y aun.l ro o ro <br /> ,!bj..t !o $. wdt6 ' .mFu.dn l.m ol Crlifmir hd ratr. dlrl lf Lhould b..!6. tobj.d rc $! & <br />6mp6dl6 Fvtlod of 5*ii6 lTOo of rh. lrb. Cod.. I rt'.lr, <br />w r.t(lIG: l.ilr lo t..6 *rtF' @vq{. L Inl.rtu|, .r(.ldl ,cbj6 u hplors r. o{nn.l sd citilf, !p li) on. huri.d 6orod dolln (3100,000),ii dditidl ro $. co.l of colnFrnioll, r, Fovi&d ld 0. S..rioi !476 of <br />O. Lrlor Cad.. inl.fl 6rl lllmcrt (€. <br />IJCI!$D-COtrIEACIq$!ISId!AT9N <br />I hEby .{rri s4d Fdry of pcjury 611 !n ll.rr.d E.h D.lvlti6 of Ci.|.r, (m.ra wifi saloi roo0) of Divnion r or* ""'-{^ffryT r.a,.i,in t!,, rc.dd.n.L/ -t 1, l, 9. ;-, <br />Li.a& o.dL_-_-___z:__;__----!/_ Lic6,. Nrb6 L <br />d,F,a*Z <br />cor Bllgp!!LrND&G-6!!Ncr <br />I h@!, .ff6 u.kt, ol pqju.y th.r ri.r. ir . c..lthrdioi lad,nt ra6c, ra l,l. Ffmec ol $. qo't lor *hi.i rnii Frhrr i, <br />trtu.d(se lot , Civ. C.) <br />AITUCANT,IIICIABAIIOE <br />D.sohn6 P.mirr.A.b€to. R.aul.rioir (Tn|..0, tr^ 6) <br />_ PGquneC L.i!r of Norllic.lio <br />_l..nrt tll.r <br />'h. <br />f.dmlE&l.iio r.8r.dint sb6o r.nord a. no{ rorhn proJ..! <br />_ | c6da) ll|.! I h.v. .d dr! .r?lioii6 od r. dd t[..bor. inld jd h 6..r I .aE. to c@tly ,rl .r] Ci, r.C Cou.r, <br />.l.rint lo buildi.t colecdon, sd h@b, .!lhdir. Eprg..t.rilc ol rhn Cir, rnd Counry b .^'.r lFn lh. <br />,,n 4 x,, <br />SLAB Floor <br />I <br />7 lO< <-,"L.7 <br />) <br />II <br />\