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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/stG.-COMMENTS <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountarns <br />Siqns (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communicalions Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinqs (Hard & Soffit Rouqh <br />Ceilinos (T-Bar Rouoh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rouoh <br />tService Meter Nwr.,FINAL th./zD ,. <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc.7 <br />(rt\NEL BI ,lrtiR Dl:1,( aRAT(,\ <br />t hcrcty atlirh und., pcnahy ol !.rFry rh,r I m crcnrp( rbm lh. ConrBc(,6 LiicnE Lnw nn rh. ,dlldrr,! !21).lS& 70.11 5 r <br />Bunncsc dnd Pnncsion Co,ic): A6y Ciry or Counly whiuh drut.( I ltmil ro q'n{rucr, ilrcr' iflrl'rovc, dc'nx.$ I rqat anv , <br />sruclur., prM b ns tsuincc. also rcquncs lhc a,,pln.nt tnr su.h F.mir lo rilc I r+rc.1 n.tcmnt ihrr L or shc ir li..ns.{ llnudtr , <br />ro rlrc nrcvtrio.! of r ConrE.loas Li{.nsd tl* (Chrrrcr 9. Conockin8 P(h Salidn 7Ix}0 ol Divniotr.l of$c Buisqss uJ <br />PnncssDns codc) or rhil heorrh. " crcm/ ihe!.liom an,l rhe briir rDr (hc dlcscdcrcmplDn Anv vnnrlnrn or scrbn l0-11.5 tvafl, <br />dltlicad fur ! I'cmi lul,jeB lh. amlicanl ro a tivil pcnxli y or not nnrc lhrn i,c hundrcJ dolhr (S5&) <br />-1, <br />r\ own rotlhc pmpeny,,n ny cnPkrytcs with w(8cs r\ vrc .ompcnsaiion. wiI.lo rh. M{k m'l rh. {uluc is rt' <br />mcMcd o! o,icrc,l tur saL ( 5*.7044. Busines {nd Pn'r.$ons C(tlc 'th. Conkd(tr s Li.ctrs Llw 'l.d\ nol {Pl} r' an owkr or <br />rlE l!)pc.ry who buddx or ml,nlv$ rhcE)n. .nJ who dcs such vr* hmr.ll o, lrcr$ll .r lhmugh hr or hcr ou cdploy..(. <br />On,v .d rhil su.h inpnrrcnf,Nr m ndr ill.dcd oro[.rG] rbrsalc.ll, howcvD.. rh. huilalina d imPNvcEnr is eld wnhinonc ]sr <br />of con{hi$n. lhc Owncr B lkr wil hnt th.ltrrlcn 01pn)ving rld h.orsh.d! nor hu Jornif trc rlr lx)trny htr rtr purrxE ol <br />yl..s.*tr(,)trhcnmrny. rhcrclu\irlyco raols wirh <br />lnrl Pn,l.\\r'nCodc: Ihc C.nkrntr'r Lrcnsc LN o$nor <br />lkrnsc'l .onkrdo6 ro co,r(n,.i ilt rioj.( lSc..71!,14. BNinrss <br />r) rn.wncr o, pnr:nywh hurllr or lnlnvc! rh.rc.n, <br />and wr$ coordrk for sBh lrojccls wilh a co rdo(3) <br />I am ci.hfl utoicr S€ction-, B.I <br />I hcmby dfird utrdcr I'cnalry olp.4ury oN olrhc tulbwire cclmri(,s: <br />I lDvc rd willmrrain r Ccni6carc oi Ci,n*nr o scltlnsurc l wotkcis' ompcnsition. f,\ 0tuvid.d lorhvS.crn,n.l7(x)o, thc <br />tlhor Codc. litr lh. pcnomnc. oI rhc wo* for which rhc Nm,t s tslcn <br />lhrvc x wnlmNrm *o!k.rr ronf.nsalon nsurnntc. sr rcqum,lhySccri.n.lT(DotrltLib.r(rl..lrtrrhcJ"r16nnrn'col <br />rh. work n, which this pcmir is hsu.d. My sorkcrs .oryinsa(n nsura cc .id.r rnd Flry nnmhcr m: <br />".,,,4,-", _ <br />!4lccdrlirltll inrhcpdrffnranccollhc *ork tur whEh lhs ncrmrt i\ tru.d.l slullnor ctupklvanvl.ron in rnv mn'cr <br />$ $ k' Irroft sutjel ro rh. Mrk n'or{EDsation hws oI carlfonria. .n'l asd rh,l il I lh)ulJ h(om stbFrl ft' rtE <br />workcs' conpcneti,r ptuvtrons of S(rion .1700 of rhc trbor Clrle. I stull tudhwilh .ooply wirh dDs I'nvEi'ns <br />IVARNIN(i, Iiaiturc io {.u( w(trk.ri ..n{tn\.rirn .ovcE3. <br />.n'l 6nc\ rp ro on. hundr.'l rhou\rnd dollrr ($lUl.lIlO. rn <br />S(rR'n:1076otrhc tihtr Ctdd. imcrc( r attnrcy\acc\ <br />"fl*,, <br />uh <br />ki!.r k' di,nDrl Ftrrlr.\ Md <br />dmr!.r as p()!L'i.!l Li rhc <br />DECLARATION <br />I h.rchy lirmund$r.n,llyolpcrjuryltar I rn lien{d u JerF,rnn,nol ( <br />D.l€:- conlm.lo <br />CONSTRUCTION LENDINC AGENC1 <br />I hcriry .liirn ond.r Fnllly ot Pcrjury fiar tb.e i1 r on(ru.lion Lndre ascrcv for rh. p.rrornErr ol rhc mrk tn! which rht pmir is <br />(su.d (Scc. .lS)7, Civ C ). <br />APPLICANT DECLARATION <br />I lteby rnm u nds !.nalry .f ,.tjuty o* of thc follosi,s*.1tuns: <br />Dcmlii!'nl.,mreArh.{o' Ndrlh'd!run tRlcnl RcsulllFn\ (Tnlc 4. Pd6r <br />Re(utr,dt llcroiN.rilMrrn <br />Iyrh{{[\ rc3r,lin3 r!\ cnr,vrl rlc norrPllrdhlc n, rhi\ Pniccr <br />Vucfli,y rl'd I h.l. rc.d rhn.r,pliariun coqcrr I rsre ro..mnly w IillCil,indCounry <br />oilnrn.e\ and Srar. Lrws rl{roe n) huild, <br />llh vc nrDrrnrd ptuIf,nyntr <br />/LADDli.utor AscnlSixn{lu <br />Transformers <br />I((o'nnr .ng wtrhSc.rk,n 7fto)oll)rvi\n,n l <br />ot rhc Atr$nc$ m Pnf.lsi'mr Cdlc. u ny* ir <br />'n <br />tull,i)rcc.ndclLc{. <br />tf,tuicis <br />- <br />Iutrtl '. A'lJ'.s