<br />I &Et, .rntr u,rls Fu!) of Frju.y ri.r I m .EtrPr tDE rlE Cod*r6 t.i:B t r fot rt folo*irr E t (s...1)
<br />auriB rn
<br />'ror6ir
<br />C.d.l: Ary Cny d C{nry wtah rcquic . Fri 16 MrM, .lto. inprtrB d.mli.h n E .n \
<br />{n'.e. rrtr b ns iasu.. !l.{ Equml rlr q'tlid ld ,rh Fd b fik r 3isr.d nd.mnr rhr h. or {i ! li.rtr*d I'lmd
<br />ro rtF povosnr .I tlE C..k*rn! l,ic.n{d lrw (Ch.t{.. 9. C.mruxin3 vnh Scclhn 7tl(U of Divi*i.n } oI lh. Ausinca rnd
<br />Pof.$ionr Cu!) or thd ls d lh. n .r.nq, ilM.rrum end rlE bna ror tlE !lh.i cr.olFi.n. /\ny tbltri,n oa sdbd 70r 1.5 b) uy
<br />{ppliod aor 0 p.mn subFB r appli. L to d €Nil FEhy of Ml mr. th.h liv. hund6d dolldr (l5U))
<br />_1.aorm.olth.F.rEny,nmyonph,.rr*irn*.3calh.tr$LoqEndravlddd.{'idtlErldG6dndrlal or$f.c! for sl rsa 1x4. aurds rJ Pmf.srirtu CqL, TIE (b rsloar Li.nE lr* d(B nor.pplt b sowE.or
<br />tlr lh)IEny *1,to lrq ntx'FrrlrFD rxi wtxi de! ut v)lt lnru.],or lF.ElaorrlIDullt his or b.r ow,.n{lore!.
<br />lhlid.d drt ru.h idlinwEdr E mt ur.rrlAi,r.tldd Ic slc.ll. h.*!E tlt builduu.r ir?rnEdd n$E*fhit@F(
<br />of.m+Lriu rh. ()*E Euill.r u h.E fi. tul. o, Flvi's fi. h.* Jr dij d hliud iiFr dE ploFrt nr dr F,F.or
<br />I. n\ owEroIrh. pnp.ny, unr.\cl!rir.l, coNddin8 *(h I rc nsJ .odrudoR L, .o n{rud rl€ FlJ.cr lS.!. 7t}1,1, Buso.*
<br />rd Pn,lasrnr Codr t h. C(tuurttr t L'c.tr\. li{ d(E\ tr{r qll]ly b !n owkr o, ptr{Eny elx, hu'lds ot rhpt,vt. rh.r.otr.
<br />d $ho odr..rs (r \u.h [r,,..rs ,irh r (i,nrrbn s r li.cdsQl t{nd !'rll c.dd({ r trc^{ L2*l
<br />-l
<br />rr .r.qi u 6 Sdt r- B lt P.C ,or d,n E sn
<br />llqtf,Ell:cs!,Ildsara!rEcla8drau
<br />I l&bt .llirr utoi.r FMl, ot nqu-t or .r rtE lolbqrt d..bdb6:
<br />I hrk snl rrll trEorlur . (-.d rh.d. o, (itrRnr r. S.llnstrE ntr u*l.n d)nll[8dru !s FDvtrki fd hy S..rrn 1700 or ilE
<br />trti,r Cod., f.r rhr l..tonrm.. .I rh. so* n{ *h{h thc r.nnn n L$u.d
<br />_l hak {rd *ill llrdu ,o .E .oryENrnn riunr., .r EquiEd hy Sdtmn l7m of rh. trhor Co&. f(tr rh. Ddfm of
<br />tlr wt fd }hih rllir Frnn n lsEd My *616 oqmuu Nl,luc F z.ri l[lxy dnt . a.:
<br />I ccnrf, tld m r,r fl..ln,ruNc ,t tll *orl iin *hth u rrnur i! s!En. I slDu .nplot My rurr n 6y tMEr
<br />$ A h h.com $bjcd to rhc * lcn conlllnIron Iawr of Crl'tom,r. .nd 18E. !h 'fI;tnuld bc{om sut'J..t to tlE
<br />ro*.is conFtreriotr prurtriurr ofsdlon 1?L{ olrE trbor (lo!..l slull.Ionhwnh Lunply wi rho$ptuvbbN..
<br />WIANINGT fritr. b G-ur. e 16 ohp.rHion 6Ery. ir unh*f!|. !d lhrll slbFd m .ipbF ro cimii.l FDiB.rn
<br />.iril 6Er ut' b or hu '.n rhotrs d ddhB ('lm.fiD). ,n d.ltio. t, rL r{i of conlE$riol dor3.r B tmrn.d f.r rh.
<br />S.crFn :llJ76 ol rh. Llhor Oxl., or.rcn .rxl .rbtuy: (c.r
<br />I h.r.by rratrtr,unJ.r p.Nlry (f rErjury rtur I Jtr' li(B.rl uekr tx,ts'on ol Ch4rd I (.oouranrnt u'irttS..(u 7UI,l) ofDrl\rn I
<br />ot rh. Btrrrc$aftl Pmt$iortoJ., and r.y hc.n* is
<br />'n
<br />lullhr.. d.llcr.
<br />tr,"| ,//?/2, /Z-Z
<br />c![ErxlJcu!8.rEdDMi-AcENqr
<br />I hcrby,llirEud.r FMlrt.Inc,inr d itft Lrdn{trri[ bdin8.8!ry lir rhc Frmlmc of rlE *rl lor *lih $it Fart ir
<br />i,xu.d (Si. lrr7. C,r. C.).
<br />a8E!C Nr.!ECI484!9!
<br />I hortry linh ufllcr Fnrh, oI n(rrury o ofrh! n,lk,*in8.b(ltur(,ns
<br />Drnnlirn,n Pcrn s-A,tl{n Nnrficdtrnr ltdcral R.sul"ri,,nr (fi'k.ro, rd6)
<br />Rcquu.rl lrts.i M{f*rti,n
<br />_I c.nily ih8 rh. fcd.hl rcBul.rrN rc3&ll'u .$.sLx rcmnd ( d +rli L to rhi. Ilnttd
<br />_l rcnrly rlur I lN. r! F rtlP[car ion sld nll. rllr rM rh,v. rturtuiDD n.old. I lXN k, q,n,olt vnlr 3ll Ci] ard Coutrry
<br />onlim. lxl shr. t:u. rhrinS r. h{illirt ..tr{ddna .!i &r.tv adtorir qr.sdi6 ol rhis cty md cou.r, ro .ds u|'n tlr
<br />rbr.,EnrbBl poFny ,or 'nrpcdEn
<br />,rpplicn.r r,rxtd Si*n{lur(./a./l .zza
<br />..2-'
<br />Site-Work
<br />Underoround
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monumenl)
<br />LiIe Salety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bondlng i Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rough)
<br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soff it Rouoh
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />lvleter Release
<br />Rough
<br />Service h/eter I I
<br />FINAL ++err lt l,lv )k4y
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.I
<br />Rev.08.07-2011
<br />I
<br />o",..22/4/Zc
<br />4<?/a(