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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS O\*NER BUILDER DEI-(-AR TION <br />I hsctry rmrn unt 6 pdalr, .f pdjurr rh.t I dn .r.mpr frum lhc (\nrsim' l.i(.M tr$ to. llt lollow,.r r.Mn (se 7r:11.5 <br />Irusin6r rnl Prof6i.n ( od.t ^iy <br />( it dr ( oud) $hth t.,lun6 . Fnil lo odn(i, ih6. improrq .!.,nolith ot rni,Any <br />,Ndwc rs ro il] i!le., rk r.qom rlE qplkd for kh rlfia ro nE. .iBn d rrffi lhd ll<.i JE i, ltdE d t .s.n <br />h th. ,m1aio6 ol rll. (nntri( r t.&nr.d lr$ l(-rqi< 9. (irmffiu8 trnh s<iFn 70ul .f Dntm. r .llltiBuriB od <br />Prof6ionr ( o&) or lli.r h. or tlE i! am,r lh6.noh ..d rlE tEss n' rh. !ll.s.d .rmFion Any t iol.lion o I s<rtn 70ll I 5 tr(.ny <br />applicsnl lir t Fin s!bj{r. tlr rprli..nt to ! civ il ,'o!lr}. ol Bx !n.r. rhe fi\ . filndr.d dolld (1500) <br />l. s o{ F of rlE FoFn}. or nt mPh!€ $nh r is6 6 rtEit $L omlcd n.. tin 6 rlE r(t .n lli iiarE ii d <br />idqrLd d .frd.{ Lr rL lsa ,Or{. &!i!B 6d P$lFio6 ( d. llE Codr-lq i tide l^ (lE ml +dy lo 6 oec .l <br />rt prnpqry slh trit nlFr.E ttEw. rxl who.tErucrr w* himr.llor h*lfot ltNush ha. or hd ommplovG <br />prcf i:H rhlr .ucfi imlrrtfft e mr idori.d or or&El for sL ll h.u6q,llE hiUins or inlFotsFn ( $ld wihin ok lc <br />.fonpkiio.! rlE(x6 8.'116 $itl !5trlEhnb otFoilB 6d h. dEdnmlhltdnirp.lrct FFI! ftt llEF Fe.f <br />t.&ro$tr6otrh.FnFny,m.r.lBnrlyco r.dinr q'rh lic.t!.d .odEdo6lo sldrucr t Foj..l (S( 70+1, &!iEs <br />rnd ADE rCod.:Ih.($&6.oirprlrlodosnd.tpbFnl$tnhlild!orimpt.\6rh€sn. <br />md {ho oli.rr. lor uh Foj.<! *ih ! Conr*o(t} ltd!.{ F6d lo llE (t'firrd t Lr.e lnl <br />I u.roF undc s.dhf, ,I&P( forrh6rmn <br />D.r. Oitr6: <br />Itoru(rRs. ( trttPENs rtoll <br />IECIIIAIIO! <br />I hdd, rmm u.& Frly ofFiu.,r oE ofrh. folhr ins d..bdnN <br />I hrv. r8l $ ill roi.l.h . Cdirrd. of ( ongl ro s.lf-lrcrE n" { o 4 co,trFldioi,6 Flcid.d lor ty Seri6..t700 olrlE <br />llbq Cod.. lor rlE Ffm or rlE qon fm shth l,! FBn a i.!cn <br />I hA..,rl tr'll mn(iin uo,r6 .oorFqlio. in$nm.. s Grund b setF. !7tlo of rlE lilsr Co&, ld rh. Ff(ffi. ol <br />rhc wo.[ ror *hich thi! r6nil i! i$.d M, worlc] Nmn ctlion i6utMc. cirF .nd Flicy nlnbs e' <br />I .diry thn ii 0E tBfoijtl.4 ol ll' $orl fd shth lhir Fit b iecd. I rhtll ml otploy 6, F$. i, Dy ,llm <br />-.lob@c$lirlrortlm d'o'!F!rbn h. otc.litn[.n +r rllr if I dbuu lElc $q6 lo tu <br />s'td @oFErih FririE ofs<rnn 17@ ofrlr Lt . coda I lr[, Gnhrih @r41, *ah llDr FsibB <br />cirl lind u. ro oe lE dr.d th.usd &'116lllc <br />sathi toTior* | &.. dde ddd Ed norrr' <br />_,., 3 /lo//? ^*,_",, <br />)o.oo). b .ddnio! lo rh. .od of oiFGdiol\ drl.. . - Fo*Ld b, llt <br />D <br />Ll(.f,,\sE colYTnacrox <br />DECBAAI@ <br />t halUy.lId ulda Ddd, of pGjiry rl|r I o IGE d u!& prlviad o(Ou66I (ffiiry Yiti Sc,tiE ?OO) of Diird ! <br />of rh! BuiI!.r &d Pio66ioG Co&. d my [cqs n h tull 6rR rd cfic.l <br />colrslRl(TIoN L[lnl G acfli( l <br />I @ r,Irn un&r Fun) of Fiun lhd rlE. b . oNtudi.n Lri'.r ,nft\ nn ri. Ffotrffi. of rb. \qt for trhkh lhn Fnn s <br />i$u.{(se !097. ('n (') <br />I o&r'r \sm. <br />t all<'r Addc apprr',rrr nrr Lrqi rtor <br />Ih.dr r[]mu 6 0.,.1'r oapdtor! o.. orlhc lolkNinE d(hrilbn! <br />l).ml'rk,n P(nnr ArlEt{ Nolifi..lhn [.ds!l Rqlllltu llrk,rrr,Pf16, <br />R.itur.i ldrd of fi{*'f(nir <br />! (61n\ rhr rhc fdd nl r+u hr('n .ttrdiq anBr,\ rc'n.\rlr'( nor .t,llrxhlc lo lhis I'orNl <br />X..,,r.,,., rr,,,.,...1't."r*lk r,nd{{itrhrrh.*-\c' lisr(r'..{r\ihnll((\indronnr\ <br />;l:iTJl:,ir*.[^li il'I.i: :ilrlfi'J"-'" hr hd'r\ r i1 u('rF".{r' " ""'" "' ^" r^' <br />r:, F i? <br />;:--",:l:,::*'P A€Ao( 0,rr.- g "" 8/cc <br />Appliances <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Range <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F. D. Drop Test <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release /n\ <br />FINAL t-\\-7/0 \{l-1c\ <br />Noles, Remarks, Etc.,\J <br />a\fu ,",-",., <br />*py#K,#zI:""b <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />Vents <br />Other <br />Above Hard Lid