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EXPEDITED PERMIT PROCESS FOR SMALL-SCALE PV SYSTEMS <br />MICRO-INVERTER <br />The informatlon in this gutddhe ls lntended to help local Judsdlcdons and contradors rdendry when pt/ s)6tem installadons <br />are simplg needlng only a baslc revle\,y, and when an lnstalladon ,s morc complo.. It ts tlkelf6at 50 I .25 f of afl restdendal <br />systems wlll comply wi0l hese simple crfter,a. For prcJects Olat h[ b meer th; sLnple critcrta, resoluoon sEps haye be€n <br />sr-gge$ed !o provide as a path o permlt apprwal. <br />Requiteil Inforrndtion fot pennit: <br />1. Stte plan showlng locatton of majo, components on the prop€rty. Thts dr ,tng necd not bc o@ctly !o scalc but it <br />should t€present relative locadon of componenB at site (see supplled €'(amplj stte plan). F,t, arrays on dwelllngs <br />with a 3'perimeter space at ridge and sldes may not need separate Erc servtce rcvl'ew. <br />2. Electrical diagram showtng Pv aray configuratlon, wlring syst m, overcurent protecdon, invertcr, dlsconncc6, <br />required slgns, and ac connection to buildlng (scc supplied standard electrtca afagram;. <br />5. Specifrcadon sheeb and lnstallation manuals (tf arra able) for all manufacured componenE including, but not <br />llmited to, PV modules, inverter(s), comblner box, dlsconnects, and mounrtng system. <br />Step 1 : Structural Review of PV Array Mounting System <br />lr thc atray b bG mountcd on a detncd, pcnnttt d loof ltnrdlrl? Eyct Eno <br />Y No dtc to nonaoLttant r@J ot a $omd momt, s.ibmn cot vbtd.vrorhsheet lor thc snucfiuz wI<81. <br />Roof h{onnation: <br />(Y9s - composition, lighMelght masonry meEl, erc...) <br />ASPHALT SHINGLES <br />Is the rcofrng rype lighrweight <br />ROOF MATERJAL: ONE LAYER <br />li No, stJ0,ntt <br />2. Does <br />Il No, $bmtt <br />corrrybtedvorhshe.tfot too! fiucnm WxSl (No - haavy ma$ry, slalr, ctr..-). <br />the roof have a single roof covertng? Elyo Eno <br />convhbtt vothshat lot tool strucfixe W<Sl . <br />5. Pmvide method and type of lyeatherproofing roof penetrations (e.g. flashhg, catrlk)Ml s6al6nt <br />M ounting Ey 6 t en Inf onndtion : <br />I . ls the mountlng strucrure an <br />beneath the module frames? <br />product designed to mount PV modulcs with no morc than an 18" gap <br />Yes No <br />If No, prwide dctdls of sfi/ict]u,|al dtucltncnt eftffid W a itcsign <br />2. For manufactured mounting systems, hll out lnformadon on the moundng system below: <br />a. Moun ng System Manufacturer LG roduct Name and Mq4gB LG350N1GV5 <br />b. Toal Welght of Pv Modules <br />"n6 <br />X"i6 5@ lbs <br />Total Numbcr of Attachment points3s <br />Weight per Attachment Polnt (b + c)14.28 (if grea@r than 45 lbs, see wt(sl ) <br />c. <br />d. <br />e.Maximum spacing Berween Attachment polnrs on a Rar 4 hdles (see product manual for <br />maximum spacing a.llowed based on maxmum deslgn wlnd speed) <br />f. Total Surface Area of Pv Modules (sguare feeD 306.95 ft,g. Disuibuted weighr of pv Module on Roof (b + 0 1.6 lbs/fr'z <br />Y Asfrbtttd. y.ight ol t u W 5!8tun ts gfiafr fi,r,t S tbclftt, oa WXSr . <br />Step 2: Electrical Review of PV System (Calculotions [or Electrical Diagram) <br />In order br a PT BlEtcm 6 bc corurd.trd br rn Gxpcdltcd pcrmt paocc4 tha bltowlng muat rpply:l. P\,f modules, udlity-interacdve invertds, and comblner boxas are tdendfied for use h pry' q,stems2. The PV array is composed of4 serles strings or less pcr lnverter. <br />5. The total lnvener capaclty has a contlnuous ac power output 15,440 ,Vlhtts or lcss4. The ac lnrerconnection point ls on the load slde of servtce dlsconn€cdng means (690.64(B)). <br />5. one of the standard elecrical dlagrams (El-l, E1.l a,, or El.l c) can bc used to acafately rcprcsent the n, <br />E6tem. lnteracdve PDF dlagrams arc avaflable at <br />Filt out the standard electrical diag'am completely. A gtide to the electrical aliagrar is prwided to help the applicant <br />understand each blanh brt in.Il the electrical Etstem is more comptex thdn ihe stanitrd, electrical diagramian efiectirely <br />communicdte, provide an altenutiye diagram with oryropid.ce detail. <br />2 IXPEDITED PERMIT PROCESS FOR PV SYSTEMS - MICRO-II.WERTER