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ELECTRICAL-INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS O\TNER BUILDER DELCARATION <br />I hdc!) lrm un<r( FDlrt of Fju.y lhd I h GrdF &om rh. (-onlEl6 Lt.M ts for llE folhf,ins (Sc 7011 5 <br />BBi.B dn Profdhn Co&): Aiy Cn, or count *hth r.qun6 i Fni !o odM. .llq. idlrove ddmlith m ev <br />nruduq Fiir ro ii. is"re, .L. r.qriE lhl 4rla-l ror su.h Fnh ro frk. tistd ddonqn $t lE or dE i licqB.d Psed <br />ro rh. FtrvirioB oI rlE l.adrd Llq touPlq 9. Comfting tilh S.clion ?000 ol Dirilion ! of lh. BBi6s t d <br />PrcadbnrCod.)mlh.tlEqlrEi!dardllEcfomddlh.hcsforfi..lks.dcrolgi,,4.,, <br />.rplicd ror r Fnn sbjdt rlE .pt lic.r lo ! civil pcuhy oa mt mr. lhr fi\ . hundtcd .hliB (tt00)/- <br />. \-1. s Nffi or rlE F"Fny, nr m) mphF6 r nh s.g6 B llEt eL onpaqi!.. sill &, llt sqt rn {r rulE a Er <br />- mroxt rl or ofiocd id i.t tsd ?o+1, EuB !d Prof6e6 Cod.: Tt Co Eio t L..G I^ &'6 'd *prv ro e of,E of <br />th. FlFiy rlb hil& m ilqor 6 rlEm !n wb dc dr sort hi@lf or hd*lao. llmush hn r hd o$n mrktltti <br />Forildl rh tuch imFoluEr!E d inqt d doI*rat 6. rd. lf. rns6!. rtE trildirB c if,g!\dEi i5ld$ihinm]6 <br />ofconpldio( lh Orc AdkE *iI ha! llE hirdar ot Fnrins rhd lE or nE dA d hrild .r hpmtt dE F!Fl' 6r lrE F,F... oa <br />l. s o*id ofrh. Fopdy, m.icl6ivcl) (ofu..rin! *nh li.6.d conlr!.loR l...nrru.t ttE Fnjdt (S( ?044 acind <br />..d ftoftsi.. aodc rh. (bnrr.(or'! l-icnr. l-.e doB nol .pply lo e o*nd ot prot<ly uho buil& o. improv6 lhden. <br />.rd rvto corn6cl3 aor loch Dmid! wilh ! CorlEclo(, hc@dl pu6udl lo lhc Codra(ofr Lic.M L.P) <br />I n.\<'nfl un\i. \(tdn <br />N",," a t'> 11 <br />I fi6.t'y !flim undd F xy of Fjorr oE of th. folhtr ins &.|&,rios <br />I h6. rn s'll tumr.i. r (-difrd. of ( olFl lo S.lfiM lor "ork6 omFstn n. B FnriLd foi bv S<lio. l7m olih. <br />htor Code fn llE F (lffi. of rh. *dl li'r $ntfi rlE Fnn a is.d <br />I h!r. rnd *ill tuinl!'. $ort6' .oqENlhn iNds.. 6 aqui.n b S.clio. t70o of lL l.hor (-o&. for lh. Fli,t!m. of <br />lh. qst tor $hih rhB Fnnn i! irr,.d My tro*a otr96sri'n illllm. orE nn Flkt nunb.r G <br />poticvNumb.r ltpn6 <br />-f.-,6 <br />rhd m rh. Firrninccrf rh. {Nt,i{ (htrh rhlFrmh is issu.d- Irh.llnor 6nFk,!.nyFsn in!n}ndF <br />!16! ro b.{.m. ruhiR! t' !h. tr1116 .umr6!dtr,n la$3of(-alilom6- dd asc rh.! if I shoold tB:oh. $qd toth. <br />$ort6' comDdsai ion pNvsk'nq of serion :r 700 olrh. ljt{r Co&. I shtll. lodN i h comlly r ilh llr,k ,nv6ions <br />$ARNlNc lr.ilr. io Fru. \orl(i $mDdsrion.o\daa. is unlNtul, ind shill nrbjd u oplo!6 n) diminol pcahi6 and <br />.iril n66 uI, to on. hurdr.d rhousd d.llds (1100.0(X)1. in <br />Serion 1076ofrhc l{htr(in..inidd rnd lllorEr's lG <br />n ro rh. con olcomn ourhn, d,n!!B s pro\ilcd lor th. <br />'l tx. t< <br />DECIISAIIOd <br />I ,nry* lrm unld FrIy ot Fjury thr I n liGE d u,!& F!\nhn ol(trF e (offiitB trirh sarb.7000) orlxnbt l <br />ot th. Bu!i6 rli Pmf.rirE Code .n my li..B i! in tull foc rd.fic! <br />coNstRuclloN I FrtDlNG acf,NcY <br />I teb! amm u.dE lRnali, ol p.riur-v I hd rh(c s ! conntudion kndins !s4.y aor rh. of lh. *od tu $ hich thB Fii a <br />isu.d(se 1097. civ. c ) <br />ATTLTCAITLDICIJIAIIO! <br />I ho*r,rm un&r Fn.h, of Fjury oN of lh. follo*i.8 dclf hnt <br />o.rnohion Pdmns^rt8ros Ndin.dion F.ds.l Rqubl ionr (Tnl. .10, Pd6) <br />R.quRd ldra.tNd'6<rm <br />I cd,h lht rlE lc&r.t r.iub nE r.rrdhr BtdG lcm\ tl d. d rd(.H. r. ih6 Fj.< <br />I tls,t rru r r*.,oa ru^ !d rd. rhi rlE !b.\c inrodiirn t.otrd I 'sd ro otrpl, wih.ll cit.,td comv <br />f.tma'r'a sra. r* "t,,s in r.,ldnts -tM.t.n h6.bydnr.rn EF.6ric of 6nci,rdCou vlo6td'4onlh. <br />abot. nFrnkd FoFd! fo. <br />,\ or,r!dl sitnrlnft *ff *'*? l+.\"' <br />Site-Work <br />Underground <br />Pole Bases <br />Liqht Standards ) <br />Spas, Pool, Fountains <br />Signs (monument) <br />Life Safety /Low Voltage <br />Fire Alarm / Dampers <br />Communications Cable <br />Building <br />Under Slab / Floor <br />Bonding / Grounding / UFER <br />Transformers <br />Torqueino <br />Sub-Panels <br />Air Conditioners <br />Roof Top Equipment <br />Factory Wired Unit <br />Walls (Conduit) <br />Walls (Rouah) <br />Ceilings (Hard & Soffit Rough <br />Ceilings (T-Bar Rouqh) <br />Rouqh <br />Service Meter <br />FINAL IJ'ZZ- t'/142.7 <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />Meter Release