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MECHANICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE to/stG.COMMENTS OWNE' BUILDEX DETT R^TIO'i <br />I hacby .Ifm undd of Ddjlry $r I 6 .rarfl tD6 rh. Coflndd Lic@ Ld fot ftc louoeing ren (Sc.?oll.J <br />Auild Gl ProGli@ Co<L): A.y Cny or Couny whth EquiB r Ftrt ro or6ocl. tnc. in9roG (Iiolah o, dy <br />srElE Fii lo rr is.*., .hd &{'ri6 rL rylta br sh Fon lo fiL . riF.d ridcl lhr lE or iE a li.6.d Flur <br />lo 0E FlviriE of dE Coe*rr,. ridld L.u ((lrFd q Coffibt *it S<rih nm oa Dilirirn l ol llE l€irB -d <br />Prcf*trd Co&) 6 thd h.6 dE t qqDpl Ocrtlo t'd rh. tGt tu th. dkr.d 6aqrbn. Aly vbbion ofsclin 70tl.J by l,y <br />.pplic@t for . FEir rubjer. rh. lr?licrn to ..ivilp.dhy of ml mr rh.n liv.lunH &llG (1100). <br />-1. <br />- oqd of di FDpary, d ay qbJ6 wni *i6 6 rlEi -lc @llpGriE ri[ .r, ft rtt nd tlE iritrc i 6. <br />irdd.d doftrd 6r.L (S6.7Oa.1. D6iE -d Pto&.riEco.b r ti.ct &6dAlybeowor <br />tltEDoqly wlE h,iLh r imo€ tir6a tn *b &6 Bn Bt iim.lf or lE*lf.r ltfrUl[ hi. d lE om.4ttrq <br />providcd $s Mi ilForqEr! & d ilnqt t d Gotu tu rl. lf, ll*Bq.llE h{iEnB d inF.ssEr ir bU * hd16 <br />otcdprni& rL O*G Blilda wiu h.E dE bsda ofFolh3 dl. lE d tlE <lid 6l hrld or rvlrt dE FDFIy 6. tlt F,F!. of <br />_1. 6 o{c 61.h. F.Frr, n d.hriEl, s'tuit {it liE!.d csftrd ro oru.8r dE Flj.rl {S< ?O{4. SBiE <br />rd EabinCo&: Tt Co,x..crd t Li.cGt v do6 mr 4ply ro uownq of FoFlywno hald! or i6FoBr,'c@tr <br />ed *ho 6irr.d! f!,.xh FDj*r! wirh. C.dEIo(r)lka!.d Poaun lo lhc co'rndd r t4o4 L.w). <br />-l <br />6, uxb S.crbn-. B &P.C forlllil ren <br />Drt : o d <br />UAIAIEEIAMIIdIAES!llcllEArlotr <br />I hdlby rfl'm E& F.l, of Fi!., E of lt. folb*ir &<tri8 <br />-l <br />h&.d *ill didri. Cdrif.r.of Coffi lo Sdf-t@ 6r wro @rydt idr t Flvild ro. brselir !t@ of tt <br />t bor Coda for tlr otln 6i br *tih ih. Fni i nmd <br />-t hv. .nd will didrii srtd o!p@d@ r8llac. . r.qild b, Sdtim !r@ of rt L.D.r Coda for tlE FfdEc or <br />rh. Et fo wtitrlirFr. a b'd, My*uta 6qdrM d,lt! i,.d poliy u6ts c <br />cr--. /*-71 /t|*ell,\ z<^ lwwt-"..- L-o2a7z+c+88 j -/ ^Al <br />-l <br />.drit thr ii Ur Flo,rrE ol $G mrt 6r snih $n FEn ir ire( t i!! Er 6pb, Ey FD. i! &y o.c <br />b B ro b*.tu stFl 16 rb qutd'@ryalrio6 L*r otc.lifonir lxl .ar lhr ill dbuE bt m &tiFl to dE <br />srl6' ohrdEri,n F!vi!io6 ols6rioi 3?00 of $c lrt{r Code I rldl. fonlvilh oiply wifi tto* FDeiriod.. <br />b oE hu,'<H rhous'd &11611100.0001. i. .ddhi- !o rh. coc io( dd.s6 a Fni<Ld fo, rlE <br />saion 10?6 ofo. t tv (ode i' 6.n ql.!dr.y <br />I.ICEMID.COtrIAACIIA <br />DIf,IAAAIIO! <br />I My dtm lidd p6rty ol psjory lhd t m li€!.d u.da FDvii.i of ChlFd e {ontlmirE $in S<nbtr 7000) of Dibioi l <br />of rh. BuiE! -d PEfaioa Codq !d 6y lkdg i b tull toG ad cfia.l. <br />b 23q o <br />o"" l?r7fu <br />I ictlly .lIrD urda F.!y orFju', 6r tb. il . ooiri.riD ld.lB tr..y tu dE Fft.Drr. oirlE Et fo. rltt thi FDI i <br />i&t d (sc.1097. civ. c,). <br />arllllfulDEclllAno! <br />I hldy.Iftn ulda Fdy ofpdjury o.. ofthc folowinB &.Lrdioa: <br />ft@libn P6ir9^3tdo. NodfEaion FldE I RqlLlioB (IhL .(), Ptr6) <br />-[q!d <br />Larqof Ndi6dir <br />-l <br />cqrifr $r tb. 6ibrl quldbd llarlliiS 8bdo. 6ovil e 6r ?tlilrbL !o lti Fiin, <br />-l <br />.!tif, ttl I ltE .ad dt Alitb. d 'r.l. 0a ri. .loE bfu,ab! b .qEd. I l'E io oqly ,i! .[ Ciy &d C.rd, <br />oilin.rc dd Srd. L.*: r.Lil{ ro hildils EFErrns of lbir Cit .d Co@r, b da '{on dEtt1 - t1-A>.boE mnih.d FoFry &tr <br />Applicel or Ag. Si8ot@: <br />P6i6c(Fi I_ <br />Appliances <br />Evaporative Cooler <br />Furnace <br />Compressor <br />Misc. Equipment <br />Duct Work <br />Pre-lnsulation <br />lnsulation <br />Smoke Detectors lnstalled <br />Rough Ductwork <br />Vents <br />Toilet Room / Clothes Dryer <br />Residential Ranqe <br />Hood <br />Type I Hood <br />Type ll Hood <br />Grease Duct <br />Fire Damper <br />Openings <br />lnstallation <br />F.D. Drop Test <br />Above Hard Lid <br />Above T-Bar <br />Rough Mech. <br />Final Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 7Zi,''2oz/;14 *t4/' <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />^* 12^ | 1^^t <br />Metal Fire Place <br />Other