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ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECOHD <br />APPROVALS DATE COMMENTS OWNER BUILI'ER DEI,CAiA'TION <br />I hcrcby.lfiirn undcr p.illry or !.rjury lh l orcxcflrfl,mnrhc ConkactoF Licctr{ Ltrw ior thc lollowins rcev,. {sc..70115 <br />Blsincrs ! j Pofcsion codc): Any Ciry or G)unry whi.h dqutcs a Irrmir r. drn{rud. allcr, imProle. denhlish or qxt a.y <br />irturrud, ior io irs tsu."cc. aho rcquitcs thc ,ptli.MI for sucn Frmir 6 fih I siSncd slaLmnl rhd h. or sh. is liccnscCr Purud' <br />h rhc nmvhions ot rhc Conra.lofs Liccn*d Lrq (Ch4rdr 9, conmcncirs Nirh Sccli.n 7000 ol Divnion I ofih' Bu\i"( snd <br />PmrcsioD\ Codc ) or rhrr h.orshe iscxenrpr rhcicli. Md lhc I'nsis ln rhc olhsc.t cknDrion. Anyviohlnrnols.cliorT0Sl.5hvanv <br />nptli.anlforopcilnitsutjec(rhc,Pplic..rroa.i!ilp.nalrlornorntrc!hanlivehundrcddolla^(S5m) <br />-l- <br />ar owmr or rhc pn,tEny. or ny carPlor!.r wirh w,8cs as lhcn sb co pcis,(ion. willdo thcworkdd tlE smlm k mr <br />inrcndcd orofcrcd for slc (Se.?044. Busincss Md Pmicssiotrs Cdc <br />thc ForErry *b bn & or in!,ovLs ltEmn. ard w,b dms suh M,* himsclf or tcrclf or rhn,u8h his or hcr osn cnlk!)tcs. <br />lrovidcri rhar such inipFkmnb m mr int nd.n .t oalcEi tor elc ll hor.wr. rlE h{ilding or in'Pn,w.tnr is sld wirhin om Fe <br />.i.onlPlclion. rhc O]ncr Blildo wiu Mw t]. budcn ol pmviu lhll hc or sh. did ml huikt or nnpror rh. lm)pdv for rhc purli,* of <br />-l, <br />.s owner oi rte poFdr. im .xclusive,y .ont,acriru virh lien*d conracton ro onntud rtr roj.$ (SN. rol''t Bx{im( <br />ad PioL*bn cldc: Thc Conlacru s\. tr* docs nor atrly lo an osn4 orpropca, who t'uilds or nnpBvcs rncrcon. <br />and wno conlE tslorsuthtmjcdswithtControclo(s) liccn*d pur\uanr lothcConl!,ct sLi.nrc tjw) <br />I undcr SNrion <br />UOBKEBI.q!}IITINIA.IION <br />DECI/3AIUN <br />I hcrchy alltrnuMcr penllryorperiury orc orlh. f{n[rwnr8 dccl$arions: <br />I hrvc md will minlair a Ccniratrc or Conscnl to Scli lns!rc lor worktrJ ompctrsolion ds pmvidcd lor by S(lion l70o or th. <br />tibor Codc, f6r rh. p.rforrona oflh. *ntt ror whhh rhc,,.nnil h tsucd <br />-l <br />huvc and s, eorkcti conlp.i\.rion insurancc, tr\ rcquiredhyS.{rbn lT0Oollhc Lll}n Cod.. for rhc P.t{orroncc of <br />rhc w..k Lrwhi.hthn pcrnrit is is$cd My wor*c^ ..nD.ns!ri,nr insurlocc crdfi d.d Flicy nunhcr &: <br />-l <br />enifyrhlr in rh. n nnrnunccoflhc *ort for *hi.h rhi\ ptnnil is hsucd.l shrll n rcnrllovaov lr.6on in,ny.runcr <br />s, st) {hj€r ro rhc wortcrs comp.n$rion li*s olCalilnrnia, rnd tr!rcc rh ifl shouldtf,.om suhitl hltr <br />\orsdcrn,nlTs)ofrhctihnGn,c.lrh,l!.innhwirhconDlywirhrln,*prevkn'ns <br />WAXNINC: Fail!rc ro ecum wortcrs' compensrn,. co!c88. h unhwful. lnd sh,ll .ubj.ct an cmllortt ro dninal pctrollics !t'd <br />civil fincs up ro orc hundr.d rhousni dollas (SIOO.0OO). an nddnion lo lhc cos of smpcns.rion. dlm8cs .r p.olid'rl r{r rhc <br />Sccrion 3076 ofthc Lah.r Cod., inlcrc( md atlorEr'r re. <br />Appliotri:>( <br />utExtEproNrlacrua <br />DECLAAAIION <br />I hcrch, dl,iimundo pcnalryol!.rj!ry lhat I am lic.hscd undcr provhion olChtpld 9 (commcking sirh secrion r0O0) orDivhi.n I <br />of thc Busircs dd Pmr.sions Codc. Md m, liccn* h in full fora a cntcr. <br />CONSTRUCTnN I.FNDIN(: AGDNCY <br />I hcEby alfin, under Itn yolDcrjurylhal lhcrc hacon{ruLrion hndins lscn.y inr rh. pdfo,mncc olrhc*orl ror shichlhisPcrmir ir <br />i$ucd (se 1097.civ c ) <br />APPLICANT OECI AR-ATIoN <br />I hdrby dnmundcr pcnrlr, ofp.ijuryonc oflhc idlowins drhhrions: <br />Dcm)lirion P. nnl^sbcslos Norificarioo F.d&il RrBuln'ionr (Tirlc tl{). PdO <br />_R.quircd t rt.r olNorifrdion <br />l.cnifyrhlr lhc fcdcal resnlrtions rcEardin8 asheslos rcnx,vdlm nol {ttliclt lc ro rhi\ <br />rh!,!. r. rrrnal !olxrrtln, 'r1,.(r,,i Ir tx\.\ <br />,\Dplirut o.,1[$r sixnxltr,u X ,,," ' <br />r'**i,*r.* u"r, ( <br />Site-Work <br />Underqround <br />Pole Bases <br />Lioht Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Sions (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab i Floor <br />Bondinq / Groundinq / UFER lr t)41ufi ,/U\ <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Rool Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilinos (Hard & Solf it Rouoh <br />Ceilinqs (T-Bar Rouqh)-..r'r) <br />It/eter Release l/t $rNtrlt <br />Rouqh 6 <br />Service Meler I 2/1.1t41i lMeu) <br />FINAL t)t4-zoz,) Js.s>ffi) <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />4 <br />ID/SIG. <br />D',k L <br />Transformers