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MECHANICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Appliances <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulalion <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranoe <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 2-/z-Zt /LCts,"Je/4921 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />., <br />OWNER BUILDSI DEI.(ARATION <br />I hdrby .ffd r!& Frty ot Fj6y 0!a I E qoel t@ llE Cod,-16! lig!. L& for llE hllo*i{.ta,. (S6,mll,, <br />BuiE !d PrDfonr Co&): A!, Cny n C@!ry etr.h 6qui6 . FEi b 6rinxr. .r-. itr+.DE d@lLl d ,q+ ,y <br />d!rdu!. Fq b rt i.ll.E .lo EqliE lb. rpltd 6r t.l Fnd to tt . riin d rrad |tr h. q iE i licd F;tn <br />lo rlE Forain of rh. Codr-t6l tilBcd t * (Ct dr 9. CoollEailr stt s.ctid ?@0 ot DieirbD I ot llE B{i!- .nd <br />h!bb6 co<b) c tDr IE d rlE t a.4r $a6!E -d dE h.rir 6' tlr dr'gld aqrih. Any vbLi, ofs<rbn 7011., b, -, <br />tur . FEn ltici! l[G 4lirn b . .ivil Frry otDt m ft{ fit. hd&!d &llr. (ltm). <br />of E FoFry, G oyqqbt€ wnh *ra6 d ori DL @rpcria *iu.t d.{idrLmEEirE{ <br />id qolHt rlc (Senx.. Bqi6 nd ]tohin Codc rt CodE6l LiE l, &€ @l Itlylo e orG of <br />EFtFry liD bdt d iryo€ rbrq. d rb &-rd, Et 6ir.lrd Erlf d tLud ti d ld oq.alor* <br />Fovildt rtr id i$o€l6 G 6. -.alH cof.rd b.b lt b*.g. lEbdEt 6 iryord i. to! eiri' c Jd <br />orddai.,n dEo.G Atl, ri! bE tu lrlb ofFlvt d: ltadrdd d hfl o. rqtoc rb Ft?a, for lt. FrIaof <br />l. B o*c oftlt Fopary. e @,!r-tiis wii lrq!.d @fi-161o orirud llE FD,EI {se 7o[. 9r.6 <br />rd hDEnr Co&: ft. Co.rrxroir Lic.e L.w d.r6 6r qPly ro of FoFr, *ho brikL or iryrcv6 thcoa <br />.nl vho snr-$ h. $.h Foia]! *it. Con'xro(, [..E ] F.nrr to rco*.<ld i lj.dg kw). <br />I hd.tly .mm und6 Futy of Frury oc <br />,,,.,'].,,,.,. <br />-l <br />h.€ nd eill 6id.n t Cqrif.i. of Cor!. to Sdllds ft. wta' qlp@ai.o. - Fvit d tu ly ScriE l7m of $. <br />L.!6 c.& fd rlE F6.!@ of rhc 6t ft. rikh d* pden i ird <br />I ll.E.!d $ m 6 oDp6iio. idsec - iqri,ld hr S<ri- 37@ ofth. t t r Cd., tu dE Ff-twt of <br />ir * t fttr wti.[ tlt FDi i' isrd My wtd dlln-bn iEft. 6i, .d polt, n6br G <br />s o lo baoE stid lo dE * rs' otr'FErio. Lu otc.l'6nE.'d tE rhi if I $o!ld bc!@ $lrin !o dE <br />r.ila' o.Fdi.i FoviiirE of Sdrid lr00 oflb l,!d Codc I lrll fonh*ih @tFly vit llE F.vina. <br />.'vil fin6 up k' m h!.&qt rhoN.d doll8 (tlm,o0o)br ro rlE co, ot conFsrio( dr..B6 a F.liLd fo. llt <br />of rh. l,borCode i .En ed nhrEy t,6. <br />Dt1_1,!AI1L\ <br />I hs!b, rlTm ulxb Fdry of Fju.y td I o licqb.d ulda Fvirhn of OuFq 9 (olnMinS sih Sa*x 7000) of Divilio! ! <br />ol rn &!iD4 Dd PrDIirioG Codq nd nr licg i ia tull 6M rtd c,!ir <br />colEllllcllal.LaE[lclcllEr <br />I td*y.eE urld rdryof Firyrh ltd! i..cdrrti. tdir {cr 6. ltt Ffrcl of tt El b. rfit ti FEi i <br />irr.d (Sc. 109r, Civ. C ). <br />allr rctlT nfa r rl Tloll <br />I h.*, din ulda Fdy of Fju.y G of lh. rolb*tB &.brb4: <br />D.mlilbo P6Eil}Atbcltor laorif.nh r..kd R.guhlbc (Iillc ,10, Pdl6) <br />- ,RcquiEd tdlc of f,lolifrciib <br />I cdiry rh{t rhc f.d6!l rcsul.lioB ,cs&atins ab6lN romv.l dr. nor .pplicll'lc lo lhn poi<l <br />I .6rify rhd I n6 c @d rhir sppltrion !d il!r. rhd tlt dnvr intrmdtui ! .orid. Lrrc to Nmply $ilh lll Cily ud ft61, <br />ordinrn.G ed Srlrc lr$ r EldrlB to a h.,ir. r.I,Mrdn6 orih8 ( it\ Md (-ouol\ t, drE !B).$. <br />lbo\. mini.d FFry f6r <br /> Iitrrir d /\ s'Fnrrtrr.*/7//Z <br />Furnace <br />Other <br />lhd ii UE Ffolr1.E of tt *o,t 6r rttt rli! FDi ir ie.d. I rl[l dt dPby &y Fsn i, Dy <br />/t'tv