<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release
<br />FINAL ffe172 ta x)
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.I
<br />I !c.ty .Irm sr& pa.ry ot Fiury lhr t d q.n$ fton tlE Conr..ron U..r. try 6r tlE followios rai (SG 7011.5
<br />&!ird .n ftobiD Co&): Ao, Ct, or Corny wlrth ,cquiE . FEi ro @innit .16. i4.ot! tu liln o. rE i ey
<br />rmcd!. Fbr lo il! i$-c., .bo EqlriB ttl dit tu tucn pdnil lo fl. . !i8!.d rddEl ttr t d f. i licd FE|[
<br />ro rtc Foriri6 of d!. Conrcrdi Liarcd lre (Ctrgrq g. C@hir.ins wnt s.dbo 7000 of Uvilio! I of dE aBiB 6d
<br />PDfrsbN Cod.) ofir lE d rlE i' q.r9( 0!r!f!d.d th. tci. ror rb. dLsd aoldor Aly vbldbn of sdlh 701I i by uy
<br />eli:dr fo, . paDir ubirri rlr +pli{d ro tcivil Frtyofml mEtld liE h{(H &lkr (t500).
<br />-1.
<br />s owoflt Fopdry, or 6y dnplot€ *ih qg6 s $.ir FL NmFllioi. wil & dEs{r di rE rt'd@ ir dl
<br />i.ia&t 6 ofrr.d lb. sL (Sc.7044, Bui,B ud ProfdbB co&:]ls co rcldi Li(!e Ls rt 6 rl .P?ly lo e ox6 of
<br />th. Fopdr, qho h,iki o, nn'.oE tlEEtr .!d stD &a rrn Mi. tinell o. h@lto. rl@uC tn or [6 om .nployct
<br />pmlid.d rh.r !!ch imFtvMdr fr mr ildxLd o, o6i.d for $L l( hows, llE hliu[E or irqoldmn t &ld wi(hin oic )r
<br />olconpldhrl Is OrM 8{ius wiu h.w rrE trmh orFovins rht lE or d!. dtd ml hild or i4.ow rtl Fpoly fnt FrPorof
<br />_1. s (tvc 6tdr FoFiy. d a.l6i*t 6e..riis snf [.a!.d omxl6 lo .onrtuci l!. FDj*r (Se 7fi4. &!rE
<br />id Aokn Co.h: TnGconln id rLk.cL.w&,6@l.rplylonomaof FoFlywho toik!d iEgrova th6@tl
<br />rld wto od.ri tu Bt ForEr. sith. colr.xrdlt) lad.d pott!.r b lh.codt crd t Li('4 tls).
<br />-l
<br />m.roF uxb Sdrion . B. a P C for fiL lEn
<br />D].: O!rc:
<br />l&a8f,88!:C0ut 8SAIIA!
<br />I mda Frly ofFju.y oB oflt follo$ing &<l!r.doa:
<br />-l
<br />he -d sill inl'h i Cditrc{. of Cotrgt lo s.lf"lM fs wt4 @nl,onlioi. c FovitLd for hy stlioi 3700 of 0!.
<br />LEor code rc fi. Fbffi. ol'lE 6* ftr shi.h
<br />'lE
<br />Fnn ! qu.d
<br />&l*--,*"""-.*.'coDpaldk'<tlysGrkolTooortkLlborco<t,rotrh.Fforu.orEA tor shEh rhi' Damh b ud My *dta clrp6Errn l1sllt*. Mid .t!d IrclEy nmbs &:Atn ehy'urLtc
<br />6iil:r4tL'c J/t5 1t 24 ?1
<br />in tlE Ffoffi of tlE stl tur *hai thi! FDi s be.d I ftll sl aipby r., p6$o i. e, o-G
<br />$ aro h6o* rbjd lo Eeult!'MFlri@ ltEorcdibmir idtEor ill.lDuld t .ndeqer iodE
<br />@,t6 @.!eardl, FovirbE ofSEliE l70o of6. t td Cod.. I atll forlhwil' @trply wi0' dD* Fovib6..
<br />\y RNINC I lur. kr su.. sorl6' comp.nsnion srra!. Ls unh*tu|, ed 3hill slhial an Enplots k, omrMl ltshB Md
<br />cnrl fin6 oD lo otrr lhousd doll6 (ll0o,({r), rn dninn' t' lhc con oI.onFdion, dmtt6 a n,oLdd rttr rhc
<br />ndc. inlosl nnd noti*v's n{2,.
<br />:t|*,,*rao f<t
<br />IJstdttD-caur8agoa
<br />t h6rn,.fE66daDd.r,ofFju.ylh I m [.d tln(b Fovbbi orch.Fr e (@!!t.!Ci!8 wiD S.db.70@) of Dnbio! ]
<br />ol th. &ri6 .rd P6&.ioB Co&. &d E, lrc ir n tul br(. d .trG|.
<br />C^ z-:
<br />ab 24_%,a*of c4
<br />I arfid u.dr Fn.Iy of Fdjury rhdl lhc. is a sdoction LndinS osdct fs. rhc Ffoll@c. oarlE *ort lor shrh rhai p€mn i
<br />irsu.n (56. 1097. ( ir ( ,.
<br />I @y .&E rd(, F.ty otFjuy oE of tlE hUowi4 &(bnit!.:
<br />DaDlnbo Pmil!.Alb.r6 NoaifErb! F.darl Rigulri,nt (Tn! lo. f66}
<br />_R.qui!d LanEof Nodkbi
<br />-l
<br />c6ri& thi rlE f.ddil ,qrdrrirB r.3di4 ab..lq E mr {jpli..tL ro lhn Fljdr
<br />'ntunMrn s (ond I nlralo.ompl) rirh dll (-[\.nd (,'unr\
<br />rli\c nrnl ,{,(,1 1,'o|ur\ lL' tr'\t)..lkrr
<br />Apphcanl or !.trrS'!rrntr.
<br />E<tL cf ::-:":ilT*
<br />tttqlD
<br />II
<br />III
<br />/o3(3. /
<br />ihrl I hr!. rc{l lhs lrplralni ,rl n!1. lhal