<br />I I'a!t,.,Im u.da pduly of pdi6, thr I e da!tr fm rl'. Corrr-rd LiE try 6rIll fo&rwif ,a.Er {S-.r0ll.r.
<br />BBindl ,rt C6dc): ary Ciy o. Co!n, whi.h E!o!B . p6mir to ointui .16, n!pl!E, (Irolih or r.p.t ry
<br />llr'elua Fix ro i. bllrc. .lo r.quio E +dter 6r Mh FEn b fik r .iai.d rr6En rhl t or JE i li.q!.d Frurr
<br />to tlt FlviriE of rlt Corftd! Li<a..d t^ (Clt Fd ,. Coffiina *ih Sdbo 7000 of Divirbn ! of {E &ri6 &n
<br />Pofdndcod.l dth.lEdlt ir Bo4l lh.!600 rd Eld brtlEdhd q.qi6 Ary viohbG ofs<titr r0ll., by..y
<br />ela! for r pddn ibFlr rl! Sli.&t io . civilFul' otmr DGrl- 6E huxtld &llrt(tjoo).
<br />l. E osE ofrtc F!F61r. n 6y mplot6 wirh *qs a rh.t ioh 6mp(,lrion. wiu .b rl! rut ,n dE nnIl@ i a'r
<br />ird'd.d dotu ir rL (SE.70,+1, &litro 6.1ft!&.b Cod. TlEco nd . Lt@ le &6el El,lo-o*GofIt FDFty r'lb hib d iq.s6 ri6!o..!.1$t d€rn q* haB.lf or ha*llo, lLolrt hi. d na o@ aEbF.*
<br />FDviLirl|r rdr inFn€Bed ir.i.d roEld b.-l l[ Ln6G tlEtlildiB ditrFs-E i-ldvili'*rtotdtlldi{ lll otrE &rlk win hE {E hr&r ofFsit tL lE d tlE.lil dx b{il d iqo€ dE Flpdq tu dE FrF..of
<br />-1.
<br />6 ffi oflh. FlFly. n BdqiEly onBri.3 wih li.6!.n co'n ar6 lo 6irt!<r rh Foj6cr (Se. ?041. hll!6!d hDklcod. IE Corx.rtd i Lt.c t * dod mr +ly ro r o*!d otFeFry wlo b{ikl d ttrF!€ rhr.oo.
<br />ed rlb o'r1Irr [, sh Fidt $rt . CodEq{.) ltqldl Frld ro fi. cod-rat ti.oE t ).
<br />lm.\. ri 0nds Sdktr,
<br />I lE b,.flim!nd, Futyof FiurloEofrli fo
<br />lhtr\(xtr(l trrllmarnrari tr( dil-r.rr..l( rwrioS.llltr{(.Ii,r\orrdr'rrrltr$!i.n-dfor.ifdrh)Srlnnr7(rolrh.
<br />ljhr ( odc. lnrrh. tlotur m..orrh.rorl htr\hichlh.Frnri (
<br />'lsucJ
<br />I .ri $ill mitll.i! mrtd .o,p.r!dirn i,m.. - lqoiEd b, Sdrion 1?m of $. t hor C!d.. f.r IIE F&rlrc ol
<br />lh. rut fd $ti.h 6it Fni b ar,qt My *nt6 omFE ih ilElrc sir .d polt, dDlr c
<br />I diry tt. i. dE Ffrlllll.a of tlE wl 6r rtrih lhn Fdir it is,.4 I .hll 6r dpb, &y Fbn b d, nlle! . lo b<!E $UF lo tlE E tqj odFlrir LE ofc.liftiDi rd Cc tht if I Jbold t<rr ltixr lo rlrNrto' 6mp@$ion Fnrlaoa of S<rbn 1700 of fi. L.hd I tElL tonlsirh snpl, snt rlEF5vitio6.
<br />@L*tu|.0d $.ll rubi$ D
<br />iir lo r,E cor of .6p@.r
<br />I hatnr tf'h rn& Frl, of Fir, tltr I d t@.d di- Foviit of or$. 9 tffiq dt s.dbn ,m) ol oiviri, I
<br />of lh. D6i!6 id PrebiE Co<h,.!d ny lilE L b nrfl 6r.! !d.lE<i.
<br />laII-lB!LUQrtrN)t[G1q[-N()Il'&l))rllnt,undotMrlholIntur!rl rhd(hi.onnrlr(,nl( 'n!i!m.\nnrhctEnrma'r.o,rh.\orltr\hthrh*Frni6Rn'd (s( r(,,)r.(1\ ( )
<br />l.eL i Ad&6s
<br />affu( trLDfg.aa tot
<br />lndtin aflnn undd !.n.h, .l tEjry on. olrh. nnlo\inr dRl[6lnn3
<br />I)onol'lkln lld'otrs-Ash6nr Notl6calio. Ii.,-16.1 R.Sulartrnr I I nl..l0. Pdr,l
<br />R.qun.J ld6 or Nd,lrnrrr
<br />l.dr'l\ rl'r rl'.1(\l.1il'rlulirr)tr\,.si,itr,r r\1$!ovr trr 'l r ifr,rtjntr.'l'lc ri rhis tlr.rar
<br />-l
<br />cqriry fir I bE ,ad lti .rplicibn rd 11. $r dE.tort infoftrion ir (rE(l. I .ad. ro .orylyddlatE .d grc L&r Ehit to hiui4 Nddj[rn ha6, rrb.iE EFEiriE olrlt Cay&E 'Erin d FlDcry 6r i?aq-. E Dq ,. \
<br />l:::Jll:*- n{Qj - Dre
<br />drd ft,o.r\ l. dr6 uID. rlk
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Qompressor
<br />Misc ul pment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes D ryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Iype I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Dam per
<br />Openings
<br />F.D. Dro p Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />t, fui 4ta 8T nl'/v lzrt, @r'
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release /t -tFINAL7./'zrao frru/,vOca)
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.
<br />Seti6 1076 ol E trkr Co&. i,r.d !d trdrEr'!
<br />Furnace
<br />lnstallalion
<br />Rough Mech.JratdtW[i