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APPFOVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS 01{NEN AUILDEN DELCARATIoN <br />I hcrJry amrh trft1.r Fnchy (,f lErrury rhd I m.rcr[{ fn"n rlr Co rrdor' l-icnr t,* fu rh. folkrrin! rcls,n lsd.1():11.5 <br />aunn.t\ d Pnncs\i('n (od.): Any ( ily or (buniy shirh rcqut$ a Fr.,ir h .a,niru.r. nh.r. inlPNvc. dcm)lish or rcFrn any <br />{ru.rurc. prior t, irs h\u!ncc. al{, rcquir.! rh. qr/tdni ror \uch Fm h fih. \i8ncd rlalcmnl rhlr hcor sh. ir lur$tnr <br />h rh. F'rnion( .l tlE Conr&tor's t-tcnEn Liu ((.]upr( 9. (tnrmtunr8 $ h Sdlion 7(txl ol l)ivision I oa rlE Bu.iEs md <br />Itolcr\bn\ Cin ) or rhrr rE or sh. n .krmr rh.r.rrcn 'hd rh. h.\i\ f{tr rlE .ll.3Rl clcnll{hn Ai} ri'hrimorS(rnn 7lr:ll5 hy.ny <br />lpfhrzd rd a Frmir nrhrrt tlE .t lar.t t, . .iril p.tulrt ol an mrc rtun fir. hundG! iLlle( r5!rl)) <br />- <br />l. ,r osmr or rh. ln,Fdy, .i m, .mnr',Es rnh w.8.( i h $h onlncnqrion. *ill do rlt wrt sJn llr ndm i i <br />rnt.d.rl .r or.rcd (r qk (s( ?u4. Blrim$ otrd Pmfc$i(,nr (inlc: Iic G,nttrck, r l-ic.nrc llw.L$ nor aPPly l,r an osrcrol <br />rn pn'Fny wh' ttriU\ or ir{n,h rh.E,n, ud stn drr rxch srrt him\.lf.r h.r{lf nr rhmu8h hn r h.r o*n er{Jlo}r6. <br />pr* iLd rhlr iNh ir{ntrlmnls e on ini.idrrl oror.rd tir !b Ii h)*6s. rlt t ildina or inFffid n sE $ihD o'E }t! <br />of (fllhi4 rh. ()wr. AuiB.r *ill h.r! rtr brd.n of FNtl3 tt ! lE q {E dd mr hiB r inFft E FIdt ld rlt FrIrE of <br />l.x\osturrlrhrlnlr y.n rc\.h\trely.ontr0dirs trirh lNn{rl.onrrJ.n,\n,.onnnci rhL,n,'n\r (scc 7o.ll. htrrrs <br />rrrl lh,li\shn(itrl! llr(in rrcntr \l i.rn\cl rs{nr\nrrrt!t,lyhrioBtrctolfrot{rrysh" huili!.I iDtrv.\rhtItot. <br />r (l rho conrrr$ l(tr {,.h Foldr\ trfhr (i nct{r\rlr'.0{-(llunurdn'rh.(innrJcttr\If,. {li'trr <br />lrmdcry{.nrd SNrion- <br />l)!k ()xn.r <br />]taaflif,.tll] fEts ruN <br />D!(l2rllrr.Di <br />I h.,.h\ rlfi'n,un(lcr trnilr\ ofPojrtr, ok ',lrhe n,llotr r!,1(r.rrrr{x <br />I hlr! rn lill flinrdn r of Conc t SclllhuEftir 16r drqEnsri'n. 8 Fot iLd for by Scihn l7lx,.f rh. <br />lf,tl, ('.i.- l rh Ffolrr.rc ol rlE *(rt ftr *hrh rh. Fmn . isu.d <br />lhvrrndsrllmnnno$urtcriconlrn\irioninsurlNc.i\rcquiEdhysccrion.lT(Ddfrh.lrhor(irlc.iorlhcp.rturuR1ol <br />rhr sort f{trshahrlnr l[n.n i( n$d Mytr rkcis conrFnlrr( in\urrNr.rricr rlB,l.ynurtr. tr <br />ll\.n'fyrhortr'rhcFrr, nL$drrhcq, i{$hthrhl\punnir i\ is{r.J. I nrll noi cDJrl(}y rny Fron in uy m nmr <br />$ N n, t$om {hid n, ihc *.*.^ (intrtf, r\$un laq\ ol ( ulintrni.. .rd laEC rh$ il I sbuld b(o'r irht.r !, rlr <br />rnrlf\ !1rn{rhvirnr Frlni,ns .f s( if :17(x) of rh. I rh{ (ii,c. I dEll. lnnh} irh n'n{)ly *irh rh,r F)vnirns <br />It,lRNlN(; lJlur r, .!ur trorkch .otrIrn{ix)n $r.'x!c '\ unl!trful. rnl \hi]l {lhl..r J, r l|)I'Fr t,.rnntrrl Fr,h$ Md <br />n) ok htrtrrlRl ih)u\n (l d!'llnr\ (sl(x).lxrr). $ rrldfi()n n) rh .on ol .o trFnsrn,n. ilstu8.t 0r pnrrl.rl for lhc <br />Sc.r(), l(r6ol rl'( l.rlrtr (ixlc.irrcre{nNlrtrorf,y\l.e\ <br />Q*tbrf <br />DT:CIJXAIIO! <br />I trr.hl alltm undd txnrhlorlxrjfit rhrr I rm litn*] undd In,rni'n ol(-lupr.r 9 (!-mmrinS rirh S\.-rbn 7UXr, oft)rvr(bn l <br />.l rh. Busims{u fn}L!\ionsC*lc. nl my liccn* n in tull(mc rdcllN <br />c4'to)212!L <br />" -\--,! -rr rf <br />I hrFby ,fl'rm xnd.r Fmhy or FrFry rh.l rtm ir r snnrudhn lcndins as.ty ror rhc l.rrolnm ol rh. qo* lor *hhh lhn I.mir ir <br />ilructl (sd 3097. civ c ) <br />.IIUIAII.DESI.Af,AITQN <br />I hctyrfmu i.r lrtulr, of Frrury om of rlE folki*i.8 d(lrrit bnr <br />IXBnnon Pcrmiri Arl$rot f{difr,ri,. F.J.rrl R.tuLiir( rTirk,l0, Pd6) <br />R.quircd t-(c' of fkiili3!.n <br />rlin'l) rh.r rh( l,rhr0lrcEu,4rr'ns mI 'linE r\hc{,(r( r^rlJr nii Jtf rJhl,'r, rhNtnir<! <br />V .r, r , *' , t* .., *,! apnlxrrx,n lrl {rrc rhd rh. :hnr inr,,mr$n i( coml I rarr k' onr?|, *irh rtl cir t rnd (i,unly <br />,druNcsridSkr.ljtrr'cbiingroh{'u'n89Ftui,(dtlIrcbvruhtu.r.F.r.li6otrficn,rndCou.tyt'c.rdu|[nllt <br />lhtr. mnrnrd m'Fnr nr msEtnnlurya{. /-- <br />",-*,-ilL.,."'IJ{6-^/.-^.-,",. Q:th -r g <br />P.m,,Fn.m.(,r, ': 3Obt'li" EIH <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Light Standards <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltaqe <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Buildinq <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Groundinq / UFER <br />Translormers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouqh) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Solfit Rouqh <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Meter Release <br />Rough <br />FINAL tlz4tq ,u4r(/, <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />ELECTRICAL.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />Service Meter <br />P(nkt N0nrh.r: