<br />I h6dr .,Iro ldo pa.ll, of Fjury tli I D q@vl tDE tl'. C.indo6' tid. Lfl 61 lh. 6lbw4 l& (sd.7031-t
<br />&!in4 .d Prckirn C!dG): Any Cay or Cody 6th Eqt t- . FEr lo odrd. .!a, iq.ot!. d@lih or EF -,tm,.ru.. Fnrlo in iglcq.lo rlqllGri. plid h.rdFlilo 6l r.js!.d r.@d rt Ed!h.i[.d F,]d
<br />b rlk F.vib6 of rli conn-ior! Li(ar.d Lw (ch.Fa q collJtldi.s *nb serio. ,000 of Divilb! ! of 0E &niE dl
<br />PmfBionr Cod.) or fid h. or th. it a@pl th6.6oE &d thc tda for ttc.lk8.d qdp(b!. Aly violnio ols.dbi 70!1.5 b, E,
<br />,pli.d 6.. FDn sbielt [E .ptli-n lo . civil pcr.ll, of Dr @E $e 6v. h{nrH.bUB (1500).
<br />_t, . lru ofdr. FFry. d oy orrhrE *ilt $tq o rlEt .L olPqErio'! wi[ .b dE rut nd 0E niEG . rbr
<br />nraiLd n of6!d for sL (5€.7044, BuiB !d Profr.dra Co&: TtE Coeddl tjc@. t:s &6 nol ?pV 1o e ogc of
<br />ln. FDFV wto hild! d hqov- tlEdl id wlD &i kt mt hiMlf or h*lf o! dEuslr hi. or lE om.qb,6,
<br />Fvid.dda Bn irysdan cd q'd.d(o&!d ft.rle l(, Eilt c ilFwd i Dlt wil6 E rcofdTrnbrt orc &ild6 ri[ LE tl! tdd ofFvt lhr t d S. <lil or hild d iry!€ 6. FlFty 6. tu FrF..or
<br />-1,
<br />B (,l,c of lhc FlFty. o otrncnu vnh l@!.d @trffi6 !o @drucl lt FiEt {Sc. 7044. BUE
<br />!n Prot i! Co&: TL Colrr-rd r Li.oE l,w &. Er qly ro E orG of FoFty who hrild. o. iEo.o€ tgE(
<br />od *to @d6tu Bn FDj.dt stt. conddl, li@.d Fni !o lt. Cocr-ra r tic try).
<br />-l
<br />d qd,l unrta ScrDn-
<br />-,
<br />B & P C. lbr Oi ,q$n.
<br />l)Nr(
<br />wollxlins' coit tt\srTloN
<br />I aflim undd Frll, of Fjuy oE ofih. follosmg &.LdioE
<br />I t E -.1 will @iIl.i! . C6ti66tc orco@r lo Sdf-lE@ f( wtd oqd.i,r, . Frid.d br by Scri6 lr00 of th.
<br />t bor c.da ft.oEFforc! of tl! 6 6.r,tid!tt Frn b io.d
<br />-l ntv..rd eill ruidth *ort6 6nFu1io. ilBllfuq ! '!qui,.d b, S6tbi 3700 of th. Lho, Cod., br rlE Ffol!!reof
<br />rh. wrt for whth lh! Feir b isu.d My worl6 conpo.dion itue. @i. .r'd poticy n@bs rei
<br />Ir,l(\ \tr l{ I \t 'L\
<br />-l
<br />.dry Od i! dE Ffoltle. orthc *!* fc *ttt llir Foi u ir$.( , i,rll 6r oEploy Ey F-D h &y tlllE
<br />- ! ro t@B $ti.d io rh wrqi @ororio' hw otcdi6.!i. nd {rE$r ill lbdd h..@ r,bic.r loli.
<br />wt6' olFaldib otsciion l7m of rlE t 5o. Co<l..l d, tufi,itt 6nqt, wth lio. Fotitta.
<br />WARNINCT F.iLr lo s@ hrl6 66Databn @vr.8c i! @Lettl. {d $.ll ebicr o o9bF lo Elrnd F.rir rd
<br />civil Rc w lo oc hrdnd ltoEd .bllat (ll00.m). in ddilih lo lt. @d or@I,.!db!. ddt6 . Fotit d 6r dr
<br />s<la.10?6 of E rrt . codc irad -d rlod.y ! &.
<br />DrcraSarlo!
<br />I ta*y.I&6 sr<b !6.r, of pdi'ry ltr I e [.ad @rb poviib 0lclr.pl6 I (@ffiil8 vil S.dbo 7000) of Divni'n I
<br />or dr Bu!i... Ed Pr!ftt loil Codq d oy li.d. i b ftI foc &d .lb.t.
<br />(qlgaugla!.iaDlclcBcl
<br />I b.!by .lI@ urd6 Frl, ofFrr, $r !r@ i . c.dlrdih hni"t l6y 6r t Ffo.llat oftbc raL 6, *ttt Oir FDi i
<br />iae.d (Se. 1097. Civ. C.).
<br />All,JCAtrLlICllAAIOU
<br />I hldydfrEui&paltyofFiuyoi.oftlE6ll,wi!ad..bab :
<br />D€@llba Paril^!6...d tlnindi[ F.dr.l R.Blldbo ClitL 40. Pn6)
<br />-Lsli,rd
<br />td6of Nolihi'.
<br />Ird'i rl rrhL t!!1xl'.!trhrk.{r
<br />'rir,u,ltr,g
<br />a\l(n,\ '.ni\il tur for il't)lrtnnr ro ntr\ Iiroj$
<br />_l cdri& tn. I bE Ed di Ali:rh d rdc rL tt. eE b&. dr i6rEr I{Eio6qlysiri.[Ciy.dCd!r,
<br />oiL@ id slac tl$ rltt lo hildq.oducb.. d 6r.dst rlFqd.iE of llir Ciry !.1Cosnyb dq r+.. rb
<br />.hoE d ird FlFty ft. iry.(tir FrFa
<br />Ardici d AFn StlnlE_
<br />Pmtre@k(Iml,
<br />Appliances
<br />Metal Fire Place
<br />Evaporative Cooler
<br />Furnace
<br />Compressor
<br />Misc. Equipment
<br />Duct Work
<br />Pre-lnsulation
<br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled
<br />Rough Ductwork
<br />Vents
<br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer
<br />Residential Range
<br />Other
<br />Hood
<br />Type I Hood
<br />Type ll Hood
<br />Grease Duct
<br />Fire Damper
<br />Openings
<br />lnstallation
<br />F.D. Drop Test
<br />Above Hard Lid
<br />Above T-Bar
<br />Rough Mech.
<br />Final Test
<br />Meter Release I "rtFINALzJtc/
<br />Elc. - 7Notes, Remarks
<br />--.1" r -4t //V
<br />lnsulation
<br />I
<br />t-