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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential R ange <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />rI <br />FINAL t\r(\2r, <br />owNll aurl,Dat DEL t TloN <br />I hd!t,.rrE '4da Frry of Fiuy tia I D oclq ilo lt Cdr'rd..! Li!4 Le brrl' folb*it tutsd.roll.J <br />Buin4 !d trcbbi Co&): A!, Cl, or Ceny *,lrth '!qri6 . Fdi ro 6i..tu r. .ltd, irEror., lleolirh or rqrb o, <br />rtrldu.. Fir ro i5 iffi!. .bo FquiE 0E @ltd for rwt FDn to 6L . lilrFd rr@r 6r t or lE ir liu!.d FE .a <br />lo rL Fvibn of tb Contdd. Liad t w (clt Fs t, ColE'Ciry rit Sdri.d 7lm of Divilbo ! of lb. E6iE -d <br />PrDlisbB Cod.) or fid lE d tlE i q@I tlE!6oE a'd $. hcir 6r dE rLt.d a6ptin. Aly rbhioa orselin ?01 1 .5 b, e, <br />.t?lic.n lor . FEn sbidl' th. .rplidr to ..ivil p@!y otlor mE $r fN hu"(H &Isr (t500) <br />_1. 6 olrG olrb. Fopcry, r fr, dpblc wnh w!86 ! rlEt sL str,anriE {in .i, di *si !n dr cldc a d <br />ilrcd.d d of-cd for.l (56,70,&, AuiB 6d Proftriiod Co&: IE CodEdd t Lic@ te &6 @t nplr ro o oxE of <br />d! F!Fr, dDh r - irylE dEq d *to d6rdr Nt li4lad l'.Elf or tlEugh hir 6 k os qbFa <br />Fovid.n thd Ect ioFl!ffi r Dr i.€id dotrftd fii( -t ll how. dEb dni q igo€d i -ld rtt' c,t <br />of@Bqlaior 0E o+G &dldd wiu htE tlE bnLn ofFovne lhi lE d !h. did er hiB or hqow lhc FDFry for $. Frpo* of <br />-1. <br />a ow ofIh. FFry. h qduiEry cofi..lDr wnh [c€B.d co,ufl.roE ro oillrucr rh. (Se. ?044. E lilE <br />dd ffiir C.d.: Ttc Co rtdd! Licoe tl* &16 6r .Orly ro d o\€ orFopGry who boikL or iipotg rhd@n..rd riD <o re! 6r Ei FDin! snl . Conrxrdl, li!-d Fnlr ro dE (od.rrd ! LiEE Ls) <br />_, m.Impl undo Sdriod , B & P C 16r rh! rd$. <br />D.r. <br />.vq8alSq'.CqMtEdsAua! <br />TECI.6EAIIqT <br />I lE.{,, .lfm und6 Frty of Fiury oE olth. follo$[8 .t drahB: <br />-l <br />[re. id will di,n&. C6rifi.a. of Colqr io sdfltre fir. Erd 6!FEd.'\ ! Flvii.d f.. !, S<rioi !?m of 0r <br />L&. Cod.. k D. Ff(@! of0. st ft. rttb lt. Fai i ia!.! <br />_l h.E.!d * wutd oq@8b! i6e!.q . rquirld by serio! 1700 of lh. r:to. cod., tu dE Ffta@e ot <br />rlE wI tu *ttt Oir FDn ir rld Mr wta @iedibi ia!t. nir -d Fli., i!616 G <br />-l <br />.dify th, i! dE F6l & of rh. mri 6r wntb rlit FEn it iur.i! I llrll bl qby ey F$n in ey 6!c <br />r . lo b@c $bjci lo lt rdt6'@isaEai, h*r ofcdibfri. rn rc $. ifl dbdd b@r $tiri to dr <br />h d' @!qd!.tioi Fovirio6 of sdbr !?00 ofrh. t hor c.dc.l fill fonh*nh @@ly witt rho* F!viri@.. <br />a aploF lo aimin l F rlb &d <br />c l 6n6 up lo or hun<lcd rhoued dolbB (1100.000), i" .ddhnn to th. <br />Srtion 10?6 olrb. Lltor Codc irlqln lld.nnq . fc. <br />comFr.{t'n. {teus6 6 Folit.d for rh. <br />) <br />I holtr .r@ undd rody ot Fju, th. t m li!s!.d teda Foeiba of cb.pta 9 (@I]llEirs slt Sqdb! 7000) or Divbi.i 3 <br />ot lh. BdaE d PDbiE Corla .d Ey li@ a h tuU 6d d.ftd. <br />Li.6. Chr:-ticc Ncdta <br />"",L/- 3O- /a <br />I h6rbr !m.n onda [.nnh, ol pdrury rhd lh6. i! !.odtudion <br />i.t$.d {sd i(rr7, cn. c ) <br />ryacy for lhc Dqfomecc ot lhc rul fot rti.h lhir pdnil . <br />AIIIJCAILIECIJAAIIA! <br />I hdrby.f'm uda olFjury od oflh. 6llosi.8 &.ls,riod: <br />D@libo P6ir9^.b..6 l!.'lif6.rb! Fcd6.l Rcsohbd (Tal. {0. Pn6) <br />-RcquiEd <br />Lal6 of tlorif.rbn <br />_l €ri& $r dE tda.l Eguba(6 rBrdie ab..r6 lfurd e ful ro rh! Fjcr <br />-l <br />cdrary Un I hrE rad thir .ppla.rnn .d d. th! th.ilforirbn t c.irEl. I .8rE ro @dpl, *ii .I Cil, .rd Co@lyqdinrcrd slrc t u!r.tilaro hlilliry or* dlEriz. EEerrnq .f tlln Cn}. &d Coury io crc l+on lh. <br />.bo* turnr*d l,trlqry td <br />Applic&r m &or su,ne ,-,'/'3 o '/7 <br />vEl;Ett <br />Other <br />Meter Release <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />f----T_--- <br />= <br />=