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20172176 - Permit
Pendleton Ave
1810 W Pendleton Ave
20172176 - Permit
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6/3/2021 12:56:16 PM
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6/3/2021 12:56:15 PM
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1810 W Pendleton Ave
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Miscellaneous Counter1 Permit
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aELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />OwllET AUILDER DBIX RAIION <br />t h6.try.r@ undr Frn, oaFrury rh. I a crdt,i 6!6 rlE Coin rB Li@ Iry for U. blLvrB ,a[ lsa mLf <br />B$in6i .rd Pr.f6kr Cod.): Any Cily or Cou6, which c{uiE r Fnr lo consruc'. .16, imprcrc doDolilh or E9.n 7 <br />rrudur. Fi.(ro il! islre,.&o Eqri6llr 4?lkDl tor Mh Fnn lo 6lc. u8!.d r&El dlr Lor rlt i li(6.d FaTr <br />ro rlE Foviiod or in CorEIld! Lie,,.d lrw (Cn F6 9, CoMira whh Sdlion 7OO0 of Divlbn I oa t 8.4i6 hd <br />Pmadio Cod.) or lh.l lE or sh. i! qdfl ltn fron Dd lh. b.!i! fot lh. rlk8.d ctdFioi. Any tblnior of Sdlion 701,.5 ty My <br />.rpltd for r Fnil $t cti rh. .p?lic!,1 lo . .iril p.nrty ot mr mE lh., fiv. hurd dou,6 (l5OO). <br />I. d oMd of lh. FIFln or ny oplotB *ilh wrg6 s lhor slc omFBslirn, will do tlE *o* !d lh. nrudE i! mt <br />lrdxLd or offa.d for d. (Sc ?Oa.l. B6nE.d Pbfs3i'B Cod.i Tl* Co*rdd. Li.E trq &B d qly @ u ouG of <br />rh. !t)!ary *lb hrun d ,E!q 0E6a id *ho d6 rd wl hiNlI or hEElf or llhuirr nn r lE o{ olPlo}€. <br />provid.d rhlr r!.h imFlvde s e rcl ifllxlid or ofiel rd $lc. Il h.M. tlE tuildiry ot iryo€ibl i sE winin on. ,a <br />otcdrpbirlr iE Owc E{ildE vil hrE tlE !,& ofFovi.g tL lE or dE dd ml tuilt 6 ltpoE t FtFry 6r tlE FrPo6. oa <br />I. s os.a oatlE FoFly, m cotnrdins wnh lco!.d .ofrr.loE tu oDdN.l llt Foj6l (Sd 7044, 8'6!8 <br />!d ElbnrCorL Tn.G rIlor't Licru liw &6 6l tptlylo eorffi olFoFry*ho buildl o.6For6 rlE6r <br />ud who co 6dr tor rlch F$id1r vnh . Cofrdo(, licqu.d psEu lo llE Cofiald! Lils L!B). <br />I e.\mt u.di Sdrhi <br />I h.E rd will mii.i! . C6tfra. otcoEr ro s.lf-tBr. r *qtd onpqEdioll' 6 FliLd lor b, Sdb. 1700 of rll <br />lrbor (-od., for rlE pqfolfucc otlhc mrt ld *nih $. Fnir i! LsEd <br />I hlv. rd sill nsl'in so.i6 comFdion iffie B r.q!!.d bl Sdlbn 1700 olrlE llbor Co& for lh. Ff(IrMG of <br />lhc Erk tor whEh rh6 p<mn i isEI My wort6 onFbrion i:lsl!!ftc @ir ai polE, nmhs rc: <br />U!!LI.!B!!al <br />I undo pollryofpaj ry on€ of rhc folloq ry daitrdtuns <br />s<rhn .1076 oarh€ L&r Codq mt6.n ed.llom! s f6 <br />,,,," l04a^ z1 "w <br />I.drf, thd D lh. Frolrrffi. otllE qort for *nihlhn Fon ir isu.( I Jdl rcl opby Dt Fs. r ey lmE <br />$ s to lubjer lo ih. $orL6' compoBdiotr LM of C.liloni& dd ,sc th'l if I 3hould hdom. sbjal lo thc <br />s!.td c6,nFMrhn F.\irioG of Sdion 1700 of tlE trtoi ( o&. I 3ltll fdh*'dh Fmply vnh lb& FoBbE <br />W RNINGT F!nu. ro su. m 6'oryE$lion covsls. i. @hslul. Dd ndl subFl 6 @plots lo oioin l Funb.nd <br />.Nl fc up ro oE Mnl,ld lh.ue,n {bI6 (tlo0.0@). in .ddnb. ro t& cor oaomFs.lioa d6.s6 ! Fotid.d for th. <br />I hcrby .II@ utxld Fdtt of Fj!r) rhr I 6 li.qE d u!& Fovi6n of Clupla 9 (offii'ts wnl S*rnn 7000) ol DivisDn ] <br />of rh. ti4it6..d ltDfoioB Cod., rd my lEoE n n tull foE ird.lTEr. <br />ut-( I !ttlrltl <br />coNrillucuollEllllc.Ac.Elg <br />I hatn, .lfEE urtd pd.!, of Fjs.y Ur OG i! . or*udb! laditg .sdy fD. $. FfolltllE ofrh. wi tr rnih $ir F6a it <br />ie.d (5e. 309?. civ. c.). <br />l-l ddi Nmc <br />AITT.IGAdLIIS.AAAIIA! <br />I Eq* .trm und6 Fin, of Fqury oE of rhc fotLw'ns (khllioN <br />D.mlitbn PdmneAibdot Norific.rb. F.d<rl R.auhi]u {Titlc.O. P.n6) <br />-Rcqut <br />d Lcl6 oatJorificlin <br />I cdiry rhsr I hav. raj Oi! rppli(arion sd ri.l. thrl thc *{v. inforilrion B coftd I tgrc ro comPry wnh .ll Cny 4d Codly <br />dni.ft6 rd Srd. t rs ..birE ro hIUi'E co, ,n lE b dho.iz tlFE dtrr6 otlni! Cny ald Coury to ana upo. t . <br />I cdiay lhr r lE f.dd.l r.glLli,B tlsrdins 6tdot ,fur.l @ d +plt !k ro rhi! FlF(1 <br />n Y, <br />u <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Flcqr <br />Bonding / Gf(rundiiO / UFER /-/(-Zt F-c--z 7 <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />Service [Veter t - -7t D/) <br />FINAL h c/,/€20) "z'7 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Rev.0B-07-2015 <br />lw.10-27'zQ
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