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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE COMMENTS OWNEN BUII,DER DEI-('ARATION <br />I h6.t1 rfim unds torl!, of p.rls rhd I m .tmo i.n thc (h rr<1oB l.t.@ lls f.r lh. fdlo*i.s rd$i (sd 7011 i <br />B6ins ,.d Prof<i'n Co&r Any Cil! or (-@r r vhkh r.qund t Finn to .odrud, iha. inForq &,slith or r.F u\ <br />ntudu.. rmr to ilr 6um.. lko r.q!n6lh. @lier lor 3u.h Fnr b 6L. lqn d rltlolFr rhrd lE.r dr i lEard plNdr <br />ro rh. prolisioE of rh. ConlEcktr r Lic.nrd lir (( hflptg 9. ( onolncing {nh Sdiion 70(Xr ol Dirlrion I of rh. BusiB md <br />Proaerionr Codc)orlhrl tEorrn ts.rdp rh. haik lu lhc alLr.{ cGnFio. Anyriol,n'r0lrl5 6! ant <br />!Il?h.d ror . Fn( obJdrr rh. 4,plicrnr ro r cir il F hvof ml mor.116 fir. hu.<lr.d ddll6(t5tul <br />I. s o$nd ofrhc ImFnr, or ny dpbyd wilh $d86 as lhcn $k smFB inn. rill & lh. trsI dd th. rndE it ml <br />idddal or ofia.d lor sl. (S( 70,14, BBin6 od Pint<ioB Co&: In. Coir...lo.3 tj.tu liw dod ml tpply lo u oens ot <br />rh.F.Frr ub htilhd inprnrBtlEon. rn eh dBrrhro lindror lrr*llor rl,lugh hir c ls on d,pl')d <br />Forikl lh.! $ch mFrEd. ft d idddd rolird n sb l( lFq6..lll lliulE G "ihrEd irsH $nhino( )E <br />oaco,r{'kia rlE Os tr6 Buikli *ill hrw dr hr&n of Frv,U tld lE or nE dA ml hild or intFnlt th. FtrFry tur llE FIFE of <br />l. soun6 oarnc F($sr!. m.r.16,*r, (d.din! $nh nc.elj (.nrel6kr codn|.! rli t,oF lS( 7or.r, &!!6 <br />6nd Pr.isinCo& l h. Contrkiors L,icor. l-aw do6 nor aprlr ro o*n6ofFoFn) sho buil&o, inpro!6rhdon. <br />d.d trho conro.rr fttr ruch pNid3 s nh ! ( onridons) li.ffid pu! suanl ro rh. ( onlrtck,.! l-i.N us ) <br />I u.rcmpl und. sarir. <br />D.l. Onrcr <br />NORXIjRS (Onl et-'\S,',i i|(|ni <br />Df(la8alllr! <br />I h<c,!-nfirmuidd FMlt).lFJUrr oEof rlE folbq inr &rl,!rxr6 <br />lh .ed sill @inlri. 6 ( .n ilicar. of ( onsml to S.lf.lNur. for \.116 cooFMi... B! foi by S<lion l7s) ofrh. <br />t bd ( o&. fd lh. Ff(ru. or rh. trst lor {lth rh. Fmn k kq.J <br />I h.r. and *ill mr' tr orlds insurtr.(.. 6 r.nutrql t ) Sd i')f, :r 7u) .f lh. l,!hor ( !d., nr ih. F fom.ncc .l <br />rh. $o,l ntr *hich thk p.f,nir i3 irsu.d MyrorlG co ,foBli{,n inntrnn.. carri( Md polic, nuarh.r e. <br />I di6 thd in rh. Ffotur. ot rl! $ o* f $hkhrhi3Fmt B is!.(L Itlt ltbl@plot.., F.rn in.., mmF <br />i ri r. b.<.ft oqd ro rh. trortd onFeion L\r orcolilom!. ,id +re iln ir I !h!ld b..or iuti.d lo rlE <br />*o&nj conpoerion rovirionr of S.dnrn 1700 of rnc I lhrr Cod., t rhdl, fonhsilh .onply wilh lhos po!!i)B. <br />tlaRNlNC: FriloE ro w. rut6 onpdldion cotd.B. i! !f,L$tuI. sd rldl d anphF to aimiul Frtb ad <br />cnil [E up ro oE hurxt d lho@d d.llo (trm.(lr). in tddthn !o llr cL,! or @nFdio( d., e6 a Fnvir.d r.r rh. <br />Sdion t076 ofrhl lrbor Cod., i.'ad.nd droftr ! fc <br /> ppll.rrt_ _lllElllD"(atuaclatr <br />DE( l-Al/tTloN <br />I h@b, rmrn und6 p6,lly ol Fjury In l I d l,cd€il undd ri.r irion of CtlPid g (conmfrns snh sdion 7@0) .l l)iv,sion I <br />oa rh.RuibdsJ PmfdioB (-od.. ad Dv lic@ n in rulll6rc. d.rd <br />coNslllu( rl()N I ENI}lNc acFl\cl <br />I tfthy lmm nndd Fn,lr) of Fjuryrhd rhd. ir ! connrudion Lndins lrft! ntr Ih. prfotlMcc of lhcNrl lor \hi.h rhis Flrir i! <br />isu.d (s( 1097. cn c I <br />Atru(brlltr:(ltaaull! <br />I hsd,y 6mm und6 tdalry ol t lu.y oN of r lrc follotr <br />'or <br />ddlril i{,n3 <br />D.!frn i,n Pd'E 3h.nd N.r ion l.ndd Rctslhrnhs (T l. {r). Pd6, <br />R.qurcd lnrs.t tloriardin <br />I (q1irr rhd rh. f.ild.l FguldioN Eardins lstEslN roFrald. frn q'tltr l. ro rhie I,oFLl <br />I.dify thd I t6. r.d thi lnr,lralior.n rillc rh,r th. itl^. rnfoMion i! corcd I trdlo smtl! $ih lllCily ud Court <br />o.din!n.6 !.d Sl!l. l..s Ellli4 !o l,uildin! crioi, od h6.t y tulh.ri,i r.F6dtdi!6 ol rhis City ud Counrtr. drdutrnrlE <br />rtslc nm'n,n.d a,or.ny for ir$.dion puqriG <br />Applionr or {gdr Si8n.rur. <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenVlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathing <br />Shear Wall <br />Fram ing <br />lnsulation/Enerqy <br />Drywall <br />Ext./lnt. Lath <br />Brown Coat <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />FINAL 7-2-t9 2c*z <br />Certificate of Occupancy <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc. <br />ID/SIG. <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif .