<br />Set Backs
<br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns
<br />j
<br />Erection Pads
<br />UFER Ground
<br />SLAB Floor
<br />Roof Sheathinq
<br />Shear Wall
<br />Framing
<br />Insulation/Energy
<br />Drywall
<br />Ext./lnt. Lath
<br />Brown Coat
<br />Masonry
<br />Pool Fence
<br />T-Bar
<br />Handicap Req
<br />Deputy Final Report
<br />Engineer Final Report
<br />Flood Zone Certif
<br />t-^l l1
<br />FINAL t twl90 AlAr{A w60
<br />Certificate of Occupancy
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />I hqcty !finn undn I'dahy or pdiury rhfll I 6 .ropr 6!n rhc ao EcloB' Lia< t,$ aor lh. folhtrlg .d. lsa 7011 t
<br /> erl Pr.fsir. Cni.l ny ( irl or Coud) $hih ..q!tr6 . Fnn ro codM. tlls. lnpro\i dmlbh "r r.Fn Mr.
<br />nf,'(1uq Frrlo (! i$@cc, ab. r.nuir6 rlE amlicMr iot such IEm hnLali8ftd alddr rhd lr or !ll. u nc6!.d p@d
<br />io rhc pr irioN of tlE ( onrrro r l.acd!.d rr$ {(tu$6 e. (i'mmtr'n8 \dh sdir 10q) of t \ti,n I or llE BusitK sd
<br />Pmt*nB ( od.)orlhd lEd dE ir.!and rh(Gfroh..d rh. bdE ror rh..ll.!ed.roqiio. A.rviobhonofs.clio.T0ll t b, .nt
<br />.ffli..hi lor . pdmt $uhjdr rh. iprti.anr ro ! ci!,l pcnlht . f no! mrc lha fir. hu,r.d &11,3 (l5m)
<br />l.8o\colrh.Frop.nt,ormt.mtlorcrilh$.s6sthcn$k.omFft.trcn.rill&tt"
<br />i .r:kl or olt6.rl fd ilc ( BuliK ed ft.r6io6 cd. ft. ( olnr*rdi I tR L.$ dB ml lgplv i. s o$c oi
<br />rh. Forot- trho tnit&6r in{'!r6 thd6r.rd wtn) &6 (h ${ hnm.lf or h6.liot lh@lsh h'r or h< otrf, ophyc,
<br />p..!il€d rhd such mFmvffi c mr drdd.d r ollq.d tu s]. l[ h -d. tll t{iuq.r inqrolffi n $U s.hin oc td
<br />of rlE (x'n6 aoik6 \'ill h&. lhc hFln otFo\ins rhd h. oi {E dd d t{ild or inqtort rh. lmpdy aor lhc r{ryn* or
<br />l, &r 016 of rh. ,,lpdr. (ontrNi.s s{h lico6.d ..d.etu6 tr mdrud rlt For.d (s( 7Ol-{. &6'6
<br />.!n Proksrr Cod.:'l h. Conrdoi! I rd. L.s d.6 mr.{tl" to u osn( ottrorinr $ho hlildr or irtr.(r rh66n
<br />md *h. (ntdr aor such Fojcn! rilh. Colt.!.lo(, 1tr6!.d 0uud hth.(-odt..lor'r La.@ Ir$ |
<br />Irn,.\rf'tr tr (1.' \r.,{r
<br />Drte orner
<br />$ oR(flis' ('( t\tPl isAliol'illli0 a^rllrr
<br />I h6.h\ rfinh un.ld Fn.t! of FluD.E dlrhc n,lL\\ 'nt d(lJrron\
<br />I hi\. lrl $ ill m!n!.in . ot( .tKl lo s.lf'lMc tor s 6ld' om!.dh.- 6 Fori(H ld b) Sftrhn l?tu of lh.
<br />l,hr ( d.. fd rh. Ffommc of rlE { o* aor u hth lh< F tril ir isucd
<br />lh.\..n,1\rll r.inr n \orlt(r'co rp.alarn'n inqtrnncc. ar r(l itdl n\ s(i(nr rTix)ol rh.l aho (.d.. fNrhc[isronhxnc.of
<br />rlrc \frl itr *h'(h rhs p.m( i3 Lr\uql Mr \orl(\'.fht6di n rNutr.(catr'( el Fnf,\ ntrn,lE s.
<br />I cdil,"rh.t in rh. Fnrm.n.. ol lh. u'ort tu \rh'chlht p(n( n $u.ri,I rhill not 6nplo' an) Fen intn, mMF
<br />s h b.<om st .n to lt solr6' .$nFstn l,{. of Glifomi!. el ll.r rhri n I {buld t*ioft st'l<l lo tlE
<br />s ort6' I'N niotu of sdio. 1700 6f rh. tlh! c.'je I $ill. tonhwith .tmply Nirh rh.e pmlisionr
<br />$bFr d oDtr)s to simiMl Ftrlii.. xrl
<br />l.onrptNilion. dan46 it pir\idcd for rh.cnil fin6 np k ok hu,*.n lh)6&d d('ll6 ltl(l).lx)o). io
<br />| )''t(/
<br />Lt!-L!llt!t(r]-t-EtctaSDtcLt&ur
<br />I hchr .,Im uid6 Futy ot FiuD rhr I m rilrE d un& Fnr ni.. of (-hq,rs 9 (onffiins silh s<tion 7000) ot Dn isnrn I
<br />.a rh. BuiB !d Pmfdha Co!c, dld my I'c@ s r lull forc Md.ftd
<br />Clo
<br />',))"'"$7zc/t7 37G
<br />(alsralJ(ItaNi,l:dDltc_&c[!(I
<br />I rnd6 F.rlly ol Fj!r,- rt l lhd. a ! snntu.rsn lor,mg t*n! fot rh. Ff.t'llm. of rh. soa fr\r $hih rh6 Fmi i!
<br />isxd (S< l(n7, Cir (')
<br />I hdi'y aflim uodd l'a.[ y oa pdjdry on. o I rh. aollowins d(hrarbns
<br />I).nnnbn Pmtu' Norirkdi,n Fdd.l R+uld ioB I Tnk .r0. Prr6)
<br />R.qur.d lnrc of rtrifttri{
<br />I cdify rh, ih. f.ds.l ,qrul,tnN rrrdiry sh.n6 rfln al e. .or tpPltrbk ro lh6 p.oi{.
<br />I .di,ry lhar I h.\. r..d r hi apph.lion .nd nrt. rhil rh. .h\. in fomdn,n n .otrRr I .sr< ro ondt $ nh nl Cnt .id (-ounr!
<br />odiDn(6 Md srd.lAsr.ld'lu ro h{iHinx arhri/.rq'&rr.h'6 olrhis ( []_.nd (,\nt) n, 6rd uF). rlE
<br />rl\\. nrfrr)n.,1 t)n,rrlr l,n NI\rrtrrr
<br />apprlcrnr or
<br />^xqr
<br />slsnrrtrre L
<br />r'6nrrren,nr{prn'r): el, 4 I €/qhd,-
<br />9/zr/,1
<br />-coltituGrfrsSubf loor/VenVlnsulation