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BUILDING- INSPECTOR RECORD <br />SITE.WORK DATE ID/SIG.COMMENTS OT,I'NER BTIII,DER Df, L(' RATION <br />I hd..r- rrm un&r !...lty ol Frr!ry lh.l I d .rofl n n fi. (-odrr.loR tjcN l rw for rhc folh$ in3 r.eo (s< 70l l 5 <br />BNin63 rnd ProfRrion Codc): Any ('l!, (lr Cofll.*ni.n r.qut6 ! Fnil lo .onntud, dll6. iml,ove ddoli.h or E,.ir u) <br />,dLlu.. rrtu ro il' isuffi., .k Equta th. .p9licrnt foi luch Fni lo 6L a slln.n ild.lMl lhd h. or !h. b licoa.d Plma!'l 'b rh. FrniirB oa llr (-onlrsld. l.roed ljs {(-hq{6 0. Coorftrg \rirh S(lFn 701)0 of Drirh. ! of rh. I}uiK ud <br />PNf*nN Co&, d rhd h n nE it.rmli rh6.liom od rrE bcs tu rh. tlk8.d d6FFn Ary r6lnbn of Sdhn Toll 5 bt.n) <br />appli(! for r rEmit shrdr lt rypl'.air l. a .iril .f Rn morc lho fiv. hu.dr.{ loll6 (ttqr) <br />l, B oqio of llE ImFdy, s my.nph,6 q'ith ${16 s lh.t $L comp..sali.n. *'ill di rh. wdl &d lh. nrudw a ml <br />iddrldj G orqd for d. (Sd 701.1, Bsi6 sd ProfdloE Cod. IlE (ndrdn'r LaN L!* &a r{ +dy b m omt of <br />itr FrEr! rtr b!i!i n itglE lfi.q\ id *lb .k6 uh 6* hrelf o, lE*lf o, rr6qh hi, n lE om .trybrd <br />Forv.lGt tld iu.h imr.o\llls G ml irdi.d ororqld f,rr $L l( li$Q. E hriBnB d nDro\lcr a ild uihin oE ta <br />ofcoi!)krd. rlE O*G erid6 sill h.r.llE hrda otFtrvins rht h.dJrdij ml hiill s inFor! ri. FrFy tutdEF FEor <br />l. 6 Nffi of rh. FoFy. n.rcl6'!.lr cotu <rn{ snh lidE d to ,doE lo otrj.lct rlE F!i< (li< 7U'r. Bdt6 <br />td hlk i Co<t , Tlr. Conkrroir l.kru La* (IE ml ppl) r. e o*k of Fqdy uh. hi d! or mFo\6 rndo.. <br />Dd rlh 6tu .rt tu {ct Foj.d! u'nh ! Colnrflo(3) liGE d r!6'd ro lh. (nrrdoar Lt.E kw) <br />I 0n.rdnpl undo s(rio. <br />D.r. ().trd <br />lt (rttt i Rs; a()tt Ptt\sArlolt <br />DICIdSAII.D1 <br />I ifimr trnJd I.trilry olpqjuy.n. ofrh. nn[N tr,t d(lararitns <br />I h!v. in $ ill rintlh i Cd'ard. otco.or k' idf-lEurc am tr ott6 NnF,srirn. a F.viLd lor b.v s<rion 1700 of rlr <br />lrnr ( 6dc lor ilr Fflffic ol tlE qmt tG unrch ln Fnit irie.n <br />I h.\. and $ ill m.inlirn *'ork6 @mEnrtr ion '6trr.tu.. s rqutrGd b! S..r ion 17(r) ol thc lih.r ( i.d., lor rh. pd f.llmc. or <br />rh. \ro* ntr Nhich lhi! Fnil is i$trcl M,worlm (dnD.trolion iBur.ncccari6 M'lltili.ynumbs & <br />PoliclNombc: ErPK <br />I <fiiryrhd inth.Fforneccof lhc*orl for qhi.hlhi! Fmn i i$ucd.l sh.U nol ollny uy FMn in rhynmni <br />$ s to h(!ft tutter ro rh. !t 16' comFrBiirn L$! otc.liromc. .nd teE rlu if I thould b.<oG ruqd to tlE <br />$r*6,n FtrtiioB of S<rirn l70O of lh. khf, Cod.. I JdL nmh* nt ompb s nh lh.* F\iiioc <br />\f,ARNlNc: F.ilur. ro se s!.16' omFidhn o\6t4. k uh$rul ltd 3l$]l ut <r m aPhF lo odhd Fxli. ad <br />rill lin6 up lo on. hundEd llhusd doll6 {ion ro E .or df onD.Ntion. &tnis6 a prorit d fo. lh.t-Sor , lU7..rih.lilrtr(.d. inr <br />".,. a lar{ft\ <br />I h6c6! rfli,n unJ( r{'r r) ofp6jurr I f r( hrrrs qlc.onrfting \ hSNk)n7(xr0)ofl)r\x(,n.1 <br />ol rhc lnFi!trss irnl ll.f$snns(i\1.. rnd n,v litdrsc r. li'llin(. nlrliacr <br />fi ( tro, "-* , r,.. 7n,t?l; <br />,*.tal/{rcr <br />I hd.h\ illrrn u ,ld tsnr[\ ofF]ur\ <br />nrtral(sra 1097. ('1\ ( l <br />th6.a!ron<n(Fn Lnl ror rlr rE (ffi. of lh. rql lor ( nxn lha Fmi ii <br />AfzullrloE(].d&l )r <br />I rEal).nimund6 t6ih, ofp..rury onc otrhc i'll,rrrs d(laalnni <br />I).mlirion Pmirs Arh..ros Norifirdnr IGI(al R+ulali'ns (Tirl..l0, r'.n6) <br />i.qut.d l-Girs or l'*{i6.rn. <br />I cEl i! lh:( rh. lRkr.l rc8ularnnr rcsedins 6t-rtx rdo\ al d. nrr ipplicabL lo rhf lmid <br />'m.rx,n is.ond laxr(toconp[*irh.llCi'rtnd(.u.1! <br />hMn hd.hy .rrlnrr. r.rr.dri n 6 of lhie ( nt di ( outy lo <br />L,t^ <br />,l vA li;-"- <br />Set Backs <br />Forms/Steel/Holdowns <br />Erection Pads <br />UFER Ground <br />SLAB Floor <br />Subf loor/VenUlnsulation <br />Roof Sheathinq <br />Shear Wall <br />Framing <br />ln s u la tio n/Ene rgy <br />Drywall <br />Brown Coal <br />Masonry <br />Pool Fence <br />T-Bar <br />Handicap Req <br />Deputy Final Report <br />Enqineer Final Report <br />Flood Zone Certif. <br />F|NAL 3/5 / /d <br />Certificate of O u nc <br />Notes, Remarks Etc L /oo <br />Ext./lnt. Lath