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Page 2 of 2 <br />5. The drawings/information submitted for Building Safety Division review is incomplete. The applicant <br />shall, prior to resubmitting, complete all construction documents to show compliance with the 2010 <br />California Building Standards Code with local amendments and to clearly indicate the scope of work <br />under this building permit application. There may be additional requirements when complete <br />construction drawings and supporting data is submitted for Building Safety Division review. <br />6. Please see corrections on submitted plans. Red marked set must be returned with revised plans. <br />Plans resubmitted without the red markup set may result in delayed review time and additional plan <br />check fees. <br />7. All drawings and supporting documents shall be prepared, stamped, and signed by a California <br />licensed architect or registered professional engineer. (CRC R301.1.3, CBC 107.1 and <br />8. The applicant shall obtain clearances/approvals for the following, prior to building permit issuance: <br />- Planning Division approval on the corrected/final set of drawings (647-5804). Previously <br />approved plans should be submitted to expedite the process. <br />- Proof of Worker's Compensation Insurance shall be required at the time of permit issuance. <br />9. Provide complete project description with detailed description of scope of work. <br />10. Correction is ready to pick up at the counter. Please see additional corrections on plan and <br />calculation. Additional corrections may follow when revised plan resubmitted.