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PLUMBING.INSPECTOR RECORD <br />APPROVALS DATE tD/srG.COMMENTS OWNER BUILDER DDLCARAIION <br />I h.Fby .rrm undd p.elry of ,.riury rn r I m .r.ofl tbh rn co' rrcr6 Lic.n* kq for $. followi.S E sn {se.?011.5 <br />Buii.6s .nd Pm&sion Cod.): Any ciry o, courry which rcquiR . !.mn to comrucr dlr. inlr.E. &mlisn N EI'!n sy <br />3mdurc. m iri mac,.,s r.quiB lh..tplicrnl tor tuct pldn lo fl.. iiCftd d.1Mt rhrl lE or !h. it lic.r€d plmdn <br />ro rh. I'ovtiom of rlE Connadd ! Li*lrld Law (Chrnr.r 9. Com.rci.8 with Setion ?000 of Divhion I of th. BNims 8nd <br />Pmf.ssioB Cod.) or ltst lE or ilE h .xdtil $cEfon ..d tlt b{ii! for th. rlhS.d .x.nptirn. Any liolalion 701 L5 lry my <br />q,llicrnr tor ! D.mir $bFt! th. a0plica.r ro ! civil p.Blry of.or mE than fiv. tudtd &lloB (ltoo). <br />-1,.s <br />owi.rolrhc tRrn dx or my emDlqres wili u'r86 as thetr sl. conrpq\an n, wll do rtr work lnd rlE {Mru€ F mr <br />r e d oroller.illorsl.(sr704t.lld$nc*dndtortssnnrCod.r'lhcConlracroisLic.ns.l.:*do$'lyt'rnoqkrol <br />rh.ln)p.ny w, hu rlds or inrmrE tlEmn. xltrh.do6n'c[trn&hinr.lforh.rclforrhnrS[*n.m!'l,t]".cs, <br />nn!'dcd rhar such ihptuvemnN d. ,Dr i.rd d .r ollcfti I'or a,lc ll h)*ss. rh€ huild'n! or innovetrrnr s arld *(hrn oD. ,sr <br />oflunrlclion, rlrowner BuLlc!* *'llh.k rlE hlrdcn olphvinr rld h.or rh. did mr hrild or ihnhv. rh. nmndy lor rh. ruqrsc.l <br />_1. I os*r olrh. I'hpdry. m conlmcring with mol.acrofi ro o$mct rh. pmj.ct (S.c. 7044. Buin.s <br />ond Pmf*in Cod.: Thc Co r&rofi Lic.nic Law d..i mr rmly to .n own.r ofDmrErly vho hlild! or imrrovcr <br />and qho e Edr for sch pmjccts wnh a Conhcto(s) lic.nrd pllMnt ro lh. ConlEdorrs Lic.n* r,w). <br />-l <br />m cxcrp undd s6rio <br />w$Eas:cq!4EEdsarp! <br />DECr <br />^IUTIONI hdby !fli,h lndd D@ltyof FjuryoE of ln.6lhwin8 &.lmtirN: <br />-l <br />t6w dd will tuintlin a Catificarc of CoBot to S.ltlNE for w*Ea dD.@tio,r e prcvid.d fot by Setiof, 1700 ofth. <br />Lrbor Codc for th. p..roM oirh. m* ft'r *,hich tu tmn ir as.d <br />Inavcad*illmai sin mlk.G inluEft.. $ r?qun d by S€lion 1700 .l rh. bhor C.d.. for lh. ,.rfomncc of <br />rhe (o finwhicn rhis!.mit is sscd M] worlm o{nn.nrqri, ltbi'" *l n in$rume cadcr a.d policy numbff d.: <br />6vet </, /r1b.o7 &r u----7---T <br />-l <br />u.n it thrt in th. p.rfo.mncc of th. *ork for ehi.h rhii p.rmir i. kru.d, I sn ll ml .mploy Dny li.en in any nm*r <br />$ N ro b.comc sbid h 0E wo*ft' 6mp.6ialiod lows oacalifomi!, lnd asE $at ill rtbuld tE o@ fltj..l to llt <br />h*.ft' @nri.Nr ion lovisiom of sethn .1700 of lh. btnr codc, I rlall, fodhvnh 6nply wnh rhos pmvisioN. <br />WARNING: Iiilurc ro *@ md(6'@mt!.Mrion 6vcE8. i3 unl.wtul, and objd to .mPloF ro aihiEl IEBhis a.d <br />civil fin.! un to o* hlndr.d rhole.d &lls 15100.000). in .ddniof, lo llE cosl ofconD.trsrioo. d.m8.. !t providcd tor lh. <br />Codc, mtc..$ and oey' <br />rt rv <br />rrcirriu irrx inrEF <br />rrt('r AR rt(rN\-J <br />I t Eby afnrm ond.r pdahy of Fdory thrt I am lieEd uidr povision ofchapls 9 (6omtin8 wiih Sdl hn 7000) otDivisiln l <br />of rn BBiB$ .nd Pmr.ssiodi cod., aid my lic.nrc it in nrl toE &{ .trer <br />7a?otr <br />6 <br />CONS'I-RUC'NON LIItDING AGl. NCY <br />I h.i.hy .mrm un&. n rolly of r'6jury rnnl rhac h a qnntudhtr Lnding for th. Perfomrrc. of rh. trbrt tu whch rhm ,Emril is <br />t$.n (s6 :1097,C'v c ) <br />AfTLI(ANLDTCIASAII(}N <br />lh.,thy.mnnund$ nenalry of peljury onc ollhc folk,{ int dclanloN <br />DemoIrhn I'ermilr Arh.nos Norificari.n I'.d.r.l Rerul nns (r'irl.4(]. Ian6) <br />-llcqurEd <br />l,.rr€r of Norili6rion <br />-l <br />c.n ify rhar rh. f.d.hl re8ualions csarnins oshsros EnDral ar. a{ lmlicabl. h this ,,o.r..1 <br />-l <br />cdify rhar I hs!. rdd rhh amliorion 6rd ar. rhrt rh.0hvr i.fonnalnrn is cotur I lec r. 6m0ly wiln.ll Cir, and Cotnly <br />L!* cbri.g r. huildinS .onlrucrior\ .rd autthri2.*.ralives o f <br />ev/' <br />tl'n v. {t(){d\ h dul,mrrr <br />,,,,,|t f z@/ttr <br />UNDER GROUND <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water-Under floor <br />Gas-Underfloor <br />Building Sewer <br />Area/Storm Drain <br />I nterceptor/ Clarifier <br />TOP OUT <br />Waste & Vent <br />Water Piping <br />Gas Piping <br />Roof Drain <br />Tub/Shower Test <br />Rough Water Heater <br />POOUSPA <br />Ptrap/Drain Line <br />Main Drain/Pool Pipino <br />Fill Line/Back Flow <br />Pool Heater/Gas Line <br />Miscellaneous <br />Gas Service <br />Water Service <br />Lawn Sprinkler <br />Sanitary Sewer/Cap <br />Back Flow Device <br />Rough Plumbing rl/%/lo i6)6'[ <br />Final Gas Test <br />Meter Release <br />FINAL z\-i\r1 l,t14l, <br />Notes, Remarks, Etc <br />o,r.ll L <br />Lcndfi Addcs: <br />- <br />f------T------ <br />I <br />=