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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Founlains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER LZc-2o s-( r r> <br />Transformers <br />Torqueing <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rough) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rouoh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rough) <br />N,4eter Release ,-7r'2c D'rr'.J t o) <br />Rough d4n-at g..C tot <br />Service [Vleter 2.-24 - 2.o al lo! <br />2-??-ac e.-1, ts9 <br />Notes, Remarks, Elc. <br />OWNER BUILDER DET-CARATION <br />I hdeby amm uidd poall, of Fjur, 'ha <br />I m .xmp fmD $. Contra.loE Lic s Law for thc follosiry .qen (S( 701 I 5 <br />asif,*s md ProaNion Cod.): Any Cily or County which rojunB a Fmit lo coslruc1. ahd, i'nprovc. ddnolish or rcpair ey <br />slruclur€. lrior lo hs issuane. also rcqutG lh€ @plicet for such rFnir ro 6lc a 3isncd ndmd rhd h. or sh. b licftcd tlNni <br />lo lh. rovisions ofth. aonlr.clor's l-iccns€d l-.w (Chaud 9. Comm.ncins wilh Sclion ?000 otDivision I of(h. BNi.6s dd <br />Prctssions Codc) or lhat be or sh€ is dcnfl thd.liom ed lh. baris lor lhc allcBcd .rmption Any violalio, ot Sdioa 70115 by any <br />arplicaor for ap.ftil su6jcsrh. rppli.anr ro 6 ciril p@hy o a mr Dorc rh& fivc hund,.d dolles ($500) ' <br />l. s owns oflhe prop€rly. or fty coplor6 rvirh *dr6 6 lh.t elc cooroslio.. sil do th. *ort md tt sloclr is ml <br />inrod or oftaed for el. (Sa.7(x4, aGin* dd PofBioB Cod.: Th. Lic.E Ij$ do6 nol lpply lo e osq or <br />lh.pmpely who or improEltcsn. dd who doe such \wr* hinsclf or h€scllo' rhmueh his or hr oM.nployds. <br />prolidd, rhar such inrmvm6 d mr iddtldl orollrnd lor $1. ll ho$66, $. buitins o. imrmffiat is eE wilhin on. )@ <br />orompLro.. thc O*ns Build6 siu hav. $. hrdo oarroyin€ ihd h. or sh. dt nor toirl o. i,nForc fi. popdy for th€ p{.pos of <br />I. aoNnerofrh. pr.pdr. an crclusilcl, conrading trhh licd*n contra.tou to coNrud thc !,ojcl (56 7044. Bsm< <br />and l'rnf.sionCodc'rheConlraclorsl-iccnseLawdo6nolapDlyloano$.erorfop.nyvhobuildsornnpm!6lhseon. <br />and who .o.rrrds for su.h t 6jds $nh a Conr6do(3) licm0d puGrmr lo theConloclors Licds L.s) <br />I @.r.'nfl undd s€.rion <br />4.51q <br />I htrctry imnn unJer Fnany o r f6]ury <br />I and Bill mainrrin a Cd ifEalr of Consdt ro Sclf-l6u!c for *ort6 cohFerion, 6 Fovid.d Li hy sd(ion l70o o ath. <br />Labor Codc. for rh. pdaomecc oflhc Nork lor which th.pmii i3 isu.d. <br />I hav€ and will moinloin Nork6 comp.Nalion iNuBncc, 6 r.quned by Strion l70o .flhc Lrbor Cod., for ih. pdfomanc. of <br />lhe vort fo! rvhich this is issuql My sork(i comFosalion insu.anc€ cMicr ud Flicy numbd ec: <br />I ccnilyrhar inrnc!.rronnan..of$.Nork ior whi.h this pd'nir is i$!ed.I sh.ll nor BnployanypeBon inany drn€r <br />$ a <br />'o <br />b(om. sbj{r <br />'o <br />rhc qolt6' conpasorion lass ofc.lifomia. and asrE rhal il I snouu subj(r ro rh. <br />$0116 com!.Nlion pBr isiom of Sdion 170$ ol ihc Lahor Cone. I shall. fonhs il h comtly wilh rh,e pnn iriod <br />WARNING: Failurc ro ru.. $orkds ..mpmrion cov.o!. is\fol. md shnll sutrd .n €nployo lo ainriml p6Fhi6 and <br />civil llns trp t. o.e hondred rhorsd d.lltus in addnion lo ln€ con otcomp€nstio.. damqes 6 pro!'dcd lor rhc <br />s..ri.n 1076.filr I rhy(-.d. nn6d rnn ri <br />.tq <br />I hocby nmrm lnder pcnahyolp.rjuryrhar I m I'e.s.d undd tmvirion.l( h.prd 9 (.ornnEn;nx \viih S.clion 7000) ofl)irhion l <br />of lhc Ausioes d Pmlssio'Ls ('ode. d nrvl(cN t io tullnm.od.fict <br />COAiIBU{JIAIJDNDIXC.AGIICT <br />I hmby 0rrm und€r pcslty of prlury lh3l lhs. is . conidclion kf,din-! asocy lor lhe pdfomdcc oalh. {or! for which lhi5 pdfrt ie <br />bsu.d(Sr 1097.Civ C ) <br />AIIIICANLDECIdAAIIOT <br />I h*by afm undcr pdalty ofp€rjury oncollhc lollovin8 deldalionsl <br />Dc,mlhiod Pd nnstub*ros Norirrcarion F.ddlRc8rlarioB (TnE 40. Pd6) <br />Rcqutcd Lell€r ol Nolificalion <br />I cen iry lhal th€ Lnral rcsulal iod r.lardin! 6b6los rmo\ al ar. rct appl'cnhle lo Ihii <br />lo cohpl, with.[ cnyand Coum] <br />afiis Ciry r.d Coonr, lo 6t6 upon th. <br />n*n*qa."1,y', pAA/,\A .sllrlilZatw* <br />Site-Work <br />FINAL <br />,,,,, /2-5- lg