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PLUMBING.INSPECTOB RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under f loor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Buildinq Sewer <br />Area./Storm Drain <br />lnterceptor/ Clarif ier <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Pipinq <br />Roof Drain <br />TubiShower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOL/SPA <br />P-trap/Drain Line <br />Main Draini Pool Pipinq <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Lawn rinkler <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rouqh Plumbinq <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL 2-7,1-a.o bJrllo.i <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Oli'N I:R I] U II,DER DELCAR,\'tIoN <br />ippli.nnr nr.ltnn \uhl!..h rhc iff '.rir ro r .rrll nc xlrvolrornxtrcrh rrrv.h drcd ollfr(15([) <br />-L <br />rs .wEr of ln. |iDFny, or n,.r{'k!rrcs {i!h vasg 6 sb .onp.Nrion. w do Ur*qt&drlEslm@ ismr <br />inrcd.{ or oficrcn lor sh (58.7044, BusiBss and Pmfesions Code: TIE G)nrBcrols* L.w drcs flor q,ply ro an ow*r nl <br />lhc trcFry *lh huild\ or inworci lh.6n. ond *16 dlEi sh w6 hitu.lf oi h.rslf o. lhbuBh ht or hcr osn .mplorrcs, <br />providld lhd seh inpmtrnrs E ml inlci(h oroltu fm $t. li. tsM,ltr tlildina or ir{mwmnr i$ldqilhinoE Fe <br />of con{,hlion. lhc O,rcr Buithr will Faw tlE h{dc. of povinS $al lE or shc did ml build or nr{,Dw 0E pmlsly lor th. pu4,s oa <br />_1. ur o*M of rh. flollcny, anciclusiv.lyonr,acrin8 wnh liccnscn conrracror lo con(tucr rhc pmrcct (Scc.7(N.r, Eu\ids <br />lnd Pmfesiotr Codc: Thc Conlmtols Liccnsc tlw des ,or ,!ply t' ,tr owncr of lmpeny who builds or inrrmv.s lhcr6n. <br />od who onrl&B lor srch lrrccrs *irn a C.nrB-ro(n lccnsd rlEuun ro Ir Comr'.roa. Liccorc Lrw). <br />I lincxcmpr undr Sc. <br />t <br />uli{-l.,tlrluor <br />I h.rchy trIiimn.d& |ftuhyorr.rjnrotrc orrhc <br />l;'htrcrJ.. rnrrhc pdnnmncc ofrhc so't ir shi.hrh. D.flnir ri\$cd <br />_l havc lnd will n.inlain workcB nBumncc, trs Equircd by Sc.lion l?00 oflhc L{bor Codc. tor ltc psfomrc ol <br />rhc work for qiich lhis lcmit is hscd. Myworkss conpcnsdion iNu$rc. clnicr n Fltynumbcrm: <br />Pdi.yNumh.r: Erfkcs: <br />I ccnil.v rnJl ir rh. r^-rlnnNr.ol rtu (ork lar $hichihis |En ll i! n!uu,l.I \lrxlltror.n,jnoyrnvIr'{r i',rnt trrnncr <br />{) rsh hNo.r \uhlc.r r,rlr solkcd.onr8nvhon h*\of( trlitunm. aM urc rhnr il I sl} ld hc.otrf,(uhtc.r nr rhc <br />so*crs.nmncnrrridrptuvi\ir,tr\olScdiur.17(ll)olrlrct-hrCodr.lrlull.l()nhtrirhconlplytr]rhrhosc!roviri{nN <br />$ARNINC t_rihtrc t, \.curc $orkc'(.otrIrn\xri{r (lrurrEc i\ tt| \t|. rnd \hrll\ubjcrr r', ri,plortr ro dinri'rlp.nnhi.\ okl <br />.i l nnc\ rp ni .m hu nr.d rhouend dollrtr )), i', addirt'n h rh. .od oI conDdnvrion. d.'ulcr 0s tbid.d li)r rhc <br />sc.ri( .1076 0frhc lxtx,cirlc, i cr.{! d <br />t2-<-11 <br />I h.eby dnrn und$ !..dry ot ptrjury rhlr I d liensn und.r Imtnion of Chryld 9 (@mff.cir! Dnh S.dbn?Om) of Division l <br />of lhc Blsim$ 8nd Pnfcaions Codc. . my liccnE i1 in tull torN ard .fi€1. <br />ca$$f,lcuaNui oltrjaaENcr <br />I hcrcby.rfinnundc, pcnllrrolpcrjory rhd rhcE is r cohsrtocrio" lcndins ascncy nr rh. pcrrormncc ofrhc uolk for whi.h rhir t)cmn ia <br />isx0cd (Scc ll)O7, Civ C ) <br />ABIIICANI.DECI.ASAIION <br />I rrd,y Lllim ond.r |r.alry ofr.rjury om otrhc n,ll'*ins d.tlmrions: <br />Dcm.lirion}cn.ih AsbcstosNolificolion [c{crul Rquloliotrs(Tillc,l1),Pfi6) <br />Rcquncd kncrot Mrilicdri,n <br />-l <br />c.n ify rhar rhc fcdcal rc8]lhr ions rc8$din8 rtisros Enrvll nrc rct .Fplt.blc ro rhh Imirr <br />icrrn,nodsrorcrhurrhcotnvcinlornurioriscorccr.IaFccln.omrlysirh!llCirydndCour, <br />CiryaDd Couniy b c icr upon rlE <br />^*,- l?-4'11 <br />hrildini consocln r.ord h.rchyonrlnrnc rcprc <br />ID/SIG. <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Miscellaneous <br />Final Gas Test <br />a <br />I <br />I