<br />Forms/Sleel/Holdowns
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />l-\
<br />Roof Sheathing tl-z\-fu q"tf-)()l-** Drr
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing
<br />lnsulation/Enerqy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Ivlasonry
<br />Pool Fence I
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif .
<br />FINAL 6-291-A)\nyJ%)
<br />Certilicate oI Occupancv 2 \-/
<br />aKE n4 It
<br />Notes Remarks Etc.
<br />f,r-UYE4I
<br />I :fli.i otoL. Fnn', or Frrry lhnr I @ .rcq, rNn rlx conl8ro6 Li.uE l,s ftn rlr folbwin8 Esn (S.c 701 I t
<br />ausiEls .d P,ur.srio. Cnl.) Any Cny o. Cou.'y f,hah BquiEi a F nir ro (r.\rnxi. .ls. imFow, .LmLlh fl qtril y
<br />(eruE ri(roilr t.nftc, lko rcquir\ rrx rpdi., i(tr s!.h
<br />'tnn
<br />lo fik a sfundl srd.mnr rhat h. o, d. n ltcn<d rudmr
<br />ro lh. rovirinB o,
<br />'h. Cdnr.(rr,\ Lrcnrcd Lrw (Ch+r.r 9, ConmEinS wilh Ssrion ?O(]0 ol Dilhion I of rhc BlsiEe dd
<br />Prof.*i'n1Cod.) or rh{ kor rlf, is crcnlt rhc..iion. rhch.(k for llr{e Any liobrnn of S.di,n 70.t I 5 h, m,
<br />applicrn{ fa, . Ixnfi r,r !r'pli.r ro a ciril !cMk, ot e! m6rhd nr. hudEi dorlss lsl(I)}.
<br />l. r\ o*mr oi th. FntEn y, {r nry cnllotNs wnh qss.s .\ rlEn $!c .rnnFnrdbn, Bill .LJ rlr q,i sd rhc turE ir n,l
<br />inrdrLrl or offcGl ftr sk ( sd ,044. Bu\nrs and |h tliirnr Oi. TIE CoNEcln s Li!.c t,w &Er n 4,nly
<br />'o
<br />.n orftr or
<br />th. FrEny *lv, turllr or himtr llts4 !,n *L, d(B sh $lt or h.ftlf o hhuSh hir (t hd own.mFlolts.
<br />Frovidcd lh.r such n\,.rcmnh N ftn i c lcd n on$cd fnr elc ll ho*.u, rhe tlitlin8 or inf'oEtunr s *,8 *tnin onc ,w
<br />ol ond.tbtr r Owmr alit.l.. uill lBw llE &rd.n ol lrNins th,l ,E or sb. dn Fl biU or intie x FqEl, ritr rlE ,'uqrii ur
<br />0\\\t,I Bl t,tk t)t I {ll
<br />_l om.r.mpr und.r Sarn,n_, B. & P.C. forlh( rclsn
<br />n aurJn(..rtrf,r rl F)lr,nunrt'rr :tr.
<br />I. Nownuofrhr ln,pcny, incrclu\nrly ronr in! with lrctrrd conlr(k$ ro conrltocl rhc l(,JEr (S.t 7(94, Bu\fts
<br />rnd lhrr\sion C(rlc 'l'hc Contak rl-i..n\Etiwd'{\frn{flrk,Mo{trcr.lpn'|r y who bu 'lJr or i'nIoEs lhcrdt,
<br />nnd $ho mnh.r\ lor \u.h ll,l.dr *ii r G'nhlon. I lKc {d pu^unr ri, .|f, G)tr!!.litr\ lius ti*)
<br />uaaf,E&Lt!]lttBrarla!
<br />DDSASA:ITq!
<br />I lE,chy 0lfirm u.dcr lrnnliy .f lxrjlrl om nr rhc krlo*'iE dc.l di!,nr
<br />l d*hf,hrhrncm, niucd Myrv. .F ..llr$dk,
<br />+\oLa {,J-d
<br />-I
<br />I'ah rn witr Ccn rrrd. 6l Conenr ro lnsurc f(r so o\' Lorp.ns{ion, .s rmeilcd forr!,S*rnnl7mof thc
<br />L8hor ('odc, lor th ncdomBncc or rlE wo* for ehich lhc p.roir ir iru.ri.
<br />6l h.$.d will mi .in *o 6 onlltnsrion i6u.rB- &3 Equi,td b! Seri,n -rnD ofrh. bb.r co&. ror lh. FlmEm of
<br />4'Lt eoa>
<br />_l..nilirh.r inrlr lErfornurc of lh. worl f.r whirhrhi{ rEn t nsLli.l \hallnor crmli,y rny |trvr rn ymntur
<br />{ r n' tEd'E \ubF-r ro it *nks\, qqf,n!.rnr U*\ oa Clhfomia. .nl ,Am rhd ia l \hould tEom ehtrr 10 llr
<br />surkc^.oqf,Niti('npn,vFtr'n\ofSerb6lT(rofth.litF.Cok.l{Elltunh*iihdnllplt*iihrh)epmviions
<br />WA|{NIN(;: loilurc to scurc *orkc6 corry.nsari{nl cowrdac r\ uhltrsful. nfrl rr,rll {q.ct !n dnlt'ytr l(,.ri. tr01!{n li.{ lnd
<br />ci{l firr up lo.rc hundrcd tlnuud d'll0^ {3llx).{no). in lddiron kt rlt cod or.nnqxn{rnr danuS.r !\ Fovid.d i(tr llE
<br />,. (0/P/5"r;-.*,n*,. fia,'a' ) 9t''r'' (-ol"'\g''u'-''' i'r, r,\iru.urt1r, '.,n J
<br />DfljtaElrlo!
<br />I n Ehy 0rfim ud.r Fmlry of Frury thal I am liansd und6 rtuvtion or (tuptr 9 (.onnEEin3 wirh Scri'n 70fi,) of Diviion I
<br />or rh. BnsiE$ Md Pof.$irr{codc, nnl rnyliccn€ ir inlull loft uncflNr
<br />(3q 1o355't1L
<br />tof?of?a?b fle i"H. P-oA -3i
<br />l!)NsrtuqMd tfaDlNri-eoEd.(l
<br />I trrby tr$m unl$ Ftuxyof F4rry ltuu rlrr i !.ondrucri,tr Lndins fnr rhc frfornec urrh. $.tk tur uhi.hrhi\ Fmi ir
<br />htud rs& l(r7.civ c t
<br />Lirlc.'\ Addrc\s:
<br />-
<br />afftlcaNr.ltEll,aEalrod
<br />I h6.try riim uBk t nllly ol Firury .rc of llE folti* in8 dcrhrdions
<br />D.mrhi,n trtrmnr A\r*{or M 'rrrri,n lrLEr R.8rld i,ns lTirL 40. Pad6r
<br />-Rcq!ircd
<br />lxn.r of Ndifi (.ri0n
<br />-l
<br />(n iry ltu lh. tncnl asuhiions Eseilins stt{o\ rcfr,lll d ftn lmlribh lo rhn ,)rorxl
<br />.cniryrh0r I turcrcidrhn nmhdrnnrond \rnrcrI rhcatrvc irn,nBri{,' i\cndccr.I llleroconrlyRilh rllCity0ndCounly
<br />'d Srrt ltrw\ Rb.'i€ k, ho'ld'ns..d!d.ri,nl uxi lf,kht!dhnn. rcl,c€trllrtr!\ ofrhi\( rrt.nJ (',)utrry ro rtrr0 upotr rlr
<br />.lD\r m inEl rrn'lrny tii iI
<br />pplntr l or ,\lol siANnrrr
<br />Bev. 0B-07-2015
<br />|h fD)*raur'L_\r-@Elc)pt
<br />loLryb.a
<br />Set Backs
<br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation
<br />o</ t2/lozr
<br />-1.--.--.._----