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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owNER EUIlri:L Dl(,(lll Tx)N <br />I t Eby .ifmr u Lr p.Ell, or F !} thd I !s .rn+ 6l,m th. (.on^16 Iitu b* for rh. lblt rin3 lrrs (S<.7U11.5 <br />Auircr ud Prorssn Codc) any Ciry o' Ci,udy *hah ftqliE, . pod ro o.cDd, .hs. impr.w. d.frnilh or EFi' uy <br />srochE. Fio' to irs isulr. rr Eqlica rlt rnnlidr ror ruh D.m!r ro il. r litBd ttll.r* lhd li or rlE it lt.trBl nwd <br />!. rh. p..v!bN of r Conrr-L''r lE.'q,lr* icluF.d 9. col]ftBna,th Sdirn Tuxr o{ D!!ito! I.f E BuEg td <br />Pror.itnn. Co&r r rhr,E r {E ;.rn$ rharlNh lri d. t6 ld tli.I4!d.B$nn A,y uhria ot S<rDtr ?01I 5 h, uy <br />n plicnnt ror o Fmi ruhtct rlr ipplr.m r. i .ivrl, oI Er mr. thu fiv. hu*lrcd doll.r (1500). <br />_l-s NErnfrh.t-r.nv.rmy.n tFarihw{6rrh.i.nk6!p.db4vlldod.wtr,ntfi.d'\reid <br />irdrtd o olLBl ac rt (Sc n]4a, Brti61 .,rt PtoGriE CdL: Th. Ctu( r l-a.u L.r do6 Nr lp91, & D ow of <br />ttr F+dry who hrr4r - inFUB rrEd\ rd wb dE Eh v{.t lu!r! o, isrll { rlreud hir d b.t om .nrroFr, <br />providcd hrl s(h ii{Nrml{r e r{ ircnd.d r,)fi..rd li{,.&. U, thrE lll. ttr aiq tr i,tneftn ii eld *thin * J., <br />otcotrpbri& ilE O*E BsiL,6 *iU n t dE hJr.,cn olFoy4 rl{ lE n lE dil d bitl q rt DE tll FDpqr, it rll Frpo&oa <br />-14k1*.r,* p ,r".y, -.r.luriycly cotu.rrin! sirh lic.nsl cot-r* ro M{rud rh. FD)el (s<. ?or4. B6iEs <br />ud htr&.hcnt : Th. Co doa! L..M lr! de! ft{.prly ro sorB.f rmp.ny tho trildi or i"{hu ln.b( <br />.nd rth 6ddr I{i sh FsF! *rh r coddtr(, lt.d.d Frsd to tb ColBt ,, L.i.te lrq). <br />lll2xlif,f,.):g21lrtalallofl2Etra&uur <br />I h.rby irm und.r ll.rdry oI rEiury om of rh. inuoBirr d*l&rrnd: <br />_l hrE d vil midrin r Cdfrd. of CMd b S.lll,I@ fE Bto'otrp.rrla a FovrLd ior r, Sd.n 37@ ol rh <br />t &r Cod., fq tlr F!l]l:'re.f tlr *si,( rtah ill Fnir i i!.rEd. <br />_I nlv. rnd *ill Eidr,r wrk6 conD.a{rxr NuruE., a1 EquiEd !y &crion l70O of rh. bti, Cdl.. tu lE Ffol1rla. of <br />EX04nn <br />y $rld' errr.dii iMc. mr rn rD!.y nur < {.: <br />PolryNumlEr: EUEI: <br />Vl'-n,ry ,ru in ,* F,r"*-. or r,r *rt nr *tEh th! rE d ! sr!.tj. I ! rr .!pr'y u, Fs D my 'rms d l. Ir6E $bJ..r io rhc , td 6mp.dion l.wi of C.fifomn. r.,l {d tlrl.f I lbuu tubl.d to rh. <br />$o.t6l .ul,.Nrirn ptuvilioB of S<lion l7q) of rh trls Cu|., I !&ll fdhrnh NItPly {nh rho. porilirtu. <br />WAENING F.iluE ro Em *sl.n dmFdDn 6Ea3? ! u.LrtuL .tll 'rrI hi5 <br />vrl nrE\ u0 r,.k I'u'fi.'l (x H,vl d.lhi! (lloo,uJor, , <br />S.(k{ l(,76 ufrh. tihtr <br />IA\al0I 0)0 <br />DDcUtrAItO! <br />I h.Eby.'fmu ..FMltof psJlr,thr Isr UtEā‚¬turid Flvasnof Chpla0 <br />of th. Itu'B.rl Pml*iotr CoL, rn my lE.E i n lull loc srl.fid. <br />-\b lal sh <br />0 <br />'7 <br />g]}lfttgLatu;)uJ!,!!ilI(I <br />I h.Eby.rfmund- Frtyof F'i.ry Er rlE n.cddb. trldinS {.ry f.rrlrF m.l,t rrrl t d*[rl Fna i <br />nexrl (S... !1r7. Civ C ,. <br />dIEJSANI.DECIdE&O! <br />I hd6, rtrrhun&r F i, ot Frrry d ortlE,ulltsi., (kldiN: <br />D.mlhion Pdrrl^rtrnd t{oords R.ruttin (TiL,lo. Pd6) <br />!1R.qui,.J t !.r ut Norift{i{ <br />y1 .otiry o. tu iE Elnninr .rh6lq lmlrl c d h thr FF <br />--:fdit, rh, I hlE Eid rhn rprlarior rn nd. <br />'rl <br />tlE or inrordti{ ir6ri*r. t {Nro6"p, snb rI Cayrn Calry <br />di.r$$ dd Srdc lrqr,.Lri4 L,h.,ldin8 El{cqtliv.s oI ri! Cky ld (nunry h cnrd oF)n LtE <br />!ho\. rtumd poFdy d <br />Allli($l or irdr Sisrt \a I o alZr.,to <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Lite Salety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondino / Groundinq / UFER Drtl't1 <br />Translormers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment t1,l DAilK <br />Factory Wired Unit I <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouoh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soflit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release bkwn <br />I <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meter I <br />FINAL lrl 1,\bh*n <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.I <br />Rev. 08-07-2015 <br />,n 'Ll <br />I ,h <br />I7 LI