<br />Site-Work
<br />Underground
<br />Pole Bases
<br />Light Standards
<br />Spas, Pool, Fountains
<br />Signs (monument)
<br />Life Safety /Low Voltage
<br />Fire Alarm / Dampers
<br />Communications Cable
<br />Building
<br />Under Slab / Floor
<br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER
<br />Transformers
<br />Torqueing
<br />Sub-Panels
<br />Air Conditioners
<br />Roof Top Equipment
<br />Factory Wired Unit
<br />Walls (Conduit)
<br />Walls (Rouqh)
<br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough
<br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough)
<br />Meter Release
<br />\
<br />uRough1"2'20 wtA nService Meter (J
<br />FINAL 1-a-7t V/'ILM
<br />Notes, Remarks, Etc
<br />()\\NERBt'll,DURDUt,( ARAlloN,
<br />I hd.6y .Irtrh u!x,a F.ty of Fjury lhn I 6 qanF tom tlE Codrcor' ti@ L.v lor tlE folbvitrg .!&. (Sc.7oll 5
<br />&s!l4 drd Prcf6n. Co<l.): Any Cny or C.!dy *n(t rq{ns . Fnl 1o od!(ru.r. .td. iE9.oE .bbllh or lq.i D,
<br />mdue Fi,r ro it! isucq lLo r.quc lhc q4lt&l 6r tu h Fmn ro 6k ugn d niaBt lhi It or slE a licdE d p@.l!
<br />to 0E Foynioo oldE Conlrrloi. Ltdsd lrw (CIrpt6 9. Coffiing wi$ S.dbn ?0o0 oaDirnioD I of tlE BuiB Dd
<br />Profdio8 Co&) s thd lt 6 CE b 6ar9r rlEdron !n lE hGi' lor llE.lbscd aoqrbn Ary vhlditn ofsalnn roll.5 by by
<br />lp?licur for r Fnn tubjdl3 rh. .p?li.sr ro . .ivil p.ohy ot mr mrc lfiD fir. h!n&.d &rlls (S500)
<br />L s owE of rlE FFry. tr ny dplo,6 w h *qrd s O.t bL orDFsbn. {i! &r dt 6l in 0E ni.lc . @t
<br />iddrLd d ofiqd 6. iL (S6.704a, &!iB !d Pbf<68 Cod.i nE Cffida t Li.e L* do6 d +pr, to o ow of
<br />rh. FoFty wb hil& itrFDE tlEEq !n *lb &€ 4r' krt hiMlf orhsdlot thmu3h hi! dh6 oMdrrpht!.n
<br />!trovid.d thd ruch inproGns !@ml i drd.d oro,Iald 6rd..lf, Lqtc. t htt&'8 or i,p.Dml it $ld wilhin on. yq
<br />of.otrplaiE dr ()sG B{ilb will h.rr tlE hda otFoviis lhi lE G ,lE <lid bl toild d itrp.ow dE FoFty ftr dE Frp.{. of
<br />l, N om4 of$. Fopory, m cr.l{i!.I, .ontulinS *nh LcdEal contBclor ro cocrrud llr Fbid (sa. 7044, t,llrd
<br />&n hltsir co&r Th. contdorr l,ic.e l,! &6 Dl .pply lo d omd of FoFlt *n h{ildt ot im}rclB lhs@c
<br />Dd who @'i.tl! td *h FoFr! wnh ! Codddl3) liaE d pu6ui lo lh. Cofi.dd t Laoq Le)
<br />I m.r€dpr u.do Sdion ,B &PC forlhnr.Mn
<br />thr. ()rnd
<br />$ oR{} ltY tfu [rpr'\sATroN
<br />U}:CI,ABA[A!
<br />I hr.h] atlirm unltlr Ful( ol Fru^ om o f rh. li,llo* o! ddluatnnr
<br />Ihav.sxjeillm6' lin. Cdrftrdc otcoMr to sclf-l..nr. an qorl6 compss,lion. B Forlda, to. byseri.n t700 ofrh.
<br />L.bo, Codq for lhc p6folr@c. olth. *orl aor *,nicn lh. psnn is isu.d.
<br />I hr\. and *nlnr.im.rn trort6 .omFrB.ro. rBuM.- B EtuiG, b, scr.n 17m of th. L.bor co&, for llE Flolrre. of
<br />o&b1A?4e
<br />waRNlNC tul@ ro K@ *uta' .omFldrn 6!6+c is uL*tuI, . Cdl $bjitt m dpbF to sim,'d Frli6 ni
<br />cMl fin.s uD lo o,c hun'irqj lhouxnd doll&. (SI ). i. rddniotr lo rh. cor olcomp.Mrioi, do.g6 E provid.d.for th.
<br />o o
<br />I holtt rftm uda Frltt ol Flry lhr I B L€B.d dr& Fovirioi ot O!.Fd 9 (@ffii'ts * itt S.dhn 70@) or Diviid l
<br />of th. BuilE.d PmfdbE Co!., rd m} liccu it in tull for nj cltcr
<br />,,,*r,*, ZA-CZo-4
<br />"",'-dZksk4.^,'ii<-.--
<br />co!!rBu(f&!.tE!!,l!c-agE!cr
<br />I hdby afim undd F..h, ol p.rj!ry
<br />'fid
<br />tha. n i @irnrclhn kndins tso.y for rh. FaomMc. oalfic ert aor rnich lhir Frn b
<br />is.d {56.1097, Civ C )
<br />alfLl(AtrfDEcuaarq!
<br />I hrtq rftm und.r p6.lly oI Fjury orc of th. followins &.I4!tiod:
<br />D.tuhion Pdn$&b.td tlorifcdion Fcd.nl R.xulaioN (Tnk 40, P!tr6)
<br />R.qutr.n ldr6 of fr.rifu.lm
<br />rh. t da.l r.BuLrioB ..radin{ ab6ro! ramld d. mt rppli..bL lo th! F.F1
<br />I cariry tul I h,r. @d tns .ppli..l ion Ed sllrc lhn lhc rhrv. ioloinn6i i! .6nd I tlE lo onply wiih lll Ci, id Counly
<br />ordiMc6 ud srrr. Li{ Eldrg ro b! ildinB c.drudioc .d hacby .ulh'rit rqr6otur!< of rfi City dd County to otq lFn tlEbrl./,
<br />Rev. 08-07-2015
<br />\ty
<br />74 &
<br />-
<br />I c.niry rh.l i. rlE Flolmft. olrlE *o.I aor ltrEh ihi! pqEn ir 6$.d, I lrull @t o!r,, o, F$r ir oy Il.lE
<br />$ E ro bdft rbjcl lo rh. w*6'oEpqEren hs of C.lifomir.rd.Sc rhr if , nruB b(toE rutid:l lo lE
<br />Mrkft'&mpdBll'orpovilio6oIsdionl70ooflh.trborao&,I dl. lonhwirh codply wilh $of, Fmvi.ioB..
<br />,roa</,/,.?
<br />o K/\