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APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Wasle & Vent <br />Waler-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Bui lding Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />lnlerceptor/ Clarif ier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />lVater Piping V-2 d- /9 bZ3rrP 6, <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P -trap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />La wn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing 7-Zf-/3 B,vf./uz <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL q-zf-t)&e/d <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />O*N&N AUll.Df, R DILCAR^TION <br />I hdlty rlTm und6 p6.ty of Fiur, ftn I fi d.hd nw rlE Co'nrxion LicaB. t w 6. lh. frlL*ir8 '.Di (5*.'7011.5 <br />E6iB tn Probir. Coil): Aly Cil, or Cordt {ni$ ,rqui. . Fdi ro drnut .ta, ipr.t! daDldr or qi -yirairE Fn lo irt iBa., .!o ,q&E rlE Tplt d for Mh panir ro 6L . lisi.d nrclEr rh. t or dE ir ltd.d F!]tlo ! Foyiio6 of dE cdr-ldr Li..c!.d L.* (Cn Ba 9, coffii!, *ih Sdlr ,mo of Dhabo I of rt BGi6 6d <br />Profc.b6 ( o<L)d{'{ lEdlE ir6q4l {E!tmtdrlEt-i 6r E.ltr.d aoiFim &, vbbionorsc.lin mll.5 b,u, <br />+plicdl 6' rFnn $tillirlE .rplkr lo . civil Frlry otmr mE rhd fiv. nurH &116 6rm). <br />I. 6 oMd oftlE FlFry, o, m, dnphrc snh Ml6 6 rlrt oL snpdrani. w & lh. $!ii -d rlE r.u.lG b mr <br />indxltl d otrqld foi 5l (sa 7044. BunB -d Pror6in cod. TIE Coftxi6! Lie lry dc 'd +t ro d (ffi or <br />rlEFFy slD h,ill 6 hFlq rh6,! rd *rb dE Bi sl hiEll d lEEllor llmuifi iir d lE .E a!'prryq <br />F.uid.d rid r@h ihFriHr r mr rldd.d d oiftrd 6r .L ll hocl6. E hrildirA oi iErcEEr n -! w 'n c ,cofdlpLir\ E()'rE Ettlq wil bE tlt hrb ofFsil d: t d..dd Bl hri! siiFoE !E F!Ft, 6.ltE Ftleof <br />.!d $lb onr-r, 6r Mh Foj<r! *ih .tr lir.d FnE b lbcoddat Lic tnl <br />A lPa 6rrtimI e 6oF undd Sdion <br />",- El'21/2dX <br />t hq.h afiirr uodd Fuhvof Fiu <br />- I hrv. rd will C6rif(n. ot( 0lE6r ro S.ll-leE fs wrt6 onpd,tdion, s Fovi&d for b Serioi l7m onhc <br />lrtu Co4. ftr rlE FfqtlE. ot lh. sflt ft. xttt dE Fii a is.{ <br />- Ih.1rrld will idlh srt6 oiFu.Iion icErBc ! r.quiE{ br S.rlhr !700 ofrlr ti.ico&.lort Ffnll.Bofrt rst ft. *tin lllir Fil i irr6d My vqld otrpdi, idm 6ir !n 9olt, n6bd E <br />I .cniry rhll in rh. Frfollr@. of thc $ orl for trtth rhi. tErt i! is!.d. I itrll ml dlPlo, rny pa$n in ry i6n6 <br />- a ro b.dE $t*.t ro rlr rqtd' o'nFEri'n h$! of C.lift|mrJn lE fii il I rlbuld h<n6 Eti,6l <br />'o <br />rlr <br />$nrta' snsaErbn Fi.b6 ofsdrhn l'7@ ofrlr litor ('.de I rlrlL 6ihqnh 6,qly *ih rlb. Foftb6 <br />rivil iin6 up lo .E hunilr.d lhor$d in .ddnhs to ih. .on oa.onFi..!ion. daD..6 a plvtLd lor lh. <br />o,a4lt 9 lz -'4' <br />l!11!!L\Ir_t! <br />I Fry+ .tlft und.r Fun} ol Frurr <br />ol lh. Buin6.n'l rhf6i.B ( od.. dd my li..M ir in tull forc. d.fid <br />(alsra!(rallr[lDltlcLctN(r <br />I h6d'\ rnir'. unlj( Fnnh\ olf-ruO rhr rhd. tr. coditrdx'n k d'ar +G\ Lr th. FfdnMc..lrh. {!rl n! trhich rh6 F.,d i <br />6nFl{Se ru.Jr.(tr ( l <br />at&lcall.DtclJSArq! <br />I h.*r .&D ulda parir ot FjEy oE orrrr folb*i.8 &<h.rl6: <br />Dnblition l@itr-Arb.r@ iknifrnbi Ha.l RcrlhtE tTil.:O. Pdr6t <br />_R.srird t r6of N.ai6.ibo <br />I cElit rhi i,E f.ddd ntllrioB Etrrtiry ahdlor @r.l c d ryltdL to lhir FoJ.d <br />t f,nh dl ( iry ,rl cou' ! <br />t !d Cowrt b dr rpo. dr <br />e/a4brj <br />I sr'b rh4./lrE,ad rho @pl*.ri,n.!d !d.rhd rh. rbor. otonntbi. c.'rd !or&rle r{6rrc ts. Eliu ro ho'Iri{ s,u'rd4 d hd.b, trhdE r!F6r, <br />.how mariE6d DrcFry i, !ry.dFn F Fos. - , <br />^rr.-r/N,q-*-ffi4ry- <br />".,."*.-t14 4€a 7f'+<. _ <br />PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Final Gas Test <br />I