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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.owNi:[ Bult,Dan Dat,( aRATt()N <br />I h.rcbt nmnh und.r p(nrlry (,f JEr|ury rhlr I !n.rlnlnr ln'6 rh. ('onrrcrrr LiccnE trw for lh. Llk'win8 Eo$n (S<?O.rl5 <br /> i Pnnc\{ion Cd.r Any ( ily o. Couoty whth rquiEs a p(rn,ir t' fl,ndtuc1- .r. itlorot. d.tulish nr Fn"n .ny <br />dMrurc. nritrro irr nsuNc. !la, Equirct rlr iprlinnr lq rk-h rErmir h lilcr sishd n emni rhd h or rlE k li(.ed or{strl <br />h rh. F'vh$nr .r rh. (lhrr&nni Liccn€d lrr r(tutr( 9. (lnnftNirg *irh s(rirn'7(tll of Divirhn I olrhc Burim$ rnd <br />Pnn $i,niG'dc)orrh,rh.d\ttt.r.,l]i rlr(tb rnd rh.l'aer tu rh. dlk8.n.ftnprir Anyviokrhnofsdhn?0115hr5n, <br />lDplic.n! fi, ! tErmi r!hF8 rhc lnllalnr !. ! ciril D.nalry or nn mm !h!n fivc hufrlrcd doll6 I S5ilO) <br />.i otr rr or rlE rmFny. r nrv rryr.'F\ wnh wos$ * rrrr $h (,nqsqr$n, wilr ii. r& *rl !n dE rrEtR is ml <br />id.,!,cd rotrrna(qkisd7txr, Eui6r nd Pila.r*ni (.(d. TIE Odd rLin.trw&E ml{rl,louo*Eoa <br />rlE F{dy *h) ttri[r r iqmE r,Ecn !n *b ilB sh qrt him<lf or lEEla or rtrculh hir or rF. owh.6prty6, <br />Fovil.d rh.r rkh inliol,ffii 4 d il.,iLd d olH ft, {h ll ln*w. rlr hiEiB o iilreEirEtr is sld *ith w }d <br />ofchI'Lrirh. rlE Owr Buiu.r $ill hE rlE h!d...f Fovit{ rhd ltq rt dilnrldld ,itftE.lE FoFty f tlElEpo-of <br />_l, .r osd nrtt. FFry..n.r.lorirlr.odr.!h! *th lidrd sdrd* ro frdd E Fsj.n (SE 704.r, BGiB <br />.,n msar (t{.r Th. Conrtuoir Lt.trE L.w &F d q't,ly <br />'o <br />x owE .f nrnFrl, *tn b{il& n intpmEr rrE6n. <br />r.d sho olrEr! fd uh FDF!. warh. cor,-rnr,limd por\qn h rh. codddt Li.w trw, <br />I -'.*-. ,,,&r S*-Jf Bo,YO74r.4.,-)('f-raair,a 9-'T@*-tllrif,aarc(ltfElsarlrrx[Eqttarla <br />I h.Et , rrum udq FEtt ot Frur, oE of rrF rol,o*h! &(h.ri,tu <br />-t <br />hoE .,rd rill mi.rM. Ccnirr.r. orcolhr ro S.lf tBu rd wI6 ortrtrdio...t FoviLd fd b, SElbn l7m or E <br />trlor Cod.. for rlE Ffl,rlrm .l rlE srt ld eh.h lh. Fnr k nrad <br />-l t e. !,n w'll dinlln *0116 onFNtbn i6mEc- .. Eluirn hy s<ri'n t7m orrh. t tbr Codc. for rlE Fftxlffi Df <br />ltE krl td *hth rhir Fmt i a(hl. M, wrt6 onFhdion in{tffi.rir rn tbliy nurlEr Gl <br />ffiiry,r,,,in,*p.,r"rnu'rc.ofuh.rorltushi.hrhnFrnri^ri!.rl.I(hrlln.n{'l.yonynmninsntnmkrq' A b tEnn $nFr i,, lh. sod(\, .on{Enqri,'n ln*\ ol ( llitnni.. .frI rtN I hrr il I \h,!ld .ubi\t h tll <br />$ort.6..qrnqti,'nF,vni'nrnlSarirn.r?(xr.lrkljhn(dc.l(htrll.lifih*irhcoflnlywnhrlstf.v$irn\ <br />WARNIN(i: !r'lur. t, KUE *rtrtcr .trn{rnsifln co\.r'8.,5 unln*tuI. r8l (h.ll srhFl an cmtlo}fr l. qimtul lrMha\ rd <br />c'ril fitr.s ut h onc hundrd rhouqnl dolh^ (Sl(X).lxr)r, in rdnirr,n tr rh. (n{ r (.,npcn{ri.o- dxm8 aas provii.d f(tr rh. <br />S(rinr l(176ofrh.lih, (lrlc. inrcrc{ lnl nmyrfuc\ <br />DVoc- z r- /q. ^oo*.XV7i,.'1 u-Q/---. <br />'Ll!!:.irDrall&\!luBIlll|itarltl! <br />IhcEl,yarlirnutrdcr Ix nulry ol Frjury rhor I rr li.ctrqn n.l.rpn,vhionolChryrcr9lcon,nFmin!*irhsc.(ion70([)ofDivnion.l <br />Df rhc Bu\ift* nd,nr Cod.. nd my licun( n in fullfotocdncltcl <br />sq!flagJrr!.u&laaAGEucr <br />I .fiirm unds Fulry of pc,jury rn, rhgc n . q,n(Ddhn Lflli.s .scmy ro. rhc Frr,lm. of <br />'h. <br />Nrl fot $tth rhir ir <br />isruld (se l()91. civ. c ) <br />ITIIIIAII.I]IIIJAAIIId <br />I h6d,,rrfm! i.r Fmlr y o! FIfy .m d rh. rolh*i.B d.rl,.r iinr <br />D.mlirirn P.rnirr rbcnd MrifEdan F&r.l R.euLri,nr ( P.n6) <br />-R.quir.d <br />l,fld of Mrirr_dn. <br />_l.drifr rh.r rlE Ld.ol Ellhhor E8!nin, (t {.r Em^rl e d.opli.hl ro ihii t,oj.<r <br />{fr,ry rr'a r r.* ,.4 rr,o +pld.r !n {.r. ttu E .lbw hroidi,n it d,rs! I .rr lo on?t, rh rll ciy m.l cdnry <br />dfrm .,ld StE tr*r Ehit r. torld'nt onrMhtr /n hcrllry .rrlE iE Ep.t*rrl|i6 of lhir Cir, rrn Cddy ro upor llE <br />7 T,*-*K azz:-ll.-+-,n-*_rppri,",-rr.,sir-,,.k' J /orn, !srru"-')-r.-',r--*,prDt +r 4'1a^ I Lo <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Frami ng <br />lnsu latio n/E ne rgy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certil. <br />FINAL 70/.?o/tq -*rLt) <br />e ot Occup-n6y'Certilicat <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />COMMENTS <br />lrftLr'\ And,c$ <br />Set Backs <br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation <br />T-Bar