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BUILDING- INSPECTOR BECORD <br />SITE-WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS owN ER ttu li,DliR DELCA L rloN <br />I h.Eby lffi.m urds p.nllry ot r,.rjury.hd I 6!m rh. (lonrmcrou Lt.os. tj, forrh.IollorinS Eaen (s<.'7011.5 <br />Busincs and Proltsion C.Je), Any Ciry or Couniy which ,cquncs a lEmir 1. connrucl rh( imp.ow, dcml o, Enan Dy <br />anc..alsorcqurt\rh.rpplicaNtursu.l'p.rni('fileis*cds{.nEnrrhlrIEordEslt..EeJpurul <br />Conr,crois ,-icnscd ljw lchapr.r t). Commencin8 wnh Sccrion 70(n oI Division I .frh. Busircs\..d <br />u rhar fuorshe iscknlpt rh.r.liomr l rlE bxi\ lnr rlE dLsed cx.n.Fridi n) vtrlridrofs.diotr7Oll.5 hyany <br />rNnnil suhl.cbrh. rppLicrDt trr xcxilp.orllvofmr 'nor. n,r llvc hu dtddollM\($5(r{r) <br />ow.crolrh.Dreplny.ormyc'$bcotr{x.sarion,*ill tlx eftl.rd th. nM@ t mr <br />or offcr.d fn $le (5(.7044, Burin.s\ mJ fmf.$ions Cod., The Coturdois l-ic.n\. Lo* do.s nor dpply to snowE ol <br />th. pNl.dy wb builds or in{xoEr dr@r 0nl who Jc $ch Mtt tumsel, or h.rclfo. rtrcugh hn or h.r oM .n'ploye!, <br />,)r.vidcd rhd $ch nnpow.Enh @ tur idcnd.d or ollerd lq $lc 1,, ho!.[\ rlr &iltng or intprowmni is $U wnhin om ra <br />oiconrplerior rlE Owrcr Builder willhsvcrh. budon orpmvins rhd he or $. did ndr buiu or inpov. rhc pmFny nr E purposoi <br />I. $ orn.rofrh. DNp.ny, conkorint wnh li..i$d conreNs ro $nslrucr lhc pojed (Se,7{rr1, Bu\ies\ <br />ard PriLslid Cr.d.: The ConrEcrole Lic.nse ljr 'las mr aDlyb a.owEr ol protEny *ho bnihs or impmr.s ih.r.on. <br />and wh. mntracN Ior ruch [roBl! wnh a C..rero(il{d I'ur\ud h rh. codrachls Li..tuc trw) <br />I rnr.rem un'l.r Sccr <br />u,,,,Ll>r1zo:,u <br />!:i!L4-8:!-1!!l! <br />I h.iebyafllrmunder rnalryolxiury.m of rh. hllouinB {lcclulrions <br />_I have rnd will nrinrdn a C.nificar. ro S.lI:nEo€ lor wort.ts r$nD.nsorion, $ Iovit|d for lry S.crion l?00 olrn <br />Iiho! Codc, for rhc psfortrru. ol tn ro* lor which rhc permn ir i\\ued <br />_I hrv. rnd will minri,n *or[.^ cor{xaarion lsufuM., rs roquird by S..t iotr 3700 of thc libo. Cod., tu rh. IE tomm. of <br />rhc rorl ttr whih rhis Frmir t is$cd M, *orkrs rcn{.Nrrion d ir.c r-$i.y drl plicy.unhq e: <br />Icetrifyrhd in rh. I,.raornEre ohh. wo* lor which rhis 0.roir is isu.d,l shilnor cmpbyrnyp.tron ii my ndNr <br />$ ss ro'm $bjccr ro rhr s*cn'@mpcnsariotr law\ of CaLifomii, .nd r8re rhar it I shoild bccom sobjer ro rhc <br />*orlich conll'.r$(io. pDvi\ionr otS.crion 1700 offie llbor C(nt,I snlll, fonhwnh&tr41y wirhrh.s povGionr. <br />WARNING: F{iluE ro *cufr worx.6 on{'$n cDv.rusc is u.law6rl. rnd slEll su r cnrloyn io rinind !.olri6 rnd <br />.!il nn.s op ro onc hundrcd rh.u$nd dolh$ (sllx).lxrr].rion. drm.8.s as povid.d lor rh. <br />S.ciion 1076 of rlE Ctrl.. i' .r.n and ar <br />pEtt 84.1!!)N <br />undcr t6riri.nof Chapre.r( hScdiotr7(X$) of Dnision lI h.(hyarlnm uidcr l).Mhy.f0.rjuryrhir I a'n <br />or rl'c Busircli ao! Pofsnns Adc, ul my lic.or iii! tull lnrd lni craocr <br />Lic. sc Cla: Licen$Numb.r <br />Dole:- <br />c!)!rBrJE!lD.!!!D!relcErg <br />I h.eb, afllmr und.r ,.Mlry ol p.rju.y rhlr rh.G ira @nrndn ! irg a8eNy for rh. r'e.fomMe of(h. work tor whlchrbiJ n m r i! <br />nlucn {sa. :1097, civ c.). <br />APPLICANT DECLARAToN <br />I ltrhv afl'm uM.r |Enalry of D.riu.y on ofrh. follow$A dcclohfiotr!: <br />D.nrliioD Pcrnrir$Asb.nos Norifiqrion Fei.ral R.3ularions (T(l..lo, Pan6) <br />f.d.BlrcgubiioN mgJJins ilh.nos r.nlvJl ,c tror rp icJblc io rlns lmFr <br />thn applicarion mtl iar. rhd rh.'. inlomhrion kcomd.l r8r ro $orply wirhu[ Cny!ft1Counry <br />riv.s ofrhis C[ya Courryro ctrr.r upon rlE <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />SLAB Floor <br />S u bf loor/Ve nVlnsu latio n <br />Roof Sheathino <br />Shear Wall <br />Framinq <br />lnsulation/Energy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Ivlasonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Engineer Final Reporl <br />Flood Zone Certil. <br />\r^- , "/), <br />FINAL D'l.,l"ll)/l)U(UW J(6b/ <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />Rev.08-07-2015 <br />Contmclor:- <br />kndcarAddrcs:_ <br />Dn", I f2:-/ 2'ozo <br />UFER Ground